




 DlE lGNORANCE:  i know i called a lot this sorry..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  hello
 ALEXIS IS 18:  no you did not over call
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i just was not home.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whew
 ALEXIS IS 18:  []
 ALEXIS IS 18:  how are you?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  going crazy
 ALEXIS IS 18:  aww
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i got you email
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 ALEXIS IS 18:  brb
 ALEXIS IS 18:  hi
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hallo
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i got food
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whatchu eating?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  hot sub
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yummy
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im still not eating as much as i should..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  guess i should get a job eh
 ALEXIS IS 18:  aww
 DlE lGNORANCE:  tomorrow im gonna go see if i can go back to west again
 DlE lGNORANCE:  for the 14th frickin time, since i was 16
 DlE lGNORANCE:  never longer than 3 months..temporary job only
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have no respect for people who work there years and years..or become managers
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i wish i could get a computer job..but they only hire people with certifications..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive tried..thinking i would impress them by saying ive mastered all the windows keyboard shortcuts and im not mouse dependant..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "anything you can do with the mouse, you can do with the keyboard, only faster"
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i guess that doesnt impress too many people..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  ya
 DlE lGNORANCE:  dude, if i worked at a place installing programs..i would kick everyones ass
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sorry, didnt mean to call you dude..habit
 ALEXIS IS 18:  n/m it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what im gonna put together a mail with all the shortcuts in em..and massmail em around the sa rooms
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cuz when you learn to interact with your computer that becomes an extension of your mind..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe
 ALEXIS IS 18:  ya
 DlE lGNORANCE:  weird wacky stuff
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i missed talking to ya
 DlE lGNORANCE: just waiting for you to think im crazy too..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  aww, that means so much..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  very few people are crazy out there...what makes them crazy is when theyre told by professional doctors that theyre crazy..and drugged up with meds..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  anyone would go crazy when no one acccepts their differences..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  have you read any more of my stuff?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  you are crazy.
 ALEXIS IS 18:  nope not yet sorry
 DlE lGNORANCE: perfectly sane..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its the majority of this world that is crazy
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im glad you are willing to socialize with a crazy person then
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im grateful, in fact
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol
 ALEXIS IS 18:  aww
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ::muah::
 ALEXIS IS 18:  []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."  
                            - Mark Twain 
 DlE lGNORANCE:  people thought twain was crazy..he was way ahead of his time..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  as soon as you get a all those quotes i sent you..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and if you dont agree with one..let me know
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and ill change your mind
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol ok
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i told you i log all my conversations right
 ALEXIS IS 18:  <?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  all of em
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if you dont want me logging ours..just tell me..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  <i dont care
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i do it as a memory exercise..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sometimes i forget who i talk to..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what i do is copy the screen name, name the text file that..hit ctrl+a to higlight all..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol aww`
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and paste it to the text file..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  kiss kiss
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so if im not sure i talked to someone..i just search my directory where i save em for their sn
 DlE lGNORANCE:  every day, i make a new folder..and put all my conversations in it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  like today, this one will go in the folder 101302
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive been doing it for a while..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and when i finally get a computer again..and i start my server..all my conversations will be on it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  this way, people can know exactly who i am
 DlE lGNORANCE:  honesty is the best policy
 ALEXIS IS 18:  brb
 ALEXIS IS 18:  hi
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hallo again
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so what were you doing all weekend?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i went out to get my troubles
 DlE lGNORANCE:  your troubles?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  um ya
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you went looking for trouble?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i no get
 ALEXIS IS 18:  4get them
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ahh..i gotcha
 DlE lGNORANCE:  troubles suck
 DlE lGNORANCE:  did you forget them?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i dont know
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if you still remember them, i make a great listener..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  care to vent?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im always talking about mine to you..its only fair
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i dont know if i can
 DlE lGNORANCE:  well, if you ever need to, ill always lend an ear
 ALEXIS IS 18:  kool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cuz im cool like dat
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i know
 ALEXIS IS 18:  []

 DlE lGNORANCE:  and ive got a knack for turning frowns upside down
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its just a bit harder to do it to myself..
 DlE lGNORANCE: also takes a hell of a lot to bring me down
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so, you wanna help me plan a portable party anytime soon?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  um ya
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool, you go to school all week right
 ALEXIS IS 18:  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you know what sucks more than anything else...i never found my watch..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  m w f . no school on m.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  my watch..that ive worn for like 5 years straight
 DlE lGNORANCE:  oh cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  my moms dirty ol house ate it..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  well..i somehow have a dollar..for bus fare tomorrow..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  got plans?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  what time?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dunno
 ALEXIS IS 18:  well?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so you only go to school tues and thurs?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  no
 DlE lGNORANCE:  or you have tues and thurs off?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and you go mon wed fri
 ALEXIS IS 18:  Mondays Wednesday Friday.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so you got school tomorrow, ok
 ALEXIS IS 18:  no, no one has school tomorrow.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  holiday?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  Its Columbus Day.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ahhh
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i motherfuckin' see
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey..did you download that weezer song?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  no  
 ALEXIS IS 18:  you asked that
 DlE lGNORANCE:  today?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  no
 ALEXIS IS 18:  wana call
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hold on, i think my sisters on the phone
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lemme check
 DlE lGNORANCE:  argh
 DlE lGNORANCE:  figures
 DlE lGNORANCE:  she is..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and she said she was gonna be on for a while
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i would much rather talk to you on the phone alexis..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  believe me
 DlE lGNORANCE:  is anything bothering you?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  no nothing i wont get over.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  talk to me please
 DlE lGNORANCE:  that always helps
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i dont know what to say
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whatever is on your mind
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i just dont know
 DlE lGNORANCE:  did something happen?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  na
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if you did know..would you even consider telling me?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  or do you not know me well enough to trust me like that?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  <?>
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe, forget it girly
 ALEXIS IS 18:  []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hee hee
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i am fat
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im skinny
 ALEXIS IS 18:  well i need to tell you somehing b4 you meet me.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, shoot
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i only have one eye.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  did a cow eat it?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  or are you being serious?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  no that ya a joke but this it what is buging me.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so its a joke you only have one eye?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cuz if you really did, i wouldnt care
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive had two head injuries..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  ok j/k
 ALEXIS IS 18:  man you dont 4get
 DlE lGNORANCE:  how am i gonna forget you told me you had one arm and that a cow ate it?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you know what
 DlE lGNORANCE:  this is really fucked up
 DlE lGNORANCE:  my younger brother just called, and my sister was on the phone
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and he told her to get my mom, cuz he had just been stung by a scorpion
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and my sister told my mom
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and my mom said, "well what am i supposed to do about it?"
 DlE lGNORANCE:  isnt that fucked up
 ALEXIS IS 18:  []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  my mom is so fuckin dumb
 DlE lGNORANCE:  the nerve
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "A parent's true purpose is to nurture and teach their children, not just pay the bills."                                            - Victor
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol  
 ALEXIS IS 18:  hell ya
 ALEXIS IS 18:  hello?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey..i really dig ya alexis..even though weve never met or see the logic in my ideas..and even if we meet and decide to just stay friends..i would be totally cool with that
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i am just, i got the blues i guess
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i hate having the blues..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i hate my friends having the blues.
 ALEXIS IS 18:  HUH  your the one that is all "strictly friends"
 DlE lGNORANCE:  because so many people get on aol to hook up with people..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im on here to make friends..and if i click with someone..then i would consider graduating the friendship
 ALEXIS IS 18:  well not me.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im cool with everyone..regardless of their differnces
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not you what?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  oh i hear ya
 DlE lGNORANCE: told me you dont make it a habit of meeting aol people
 ALEXIS IS 18:  []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what i like about that people can get to know me first..before physically meeting me..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  they can read my ideas..and i build trust like that..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  in real life, its a bit harder for people to hear you out..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  ya the good.
 ALEXIS IS 18:  man i wan to get off
 ALEXIS IS 18:  you like sex?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not really
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i mean sure
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im only human
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and this is gonna sound cheesy
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i much rather make love
 DlE lGNORANCE:  theres a big difference
 ALEXIS IS 18:   oh so you dont like fucking?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sure i do...
 ALEXIS IS 18:  but?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its fun and all, but its a lot more fun when it means something
 DlE lGNORANCE:  when it means more
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive never had casual sex..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i feel that way.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  now that were on that topic..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what i absolutely love doing..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i cant get enough of..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  is giving oral sex..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its a badass power trip making a girl cum without my dick
 ALEXIS IS 18:  are you just saying that?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive perfected it into an art-form
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no, i seriously mean it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  before, with my ex..sometimes i would just go down on her and get her off..we wouldnt even have sex afterwards..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  id just let her go to sleep
 ALEXIS IS 18:  Cuz I think that guys just say it to get a woman attention.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  getting her off got me off..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and if i really needed to get mine afterwards..i could always just put it into manual
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and not bother her
 DlE lGNORANCE:  shed sleep great
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im 24..i can count all the girls ive had sex with on one hand..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and trust me, the last thing i most guys
 ALEXIS IS 18:  trust ya huh.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sometimes, i got would get mad that i had stayed with her for 4 years..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  id think, "man, i wouldve liked to see other chicks"
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but now
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im glad i stayed loyal
 ALEXIS IS 18:  <Well, I don't make that a habit.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cuz for all i know
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if i wouldve been out there fucking around
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i could either have some disease..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  or have a kid
 ALEXIS IS 18:  so you dont like sex
 DlE lGNORANCE:  of course i do, i just wouldnt like having risky sex
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i have lied to every guy i have fucked, i facked.
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what would you lie about?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lmao
 ALEXIS IS 18:  cumming
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ahh..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  see...if i ever came first..and she hadnt come yet
 DlE lGNORANCE:  id just flip over and let her ride to glory
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cuz its not like you go limp right afterwards or anything
 ALEXIS IS 18:  some do
 DlE lGNORANCE:  some guys say, "oh, its too sensitive"
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but thats bullshit..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  a dick inside a pussy feels a lot better than a dick outside a pussy
 DlE lGNORANCE:  anytime
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol
 ALEXIS IS 18:  guys say that to me
 DlE lGNORANCE:  that its too sensitive?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  ya
 DlE lGNORANCE:  pussies
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol
 ALEXIS IS 18:  <[]
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it just wouldnt be fair if i came and she didnt
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i would feel guilty
 DlE lGNORANCE:  why the long face?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  ya well i never told any one that be for
 DlE lGNORANCE:  wow, im honored
 DlE lGNORANCE:  did you want me not to log this convo?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i dont care
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so how old are you again?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  you 4 got?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  byr
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i think 20
 ALEXIS IS 18:  bye bye
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey..ive had two head-injuries remember
 ALEXIS IS 18:  lol
 ALEXIS IS 18:  aww
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe
 ALEXIS IS 18:  19
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youre so cool alexis
 ALEXIS IS 18:  []
 ALEXIS IS 18:  your kool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  teehee
 DlE lGNORANCE:  well gawrsh
 DlE lGNORANCE:  talking to you make me feel better
 ALEXIS IS 18:  ya you feel bad?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i felt worse than i do right now
 DlE lGNORANCE:  before i talked to you
 ALEXIS IS 18:  aww me too
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont feel like going crazy and taking off hitch-hiking right now
 ALEXIS IS 18:  so?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey, the phones free, want me should i call ya
DlE lGNORANCE:  okie
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hold up 


 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey green, do you like to read?
 GREENGODDESSII:  depends on the book...y?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  wanted to see if you wanted to check out an idea of mine..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i got some pretty interesting ive been told
 DlE lGNORANCE:  read em if you want
 GREENGODDESSII:  give me some time
 DlE lGNORANCE:  of your convenience...
 GREENGODDESSII:  are you wanting to be a jounralists or what?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not really
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i just enjoy documenting the truth
 GREENGODDESSII:  but the majority of this information people already know...they're just stubborn
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if they knew this much shit wouldnt be happening in this world
 DlE lGNORANCE:  here..lemme send you a couple of my ideas..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i mean, my other one
 GREENGODDESSII:  but a lot of people just want to do things their way and that's it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  well, im trying to make people realize that there way is wrong
 DlE lGNORANCE:  there..i sent you the first chapter of a book of true stories im putting together..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if you like, let me know and ill send more chapters
 GREENGODDESSII:  well i was just looking through the one about the bus and cars
 DlE lGNORANCE:  the truths one is pretty powerful stuff
 DlE lGNORANCE:  read em when you got time
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont want to bother you
 GREENGODDESSII:  nah you're not a bother...glad someone online is actually showing their intelligence
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thanks
 GREENGODDESSII:  i like the quote by Lauren Bacall
 DlE lGNORANCE:  about the kite
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah i like that one too
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i like em all
 GREENGODDESSII:  i think the one by Mel Brooks can go both ways...edited essence and unedited essence
 DlE lGNORANCE:  very true 


 DlE lGNORANCE:  gavin..i need your help..i searched the member directory for nature..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  can i send you some texts?
 GRowley488:  texts?
 DlE lGNORANCE: ideas..that when enough people read them, should change the world for the better..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im also compiling a book of true stories..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive gotten in the habit of documenting my life..
 GRowley488:  interesting
 DlE lGNORANCE:  one of my mission objectives is getting rid of cars in big cities..and ultimately eliminating money
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thus bringing world peace
 DlE lGNORANCE:  can i send?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its not that my ideas are new..just my delivery method..
 GRowley488:  OK.
 GRowley488:  I too am opposed to big oil.  I believe that something like the pattern replicators on Star Trek might be possible, therefore money is almost irrelevant.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  the technology is here, lets make america modern already
 DlE lGNORANCE:  then the whole world..
 GRowley488:  You got it.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive come to find that when you react the exact opposite way that people expect you to, not only do you surprise them, but sometimes they end up respecting you
 DlE lGNORANCE:  now why are we attacking iraq, when none of the 911 terrorists are from there..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lets stop giving foreign-aide..lets give evolution-aide
 GRowley488:  I know.  I'm right there with you
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, im gonna send you a lot of stuff, read at your convenience..
 GRowley488:  OK.   
 GRowley488:  how did you know that I was of a like mind?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i searched the member directory for 'nature'
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i am an avid walker too..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its the secret to life..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i walk and ride the bus..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  the $20 i spend on my bus pass every month beats the hell out of a car payment, insurance, gasoline and maintenance..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not to mention the risk of getting in a car accident
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cars are death machines..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  they have made modern society just plain lazy
 DlE lGNORANCE:  humans were designed with two legs for a reason, and it wasnt to push the gas and the brake
 GRowley488:  They isolate
 DlE lGNORANCE:  most if not all of our problems would just dissapear if everyone started walking
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you dont have to bus your ass and go to the gym to get in shape..all you have to do is walk
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its a full-body exercise..
 GRowley488:  transportation is a good ting though.  There are better technologies available though I think.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  exercising even the mind
 GRowley488:  right
 DlE lGNORANCE:  before i started walking, i was scrawny and skinny..i was all depressed cuz i thought i wasnt gonna get a girlfriend..all i had to do was start walking and i filled out everywhere
 GRowley488:  Our "american way of life" is ruining the planet.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its killing it at the same time
 GRowley488:  hmmm, interesting
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i think the end of this world will come, not when jesus comes back or anything like that
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but when the ozone layer, thats here naturally to protect us from all the carcinogenic rays of the sun
 DlE lGNORANCE:  is no longer
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it will all be because of our modern invention..the internal combustion engine..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  read my stuff and get to know me and what i stand for..
 GRowley488:  Deep history is filled with periods of human population and then a catastrophic desaster that starts us over again.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  by eliminating money, we would make everyone equal
 DlE lGNORANCE:  instead of trying to get the most money into our bank accounts..people would strive to be the most get the most attention and respect
 DlE lGNORANCE:  perfect communism
 DlE lGNORANCE:  communism didnt work in its time because the technology wasnt there to support it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  like it is now..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whats the root word of communism though?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  community damnit
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if things didnt possess a monetary value..would people steal?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if they did, the things stolen could be easily replaced if everything was free
 DlE lGNORANCE:  would you work for free if all your needs and wants were already taken care of?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so you wouldnt be home bored all day
 DlE lGNORANCE:  provided you had a job you enjoyed
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cuz if everyone else was, what would we need money for?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  unfortunately, until we phase money out..i still have to use it somewhat..just as little as possible..
 GRowley488:  Tribal culture is more attuned to this type of living.  Everyone is family
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im all about the compensatory-strategies..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i just make up for stuff
 DlE lGNORANCE:  as different as everyone in this world is, we are all still human beings..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and you cant tell me that doing good doesnt feel good
 DlE lGNORANCE:  itd be like getting high off life..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have been through some terrific learnging experiences in the past months..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have most of them documented..ill send you the chapters i have so far
 GRowley488:  some people want to fight their way up a greed ladder, to kill or be killed financially
 DlE lGNORANCE:  money truly is the root of all evil..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it segregates society..
 GRowley488:  I'm not certain how evil it is.  Its pretty useful stuff.  I think the evil comes from inside of us.  The way we treat people as less than the dollar.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  right on
 DlE lGNORANCE:  because i walk and drink water, i can afford to have such a nasty habit like smoking..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if you take care of the body, it takes care of itself
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i havent been sick in years
 DlE lGNORANCE:  the model for this true freedom i the pirated software scene on IRC
 DlE lGNORANCE:  where everything is already free
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and has been since the birth of the internet..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its an accepted underworld..
 GRowley488:  IRC?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  internet relay chat..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  the free global chat service thats been around since the birth of the internet
 GRowley488:  the IM deal?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  they have channels, like chat rooms
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you can talk to anyone in the world
 DlE lGNORANCE:  any country that has the internet, is on IRC
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you can download new movies, games, programs, you name it..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  as long as its in byte form, its out there for free on the web, if you know where to look
 GRowley488:  hmm.  A friend told me about a place that has pirated software.  Kazaam or something.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yes..kazaa is the best napster clone in existance..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its all peer-to-peer youre not downloading from a central computer anywhere..youre downloading from individuals..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youcant really stop it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and software companies will spend more money tracing and litigating offenders..than theyre already making from all the people willing to pay for theyre products
 GRowley488:  I've never tried it.  I'm of the oppinion that its stealing.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so its not cost-effective..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sure, its blatent copyright infringement..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you can compare pirated software to alcohol in the 20s
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its just too widespread to control
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if the feds came to my house and told me they were gonna bust me, i would tell them
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "well why arent you busting the people im getting it from?"
 GRowley488:  Programmers need to get paid too.  I do think, howver, that Microsoft charges too damn much for their stuff and the shit crashes too much
 DlE lGNORANCE:  eliminating the end-user wontdo anything
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and it they bust me, theyd have to bust everyone else doing it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  dont i deserve equal treatment under the law?
 GRowley488:  You're right there.  They should bust those who make the stuff available.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  just imagine the publicity it would get if it were criminalized..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  EVERYONE would be doing it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so its truly an accepted underworld
 GRowley488:  not those that take advantage of whats available.  I have a personal ethic though.  Sure, I could come up with a rationalization that serves me for anything but  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i take advantage of every single opportunity i come across
 DlE lGNORANCE:  arent advantages better than disadvantages?
 GRowley488:  Do you know where I can find Ketamine?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whats that?
 GRowley488:  Its a pet tranquilizer used for animal surguries.  People who use it report near death experiences that are quite meaningful
 DlE lGNORANCE: a psychodelic drug?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  let me explain to you what im gonna do pretty soon...
 GRowley488:  It immobilizes the body, but the mind is still awake, so you remember what you experience.  Its like a really good sensory deprivation chamber
 DlE lGNORANCE:  eventually, i will have a global voice..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hmm, interesting
 DlE lGNORANCE:  is it natural?
 GRowley488:  I have a condition where my muscles can't relax.  Its very painful.  If I had Ketamine, I might find the relief I need to keep myself going in life.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whats it derived from?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  here, let me search the web
 GRowley488:  Right now, I am planning to die.  If I could only manage the pain I think I'd feel differently
 GRowley488:  I think its man-made
 DlE lGNORANCE:  do you smoke/ever consider marijuana?
 GRowley488:  If I had an inside veterinary source...but I don't
 GRowley488:  I am allergic to all forms of smoke and alchohol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ingest it then
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its our natural magic..
 GRowley488:  marijuana would be good if I had a good food source  
 GRowley488:  yes
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "Is it just a coincidence that two naturally-occurring substances in our natural world, humans and marijuana, have a certain reaction when mixed?
Is it just a coincidence that we have THC-receptors in our brain, naturally?  It is here for us to use, as our natural magic"
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im sorry to hear should walk more
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and drink plenty of water
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and stay away from car exhaust
 GRowley488:  Right.  Well, we have opiate receptors too and that stuff will fuck you up.  Its too addictive.  THC is good though
 DlE lGNORANCE:  everything in moderation..
 GRowley488:  walking...see there's the muslce thing.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  practice makes perfect
 GRowley488:  Keramine is precisely what I need.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if it immobilizes your can it be the beneficial?
 GRowley488:  well, it passes avter about 1 1/2 hours and you keep the insight and the feeling of freedom.   
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i wouldnt trust it, just because its man made
 GRowley488:  It would give my muscles a chance to relax and start over
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sleep  
 GRowley488:  I can't sleep well, its part of the illness.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im sorry
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats whats killing you..lack of sleep
 GRowley488:  I think that Ketamine is a reproduction of something found in nature
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hmm
 DlE lGNORANCE:  everyone thinks im crazy...because of my ideas..
 GRowley488:  I get the same reaction
 DlE lGNORANCE:  read my stuff when you have the chance..and email me at:
 DlE lGNORANCE:  read chapter 1, its one of the most interesting ones..
 GRowley488:  ok
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it tells how i placed myself in a state get out of jail
 GRowley488:  wow
 DlE lGNORANCE: was like a country club
 GRowley488:  did they pass out meds too?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  they did, but i dodged them
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i pretended to follow their rules
 DlE lGNORANCE:  never knew i was such a good actor
 GRowley488:  how'd you get out?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  every night, at med time..they would give me a pop it in my mouth, and scoot it to the side between my cheek and teeth
 DlE lGNORANCE:  then go spit it in the toilet in my room
 DlE lGNORANCE:  the next morning, i would tell them, "oh i feel soo much better, i think its working"
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe read the story
 GRowley488:  how'd you get out of the hospital?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i pretended to follow their rules long enough..and made it seem like i didnt need to be there anymore
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and they bought me a bus ticket and sent me home
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it was like i had an all expenses paid vacation
 GRowley488:  how old are you?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sure is great having a rich uncle sam
 GRowley488:  I wonder how I could get into one at my old age
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hmm
 GRowley488:  I can't work any more.  Thats why I am planning on dying soon
 DlE lGNORANCE:  pretend to turn suicidal
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive found it best not to plan anything..and just let things happen
 GRowley488:  I'm not a good actor
 DlE lGNORANCE:  practice
 GRowley488:  I suppose I could make some scars on me
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah
 GRowley488:  As long as I can keep my computer
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lol
 GRowley488:  oh, and cable TV
 DlE lGNORANCE:  tv is just a sedentary waste of time
 GRowley488:  Yep, and a good waste of time as well
 DlE lGNORANCE:  theres no such thing as a good waste of time
 GRowley488:  sometimes its all I can muster.  I know when to put it down.  Like now, for example.  I need to go get something to eat.  Time is the worst thing to waste.  But then TV can provide insight into the human experience.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no, tv just feeds you what other people want you to know...
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not necessarily the truth
 DlE lGNORANCE:  usually to make money
 DlE lGNORANCE:  think for yourself...we live in america
 GRowley488:  Sure, but its a window into a world where not eveyone is in miserable pain.  I'll read your stuff and get back to you.  If you have any connections to Ketamine, let me know.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, ill look into it
 GRowley488:  thanks.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  have a good day gavin..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  best of luck to you
 GRowley488:  talk to you later 


 DlE lGNORANCE:  sup boyd
 IamBettahThanYou:  LoL Vic?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its me victor, whats going on
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe
 IamBettahThanYou:  Hahahahaha Cool Screen name
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thanks dude
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey, know where i can get a computer job?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  everyone wants certification though..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i learn the shit on my own though
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you know
 IamBettahThanYou:  No I was working for Mark at the complete solotuion but that didnt work out or pay worth a shit im doing construction
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool, where you working construction at?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  where you living nowadays?
 IamBettahThanYou:  I got a apt off austin hwy  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  need a roommate?
 IamBettahThanYou:  I work for a place that sends me all over texas
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i gotta get the hell out of my moms
 DlE lGNORANCE:  this place is driving me nuts
 IamBettahThanYou:  No I got one I cant make it out there in the world without one
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe
 IamBettahThanYou:  I heard you moved to Cali?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not exactly..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im back in san antonio
 DlE lGNORANCE:  a lot of shit has happened
 IamBettahThanYou:  Coool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have it all documented..can i send you the mails?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lots of read em when you got time
 IamBettahThanYou:  Sure I cant read them now im a little hungover but Ill read it 


 DlE lGNORANCE:  did you ever print out my stuff and show it around?
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  yes....e-mailed a copy of it to a friend in NY
 DlE lGNORANCE:  awesome
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thanks
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  welcome
 DlE lGNORANCE:  have you seen my story against money?
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  you sent every thing up to thru chapter 4
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  letters and all
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, i got some more stuff
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  send it on and I will send it to him
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yup patricia
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah, gimme a minute
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, here, ill send you everything i got
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  ok......also i need to know if i have your permission to send this stuff over seas
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i want the whole world to read em
 DlE lGNORANCE:  of course you can
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  ok...I just needed your the is being sent to Italy and India
 DlE lGNORANCE:  shweet
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  are you sending the 4 chaprters of your book to me to
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  thanks...getting them all now
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, thats everything
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have more material to make other chapters..just have to organize em
 DlE lGNORANCE:  now who are you sending them to overseas?
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  friends and some family
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey got a garage i can crash in or something?  my mom thinks im crazy and treats me like shit
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  was telling them about it and they said they would read it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  everyone thinks im loony
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  you are  
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im getting a job soon
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok my mom just got home and is kicking me off the computer like she always does
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  ok...thanks again and talk to you later
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thanks for spreading my word for me patricia..i really appreciate it
 IWant2BeHeldByU:  bye
 DlE lGNORANCE:  bye 


 DlE lGNORANCE:  i just searched the member directory for "natural" and san antonio..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  do you like to read?
 LiLgi6181:  yes i do
 DlE lGNORANCE:  would you like to read an idea of mine?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have a lot more stuff, if you like also
 LiLgi6181:  sure
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it will change the world for the better, once enough people read it
 LiLgi6181:  []
 LiLgi6181:  lay it on me
 LiLgi6181:  let me forever be changed
 DlE lGNORANCE:  there you go..
 LiLgi6181:  thank you  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  here, lemme send you a list of truthful quotes too...some  of my own even
 DlE lGNORANCE:  there yo go..if you like, let me know and ill send you a whole lot of other interesting stuff..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im slowly compiling a book
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im gonna steal some quotes out of your profile
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and theres nothing you can do about it..
 LiLgi6181:  go ahead
 LiLgi6181:  oh yeah dont make me start walking mow
 LiLgi6181:  now
 LiLgi6181:  ill be there in a few days  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you a walker too?
 LiLgi6181:  to teach you how contructive i can be when i beat you up
 LiLgi6181:  i prefer to run
 LiLgi6181:  but yeah walking is nice
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ahh...running is too high-impact..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  bad on your knees
 DlE lGNORANCE:  walking will teach you patience..and delayed gratification..
 LiLgi6181:  my mind works best when im running  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats super cool then
 LiLgi6181:  so your name is Victor im assuming
 LiLgi6181:  ?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats right
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and i try to live up to my name
 LiLgi6181:  my name is MeChelle
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hello mechelle..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  very unique, i like
 LiLgi6181:  my parents loved the Beattles
 LiLgi6181:  I was named after the song
 DlE lGNORANCE:  havent heard it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  let me download it real quick
 LiLgi6181:  MeChelle my bell.... lalalalalala
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ill have it in about 20 seconds
 LiLgi6181:  it says i love you i love you i love youuuuu over and over
 DlE lGNORANCE:  these are words that go together well
 DlE lGNORANCE:  my mechelle
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i love you i love you i love you
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats all i want to say
 DlE lGNORANCE:  until i find a way
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i will say the only words i know that you understand
 DlE lGNORANCE:  mechelle, my belle
 DlE lGNORANCE:  someday monkey bones something something
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i need you i need you i need you
 LiLgi6181:  hehehe
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i need to make you see
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what you mean to me
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ahh..good ol beatles
 LiLgi6181:  my brother was named after bob dylan so i honestly think theu just did too many drugs
 DlE lGNORANCE:  haha
 DlE lGNORANCE:  good assumption
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey..guess what im gonna do soon
 LiLgi6181:  what might that be
 DlE lGNORANCE:  or at least..try my damndest
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im gonna try and eliminate money
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and bring world peace..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  get rid of cars in big cities..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and make everyone aware of how were slowly abusing our world
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and killing it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  with our laziness
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its not that my ideas are new..just my delivery method
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im gonna do it all with the internet
 LiLgi6181:  well i havent made it that far today im still in my jamies, yeah im lazy ... especailly today, im impressed with your ambitions... overwhelming.. but its exciting
 DlE lGNORANCE: gonna start an organization soon
 LiLgi6181:  non violent though  right
 DlE lGNORANCE:  of course..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont believe in violence  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ever
 LiLgi6181:  just checking some people are so convicted they lose sight of the real problem
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lets make love really make the world go around...
 DlE lGNORANCE:  now lets say i were able to pull this off..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and bring world peace and make everything free..
 LiLgi6181:  WHOOHOOO
 DlE lGNORANCE:  wouldnt that make me the happiest man in the world?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not to mention, the most successful?
 LiLgi6181:  i dont know would it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it just might
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i want you to do me a favor though..
 LiLgi6181:  yes
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i want you to think im crazy..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  like everyone else..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i also want you to doubt me..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  itll make my victory so much sweeter
 LiLgi6181:  but if i feel like you how can i say you are crazy
 LiLgi6181:  i doubt nothign that i deem to be possible
 LiLgi6181:  nothing
 LiLgi6181:  maybe you found the wrong person
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no i think i found the right one
 DlE lGNORANCE:  even though i want people to think im crazy..i value the ones that dont even more..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thank you
 LiLgi6181:  you are truley welcome
 DlE lGNORANCE:  wow, you rock
 DlE lGNORANCE:  let me send you a couple chapters of my book
 DlE lGNORANCE:  true stories..
 LiLgi6181:  otayy
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive been through some great learning experiences..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  read it chicky
 DlE lGNORANCE:  at your discretion, of course
 LiLgi6181:  []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hay..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  how old do you be?
 LiLgi6181:  yeah i almost died in a car less than a year ago
 LiLgi6181:  im 21
 LiLgi6181:  old  
 DlE lGNORANCE: sucks
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im 24
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you know where im coming from
 DlE lGNORANCE:  do you drive?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  wanna come on a portable party one of these days?
 LiLgi6181:  only in extreme situations  
 LiLgi6181:  maybe so
 DlE lGNORANCE:  shweet
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i need help organizing one
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im gonna go smoke some tabacky
 DlE lGNORANCE:  read my shtuff
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ill be back
 LiLgi6181:  ok
 LiLgi6181:  i went to jail, but only for 4 hours wow, that seems to be a interesting experience.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  write a paper on it
 LiLgi6181:  its kind of painful
 LiLgi6181:  i jsut dont think about about it
 LiLgi6181:  im a gross romantic, i usually concentrate on helping others... mostly my conviction dealing with children, and love nad my ideas of love
 DlE lGNORANCE:  we are brethren then..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  kin-folk
 LiLgi6181:  i was adopted
 LiLgi6181:  lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats awesome..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what side of town do you live on?
 LiLgi6181:  ne
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i nw
 LiLgi6181:  i live with my parents
 LiLgi6181:  i know
 LiLgi6181:  thats not cute
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so do i, unfortunately
 DlE lGNORANCE:  my mom is as lazy as they come
 LiLgi6181:  but as for independence i dont like it , i hate being alone, so its good until i find someone to share tiem with
 LiLgi6181:  im independent... just not all the time
 DlE lGNORANCE:  who likes being alone?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont have a pic or anything..dont really believe in em
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i can describe myself
 DlE lGNORANCE:  24/m/nw/6'6"/200lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
 LiLgi6181:  []
 LiLgi6181:  21/f/5'9/ hazel eyes reddish hair look kinda irish, but im too sweet so who knows, oh yeahi have dimples
 DlE lGNORANCE:  shweet..
 LiLgi6181:  i havent weighed in a while
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have one dimple
 LiLgi6181:  lets see
 DlE lGNORANCE:  left side
 LiLgi6181:  im not buff but i dotn have a life preserver on my lower abs []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  my head is shaved all around with a #2 guard..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i got a goatee
 LiLgi6181:  my hair is long
 LiLgi6181:  no facial hari for me lol
 LiLgi6181:  hair  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  haha
 DlE lGNORANCE:  long hair rocks
 DlE lGNORANCE:  girls should never cut their hair
 LiLgi6181:  hmm i did for awhile
 LiLgi6181:  oh i dont smoke hmmm nor do i drink and never tried drugs lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont do drugs either..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i smoke marijuana now and then
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i compensate for my bad habits though
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i walk and drink water
 LiLgi6181:  hold on real fast
 DlE lGNORANCE:  take your time mechelle

 LiLgi6181:  up late huh
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yup
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sorry, i was afk
 LiLgi6181:  its ok i just keep reading your jail stories
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool, what did you think?
 LiLgi6181:  well, im a girl, one who was only in jail 4 hours and let me tell you... im glad you see it the way you do
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah..its all a mind-game
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and i played it right
 LiLgi6181:  yeah i cried
 DlE lGNORANCE:  damn, that sucks
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its really cool when someone has the patience to read my stuff
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thanks a lot..
 LiLgi6181:  :0 its like a short story i love it because its real
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yup..honesty is the best policy..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you see, before when i was in school and i tried writing..i never could..because i always had trouble making shit up
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im not too creative..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but when all i had to do was remember the was a cinch
 LiLgi6181:  []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so what did you go to jail for?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey mechelle, im gonna crash, you have a good night girl
LiLgi6181:  aww it was nothign big
 LiLgi6181:  lol im sorry still reading[]
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats cool, enjoy
 LiLgi6181:  sweet dreams 


 DlE lGNORANCE:  hi lucy, if i send you some stuff, will you read it?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  this is victor
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lucy, you have no idea how frustrating this is for me..coming across so much ignorance from people who you thought were your friends..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i am fighting for a lot of stuff you believe in
 DlE lGNORANCE:  making this world a walkable community
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if people would just see the logic in what i think, this world would be so better off..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but no one will listen
 DlE lGNORANCE:  soon, im starting an organization..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have found more people like me, who are willing to help
 DlE lGNORANCE:  theres power in numbers..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  as soon as i get my global voice..dont think im going to speak too kindly of all who doubted me
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i am not bi-polar damnit, im human
 DlE lGNORANCE:  wouldnt it only be normal of me, after having such great become excited and manic about them?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and at the same time, wouldnt i get depressed when i encounter so much resistance and ignorance?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  bi-polar is the PC term for manic-depression
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but like i tell everyone, i want you all to think im crazy and doubt me
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it will make my victory so much sweeter
 DlE lGNORANCE:  we need to accept the diversity in this world..and stop trying to make everyone the same
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it will never work like that
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no one can stop me lucy, they can only get in my way..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  some of the greatest minds of our time were diagnosed bi-polar..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  einstein, poe, hemingway
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you once told me i was being selfish thinking i could take on the world may have been right..but i am slowly convincing my generation of how our parents our wasting our world away...
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and soon my shout will be heard world-wide..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its not that my ideas are new..just my delivery method
 DlE lGNORANCE:  well, enough talking to myself..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i wish you the best lucy, please tell lupe i said hello
 DlE lGNORANCE:  peace be with you sister.. 


 MikeMrt:  what is it?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whats what?
 MikeMrt:  why ? do you have?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im just trying my luck with the member directory
 DlE lGNORANCE:  do i have what?
 MikeMrt:  nevermind you stated you had a pc ?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im looking for a pc job
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im very computer-literate..fully self-taught
 MikeMrt:  oh yeah where?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and no one hires people without certification
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im in san antonio
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have some excellent ideas..can i send you some?
 MikeMrt:  you don't have a cert?
 MikeMrt:  what kind?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no..i learn the stuff on my own..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ideas that will save our dying world..
 MikeMrt:  what ????
 MikeMrt:  what are you talking about?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  let me send you one
 MikeMrt:  I'd rather you tell me .
 MikeMrt:  it won't get by my firewall........
 DlE lGNORANCE:  a simple email?
 MikeMrt:  go ahead I'll let it by........
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 MikeMrt:  what is the subject?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  the end of the world
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sent
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it just makes sense..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  let me know if you like..i got tons more good reading
 MikeMrt:  what is wrong with you????
 DlE lGNORANCE:  nothing at all 


 DlE lGNORANCE:  no problem
 DlE lGNORANCE:  would you like to read some of my other stuff?
 MzStefani:  ugreat TY I love having 'em to quote from....yes I would
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lemme know what ya think
 MzStefani:  K I will 


 DlE lGNORANCE:  hi, im looking for a computer job..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  problem is, im fully self-taught..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and no one hires without certification
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i learn the stuff on my own
 TXCoke1:  send a resume to:
 DlE lGNORANCE:  see..thats the thing, i dont have much computer-related work experience..or any certifications..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i know the stuff anyway
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but thanks
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ill get to work on one
 TXCoke1:  good luck
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i do have some great ideas though..can i send you some?
 TXCoke1:  sure
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive also been on some great learning-experiences lately
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ill send em and read em at your convenience
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if you like, let me know..i got plenty more interesting reading 

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