

          Arcata, CA

Monday October 13, 2003

     7:36am  I just woke up at the barn in front of my shrine. I'm going to take a picture of the fog over the field.  

     7:50am  I took pictures of the shrine again . . . just in case. I like my shrine.  

     8:04am  I was looking through the library and somehow someone added this old book. It's called "Living On The Earth," by Alicia Bay Laurel. The whole thing is hand-written in cursive. It was published in 1970 in Berkeley, CA.

     8:40am  People are up and about. We have seven people awake right now. Three others sleeping. Bill, this older dude, this elder who crashed out at the barn is being cool enough to smoke us all out.

     8:45am  Cocapelli is telling me about all the Mormons in Utah and how you can get a ticket for cussing in Salt Lake City. That's messed up. I asked him, "What about smoking weed??" He says it's a felony! Shit! That's crazy. He says two ounces of pot will put you in prison.

                   We're having a fine morning at the barn. We still have four people sleeping. Not only do we have the Community Chest here,


but somebody ground-scored a bag of tobacco. Community Tobacco. I also have my water bottle full, the Community Chalice, just because I knew there would be lots of people here.

     10:05am  We're still hanging out at the barn. We've began a morning project. We have constructed a ramp. 


 I just took a picture of it. Everybody helped. I had the idea to stack logs underneath it to support it . . . and that's what we did. The Community Ramp.

                      I took a picture of some kids on the chest.  

     10:36am  Charlie has some donations for the Community Library. He's got some books. What are their names? Camping and Walking, Family Camping Made Simple, Tripping - An Anthology of True Life Psychedelic Adventures, About Yvonne and the Psychic Handbook. Great additions to the library.

     10:40am  We are taking off into town.

     10:47am  I came into the St. Vincent de Paul's and I'm going to see if they have any boots.

     10:57am  I'm at The Endeavor. Let's see if I get my glasses.

     11:06am  The check didn't come today. Maybe it'll come tomorrow . . . or, maybe I should just take off without my glasses. That might just be what I do.

     12:40pm  Suzanne, in this cool hippie VW bus hooked me up with a cigarette. Thank you, sister.

     12:41pm  I need to talk to Rosendo. 

 I am considering leaving without my glasses and maybe finding someplace in San Antonio to get them. I'm going to talk to Rosendo, though. He's back. I haven't talked to him yet. He usually gets things done. Then I'll know if I can leave or not. I've got the bus fare already. I'm on my way to save the world.

     12:52pm  Sears and I came over by the Safeway to the same spot Geba and I smoked out at, over by the highway. The security guard was making his rounds, the same guard that I got to give me change after hassling me for asking for change(8-25-03, 2:25pm), he came around and told us, "If you guys want to hang out, there are picnic benches over there. Don't do it here." Dude, we weren't bothering anybody. I asked him, "What?" just to get him to repeat himself. He did and just turned around and walked off. I gotta go talk to Rosendo.

     1:04pm  I talked to Rosendo. He's going to really try to help me. He shook my hand and stuff. At first Sandy was waiting outside. I kind of didn't want her to think that I thought that she wasn't doing her best effort by insisting on talking to Rosendo, but I really just wanted to say hi to him. He's been gone. When he came out I told him, "Yeah, I've got my binoculars and I'm one dollar away from having bus fare. I've been contemplating just leaving without the glasses." He went, "No, no, no. It's already been approved. Just stick around." So hopefully, he will help me out. Maybe the feds are in on it and don't want me moving anywhere. Hehe.

                   I'm going to go get a donut and walk to the library. I'm going to stay there all day.

     1:10pm  Chris just bought me a big muffin. Badass. He had walked by earlier and I asked him if he could spare some change for a donut. He said, "Oh, I might be able to get you something," and walked in. Fuel for my walk to the school.

     1:27pm  Michael came and he's going to smoke me out, I think. He asked me if I wanted to go for a walk, so I'm hoping that's what that means. He said he wants to show me him playing the piano. He asked me if I could record it on my tape recorder. I told him sure, but that it would probably get taped over. He said he didn't care, though.

     1:29pm  Tim was cool enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro. Whoa, Michael just gave me a lighter. I needed one too. I just lost mine.

     1:43pm  Michael and I stopped here at the school. I took off my thermal because it's warming up. I'm going to sit down and smoke this cigarette I bummed.

                   Now, we're going to keep going. Michael is going to show me his piano stuff.

     1:54pm  We walked up to the music building at the college, I guess. There's college kids everywhere. Michael took me to this little room where there's a piano and he's going to play some music.

     2:00pm  Michael was in there typing away at the piano. He was just doing the same motions over and over again. He wasn't individualizing his fingers or anything. It didn't seem like he was going to stop, just doing the same thing over and over. I loaded up my stuff and told him I was going to the library. I gotta go.

     2:04pm  I just sniped me ¾ of a Camel Wide from a smoking post.

     4:30pm  I just finished up on the computer. I typed up two days. I'm going to go to the bathroom and then walk out to the hitch hiking spot. See if I can get to Eureka today and go to The Raven House. I think they're 5-10 today.

     4:37pm  I'm leaving the library. I'm going to see if I can hitch hike to Eureka and do some laundry and take a shower.

     4:42pm  I'm going to stop at the decorated bridge and smoke this snipe I scored at the smoking post.

     4:45pm  I just saw Synapse. The guy I met in Freshwater with the treesitters(9-14-03, 12:34pm). He had hooked me up with a nugget a while back. He gave me a hug.

     4:55pm  Rob is hooking me up with another cigarette . . . again. He told me, "Yeah, I'm already in your book."

     4:59pm  The guy I just got the cigarette off of, I forgot his name, told me, "We're going to San Diego tonight." I thought, "Hmm, that's busable to San Francisco." He said I could go! I told him that since I don't have to use the money I have for bus fare, that I can chip in for gas. Awesome! It's a grey VW bus. The coolest shit happens to me.

                    Oh shit. I can't go to San Diego. I need my glasses! Damnit, damnit, son of a bitch.

                    You see, I was typing up my stuff on the computer at HSU all day. I thought, "I got my bus fare to SF already, I'm going to try to hitchhike to Eureka and take a shower and do my laundry. Shit, it's going to suck waiting there for someone to pick me up." I was walking by the plaza and I asked this guy, Rob if I could bum a cigarette. He hooked me up and told me he was already in my book. He's hooked me up before. I told him how I was on my way to try to hitchhike to Eureka and Rob agreed to give me a ride!

                    To top it off, they smoked me out, too! They asked me if I had a pipe and I told them I had my one-hitter. They said that would do just fine. We put two and two together and they gave me three full hits. I'm all stoned.

     5:18pm  Man, I can't believe I am at The Raven House already. What time did I walk out of the library again and plan all this shit? Look at me. Slam, bam, thank you ma'am. I'm here.

                    If I would've had my glasses already that would have been perfect. I would've pitched in like maybe ten bucks for gas, then I would have had like $25 more to save for bus fare, maybe.

     5:21pm  I just took a picture of my sign-in on the laundry list.


Let's see if I can take a chower.

     5:25pm  This little kid just showed everyone this really funny cartoon at

     6:17pm  Cassidy just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister.

     6:21pm  I'm still waiting on the shower and laundry lists. I just bummed a cigarette off that Cassidy girl. I was just about to tell them my stuff when this dude drove by in a car and they said, "Oh, we gotta go." Stupid cars . . . always messing me up. Cassidy had said she was interested and everything. This one guy said, "Is it about god because if it is . . ." I told him, "No, I don't believe in God, I believe in Love. I think everybody has it in them and it's all the same Love." The girls were all, "Okay, we'll listen!" Then that car drove by and they had to split. So, I'm going to come smoke this cigarette I got off of Cassidy. Here, I'll take a picture of this little garden I'm going to smoke at.  

                    I took a picture of them playing foosball at The Raven.  

     9:39pm  Chris was nice enough to pick Patty and I up to go back to Arcata.

     9:48pm  I'm back in Arcata already! Man, this was a good night! I didn't do my laundry, but I took a shower and I found like three pairs of socks I can use! That's the main thing I needed to do laundry for. And, I changed out my Sponge Bob boxers I've had on for a while. Now, I'm going to walk to the plaza and get me a donut. Then, I'm off to the barn. It's cool. It's not all wet. My feet will stay dry with my new socks.

                    It was so cool at The Raven House. When I first got there I asked this really cute girl if she had time for a story and she said yeah! She listened to all my stuff. She was all nodding her head up and down. It was awesome. I love that rush. There's no better feeling than people agreeing with you. That dude who just gave us a ride told us that he had just gotten busted by the cops. They took all his marijuana. He had a lot and they stole $10,000 from him! He said they had put him in handcuffs, put him in the back of the car . . . then let him go.

     9:57pm  James just hooked me up with a cigarette.

     10:03pm  Nancy was generous enough to give me some change for a donut. Thank you so much, Nancy.

                     Cool, scored me a donut before I go to bed.

     10:14pm  Good 'ol Downtown Jesse Brown gave me a hit of weed. It's his birthday today. He's 51. Happy birthday, brother.

     10:15pm  I saw Sky again! Sky who I met at the Peace Encampment in Portland(7-10-03, 2:45am). I also saw her again at Clam Beach(7-22-03, 12:10am).

     10:35pm  I went to the plaza and asked anyone if they wanted to walk with me to the barn and like all the kids there said ok.

     10:48pm  Man, what a huge gathering we have at the barn tonight. I'll get head-count in the morning.


From: Sally Winslow <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
    Hey!  To tell you the truth, I had almost completely forgotten about
the time I met you in Berkeley (I don't know if you'll remember-- I'm
the girl who gave everyone cigarettes on the corner of Telegraph
and.... Channing?.... who knows...)... but now I'm so happy to hear
from you and that you're still working on your brilliant "grand
plan"!  Hope to hear from you again soon,
Good luck,
Sally, U of Oregon

From: diane scobie <>
To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: Re: Victor, the guy in front of Don's Donuts.
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:56:14 -0700 (PDT) 

hey Victor - i just wanted to say 'hi' and that it's
not that i'm not interested in your work. i've just
fallen into a deep depression and pretty much NOone is
getting much of my time right now.

best to you and i'll try and revisit this when i pull
back together.


Next day..

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