

                                                                                            Monahans to Fort Stockton, TX

Tuesday October 13, 2009


     9:33am  I should make an update.  I’ve had a relaxing morning here in my trailer.  I’m kind of hungry.  I’m supposed to have a big day of work.  I already saw the two boys take off.  Sean took Chris to school.  Man, they are all always picking on each other and hitting each other.  There’s Sean right there.  Oh yeah, I was actually able to get a lot more resin out of this glass pipe I have.  My hat with missing screens. 


     10:07am  I’m going to Wickett to mow this grass.  See, this other hitchhiker Alex had hosted named Mark, he was supposed to mow the grass I’m mowing today.  He had started the job but the pull-cord on the mower broke.  He just left a note and disappeared.  So, that same broken lawn mower is over there still and Teo wants to see if we can fix it.  Alex told me that if I finished the job today he’d get me a ticket all the way back to San Antonio.  


                    432-640-9351  432-269-4780


     12:34pm  I should make an update already.  God damnit, see Teo brought me over here thinking he could fix the lawn mower.  The pull-cord is broken on it.  We came over but couldn’t figure it out.  I asked Teo if he had another lawn mower I could use.  He said he had one, but that it was new.  He finally said he would go get it, but that when he brought it back I would have to be real careful with it.  He took a long ass time to get back.  I went to the Allsups across the street and bought some gloves with the money Alex had given me to get food.  To kill time I pulled all these weeds on the side of the vacant tire shop.  I did a pretty good job. 


                    Teo and Alex came back with another lawn mower after like an hour.  They just dropped it off and took off again.  I assumed that it would start easily since Alex had just started it.  When I pulled the cord it wouldn't start.  I yanked on it harder and it still wouldn’t come to life.  I was rolling it forward then pulling back.  Then I noticed that the valve the lever I was holding down actuated wasn’t actuating too much when I pulled the lever down.  I opened up the valve with my hand and gave it one last yank.  It fired up real quick, but to my dismay the pull-cord broke!  I swear this place has a pull-cord curse.  Well, I got Alex’s cellphone number off the sign outside and called him and told him what had transpired.  He told me he would be there shortly. 


                    Oh yeah, Sean came and picked me up pretty quick.   Before we went home he had to go fix this trucker's flat.  Sean said he could fix the pull cord on the lawn mower, so we took it back to the shop in Monahans.  He fixed it real quick.  I thought I was going to say screw the grass and try to hitch to Fort Stockton.  The lawn mower is working now.  I might as well try and finish off the grass and he’ll get me a bus ticket all the way back home. 


     5:43pm  I’m finished because the lawn mower broke.  The back wheel broke.  I had told Teo that a lawn mower was the wrong tool for this job.  Lawn mowers are for lawns, not weeds and dirt and rock.  I told him this was a wheedwhacker job.  I took pictures.


     6:53pm  I should make an update.  The frame is what broke, not the back wheel.  I did do a lot of work.  I called Alex and told him the lawn mower broke.  He told me to forget about the lawn, that he would give me a ride to Fort Stockton and forty bucks for the work I did.  That’s cool, I’ll gladly accept that.  Forty bucks will get me a ticket.  Not all the way to San Antonio but at least halfway there.  I worked my ass off in the hot sun.  I am all sweaty.  I scored a shower in the trailer afterwards.  I hadn’t taken a shower since Las Vegas ten days ago. 


     7:07pm  Alex’s friend Sonny came over and he hooked me up with a little roach of weed.  He said he’d hook me up with some more later.  Te lo agradesco, Sonny.  Todo el mundo recibe credito. 


     7:21pm  Alex and Sonny are giving me a ride to Fort Stockton.  We came to the Town and County gas station and they’re fueling up.  Alex got me a chocolate milk.  Sonny told me he’d give me half a joint, sweet.  I offered him five bucks for it but he said he was going to hook me up.       


     8:33pm  I just got dropped off in Fort Stockton. 


                  Luckily, the bus station was still open.  A ticket to San Antonio is $69.  Alex gave me forty dollars and I had nine from before.  At first I walked in and asked beautiful Leena how close to San Antonio could I get for forty bucks, that I was trying to get home.  She told me Sonora so I told her one please.  At the last minute I said, “How about $49?”  Leena tells me, “I’m going to help you out.”  She wrote me out a ticket all the way to San Antonio for $49!  Twenty dollar discount!  Thanks for sending me home!  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot.  I asked her if I could give her a hug and gave her one.


                  It comes at 11:30!  I’m going home tonight!  That’s so awesome!  I was twenty bucks short and I got hooked up!  Beautiful girl hooked me up.  I’m going to go hit up the Mi Casita taqueria.


                  Tagged bathroom wall


     8:40pm  The cool people here at Mi Casita are hooking me up.  I asked the lady in Spanish, she was obviously Mexican and I heard her talking Spanish to coworkers, but she asked me if I spoke English.  I hit her up in English and she went and talked to someone else.


     8:44pm  Donna, at Mi Casita is hooking me up.  I appreciate it, Donna.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot. 


                  I’m reading my Einstein book, on page 60, about schooling.  


                  "Sometimes one sees in the school simply the instrument for transferring a certain maximum quantity of knowledge to the growing generation. But that is not right. Knowledge is dead; the school however, serves the living. It should develop in the young individuals those qualities and capabilities which are of value for the welfare of the commonwealth. But that does not mean that individuality should be destroyed and the individual become a mere tool of the community, like a bee or an ant. For a community of standardized individuals without personal originality and personal aims would be a poor community without possibilities for development. On the contrary, the aim must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals, who, however, see in the service of the community their highest life problem."
– Albert Einstein


                  A successful man is he who receives a great deal from his fellow men, usually incomparably more than corresponds to his service to them. The value of a man, however, should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.

- Albert Einstein


                  I should include this whole report.  


                  "Education is that which remains when one has forgotten everything he learned in school."
- Albert Einstein


On Classic Literature (1952):

                  'Somebody who reads only newspapers and at best books of contemporary authors looks to me like a near-sighted person who scorns eyeglasses. He is completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of his times, since he never gets to see or hear anything else. And what a person thinks on his own without being stimulated by the thoughts of other people is even at the best case rather monotonous. We owe it to a few writers of antiquity that the people of the Middle Ages could slowly extricate themselves from the superstitions and ignorance that had darkened life for more than half a millennium. Nothing is more needed to overcome the modernist's snobbishness."


                  I don’t talk too much about it, but this itching is really getting on my nerves.  I am itching everywhere.  I don’t know what the hell is going on.  I just took a shower today and I scrubbed myself real good.  I was itching even more when I got out of the shower!  It’s inside of me.  I don’t know what it is.  That’s one of the reasons I’m going home.  I want to see if my mom can take me to the doctor.  I know I don’t have Herpes now.  I wonder if it’s HPV, but I’ve never had a wart or anything.  It just itches.  Then I think it’s because I’ve been camping outside for a whole year straight on top of a tarp in the woods.  Maybe I got them that way.  I’m pretty sure it’s scabies.  But, I did that Permethrin treatment back in Missoula and it made it stop itching for a little bit, I coated my whole body, but it’s still itching.  On the internet I read that you still itch for like for two weeks afterwards, but it’s been longer than that and I’m still itching.  Maybe I need another treatment.  I’ve been itching everywhere, even on my scalp.  I mean, I hadn’t taken a shower since Las Vegas at the day shelter there on Owen.


                  When I get home I’m going to be glued to the computer for a long time.  I’m brainstorming all of these ideas.  I really need to make up a list of things I need to replace.  I need a new backpack and I need a new watch.  I mean, the ones I have still work, but they’re on their last leg.  I need a new tape recorder. Shorts, a new belt.


                  Good  ‘ol patience game waiting for the bus.  It’s a little over an hour wait.  I wonder what time I’ll get home.   I don’t know what I’m going to do when I get back to San Antonio.  Maybe I’ll walk it home.  I’ll hit up restaurants and walk all the way to my mom’s house with all my heavy gear.  I don’t know.  I’m going to be tired after doing all that grass mowing today.  I need a new hat too. 


                  In my story after I say my mission objectives be sure to add, “And I’m doing this all for my mother.  I’m going to make her proud.”


     10:29pm  I only have an hour to wait to go home.   That’s awesome.


                    I know I say I don’t know nothing, but that’s not true.  I know my story.  I’ve got it down pat. 


                    I need new Duofold tights.


                    It’s so perfect how I got to the Greyhound station right before it closed.  It was even more perfect how I scored food across the street.  I’d be hungry right now.  I spent all my money on my ticket.


                    Man, I haven’t checked my email in such a long time.  I think the last time I checked it was in HelenaMT[9-24-09].  I hadn’t had a guestbook entry in such a long time.  I hope that situation has changed.  Guestbook entries really motivate me.  I’ve been passing out my website like crazy lately. 


     11:24pm  Six minutes until the bus is due. 


     11:30:00pm  The bus is late.  I don’t even see it coming down the road.  Where is the bus?  I want to get home already.  I need new cassettes.  I want to get all my film developed that I have in my mission box. 


     11:46pm  There’s the bus.


     11:50pm  Man, this is some total bullshit.  The bus is full and there’s no room for me.  I have to wait and catch the next one at 12:30pm tomorrow.  I stayed up for nothing.  I could’ve gone and found a campspot. 


     12:18am  I walked down 7th Street from Main Street and found some woods and a place to camp.  I’m going to sleep. 

Crashing out.

Next day..

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