


Ventura to Ojai to Oak View to Santa Barbara to Ventura to Barstow, CA

Tuesday October 17, 2006
     7:21am  Last night we crashed at our place, at Foster Park, hehe. Our camping spot. We made a fire and everything. Oh yeah, and at the Channel Islands Harbor yesterday Carol ran into Ashley. This girl she had met in jail who emailed me. Right now we got baked at the bridge on 33 right by Foster Park. The bus stops here. The bus came and I this guy who I thought was waiting for it didn't get on. He seemed pretty hip. He was tall. I hit him up for my story. He said, "Yeah, I'm waiting for my ride though." I smiled and told him, "Okay, let's see how far I can get." He was nodding his head up and down and saying yes exactly at every point I made. He ends up having his own computer business or something. He's going to check out my site for sure.
                   Carol is reading this Dharma book. The Way of Transcendence by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I'll check the spelling on the Internet when I type this up, hehe. You take over, Carol.

                   Carol: "Each of us has an essential nature too and if we live in harmony with our essential nature, or Dharma, we feel deeply satisfied. But as human beings, what is our Dharma? Our Dharma is characteristic of not only of our body but of our soul. This spark of divine consciousness within. Each of us has this spark within. It emanates from The Supreme Soul Krshna who may be likened to cosmic fire. Source of all the divine sparks that are our very selves.
                              Material consciousness which is the realm that most of us live in, in this world. We lost sight of our real nature. We forget our source and connection with Krshna, an original Dharma of selfless service to him transforms into the false Dharma of completive selfishness."

                   What we're trying to get at is selfless service, how you tell in your story when you just do things for free, that's selfless service. We've lost that. We've gotten away from that and we've become competitive and selfish. So we experience frustration and dissatisfaction because we are not where we truly need to be.

                   Then it says here, "Another meaning of Dharma is duty and the latter part of the twentieth century we have expiremented with the abandonment of a sense of duty and responsibility in favor of an ethic of self-gratification. If it feels good, do it. But now many of us are sensing that the experiment has failed. People are feeling that they've lost their moral bearing. Duty is once again in favor. But duty to whom and for what? We can answer these questions only by understanding the other part of Dharma. Our essential characteristic is to render loving service. Our priority is so focus our attention on awakening this loving service in ourselves and having others achieve the same goal."

     8:26am  We are still in Ojai. We decided to go to a coffee shop so I parked. I wanted to put my Fuck Bush shirt on. I stayed a long time at the car putting my shirt on and she walked off. I came to the park looking for Carol. I got to tell this one older lady my story. Then I told these two seventeen year old girls that were late for class my story. I hit them up for my stories and one girl said, "We love free stories." I told them my story and they smoked me out! I'm all stoned.

                   But, I never found Carol.

     9:55am  We're about to take off to go to Barstow. We're getting kicked out of the Community Assistance Program(CAP). Stressica came out here and barked at us, "We can't have people hanging out in front!" Sheet, we're waiting for the lunches. Actually, screw this place. We're leaving Ojai. We're going to go to Barstow and take care of Carol's police shit. Hopefully we'll stop at the same gas station I stopped at on the way down there. I hope I can remember where it was. I think it was like fifty miles from Barstow. Alright.

     7:43am  Some Asian guy gave us five dollars for gas. I didn't get to log his generosity, but he knows who he is. He was all, "You seem like a healthy young man and able to work." If he only knew, hehe. He gave me five dollars anyway.

     8:14am  Chelsea at the Circle K in Oak View hooked us up with some gas. We appreciate it, Chelsea. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:15am  Jerry is being nice enough to give us some gas at the Circle K. We appreciate it, Jared. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:25am  Shelly is helping us out with some gasoline at the Circle K.

     10:26am  Lorenzo no esta dando gasolina para llegar a Barstow. Te lo agradesco, seƱor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     10:34am  We scored at the Circle K. At the end the manager came out and told us we had to stop asking for money. We got ours and we got a bit of cash, dude. Now we're going to drive up to Santa Barbara and buy some more weed. Another gram. Then we'll take off to Barstow.

     11:26am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. We came to Santa Barbara to buy some more weed at the weed store.

     12:32pm  Gary was nice enough to give us some change at the Chevron on Seaward. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:34pm  Eric hooked me up with a dollar at the Chevron. I appreciate it, Eric. Everybody gets credit.

     12:36pm  Gary came back and gave me an additional dollar!
     2:16pm  We are driving still on 33 through these mountains. Do you want to say anything, Carol? The scenery is extraordinary. It sure is. Wish I had a camera.

     2:36pm  Karen at the Shell gas station in Frasier Park is helping us out with some gas. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   We had just gotten to what intersection is this? Mt. Pinas and the I5. We got the tank filled up at the Shell and the AM/PM. Gas is only $2.33 a gallon here.

     8:50pm  Carol: "We are in Barstow. We arrived by the truck stop and I remember there was a hottub at the Red Roof Inn. Hehe, there's a hottub everywhere we go. So we went in the hottub and tried to do it, but people were walking by. Now we are going to the Flying J and hang out."

Next day..

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