

Arcata, CA

Saturday October 18, 2003

     3:00am  I just woke up. Man, I wish I had some food. I should have brought some food over. I'm going to try and get back to sleep. I'm tired.

     7:45am  I just woke up . . . again. Man, there's a lot of people in here. Let me get a head-count.

     7:55am  I just took a picture of the big family here.

     8:06am  Jesse counted thirty people at the barn! This is a world's record. Wow.

     8:30am  I tried to tell my story, but ignorance prevailed once more. I told them they could hear about it when the rest of the world does. Man, people need to realize that my stuff is of global-importance.

                   I hate this shit. The things I have to say are so important. Why is everyone not listening to me? This dumbass blonde dude in a poncho told me, "You want us to listen to your shit? You have to load us up a nugget." That's all these other cocksuckers want to do . . get high. Interrupting my shit all the time. Other people were telling him, "We're trying to listen to the story," but he didn't seem to care and just kept interrupting. Screw that shit. I want to get out of here so bad already.

                  I have ceased to belong here.

     8:51am  I am now leaving the Barn of Ignorance. I need to start my morning.

                   Man, I feel like such a failure. I tell everyone that drinking is so evil, but I take a shot last night. I tell everyone not to have unprotected sex and how it increases your chances of getting some disease . . . and I go off and have unprotected sex. I'm sick and I feel like shit.

                   Damnit, now I can't even kill myself now that I know there's a spirit life. I'm going to have to let it run its course.

     9:32am  I'm not going to spange today. I changed my mind. I'm going to walk to the library, sit down and rest and get better. Oh man, I am really having a bad time. I hate being sick. I need to be healed. Please Love, heal me. I know I failed you. I am sorry. I wish I could go back in time and change it all. I'm sick. Like I say, nothing sparks happiness like good health . . . and nothing drains it like bad.

                   I'm playing with the idea of quitting smoking.

     9:45am  I got to the library and I just found out they open at eleven. That sucks. I guess I'll read my book until then.

                   I'm all sick and I hated that hike. All those stairs. I'm tired. I feel like shit and I want to die!

                   Page 275, the paragraph in the middle that says, "Moreover.."

                   "Moreover, in the educational world of tomorrow, that relic of mass production, the centralized workplace, will become less important. Just as economic mass production required large numbers of workers to be assembled in factories, educational mass production required large numbers of students to be assembled in schools. This itself, with its demands for uniform discipline, regular hours, attendance checks and the like, was a standardizing force. Advanced technology will, in the future, make much of this unnecessary. A good deal of education will take place in the student's at home or in a dorm, at hours of his choosing. With vast libraries of data available to him via computerized information retrieval systems, with his own tapes and video units, his own language laboratory and his own electronically equipped study carrel, he will be freed, for much of the time, of the restrictions and unpleasantness that dogged him in the lockstep classroom.
                   The technology upon which these new freedoms will be based will inevitably spread through the schools in the years ahead - aggressively pushed, no doubt, by major corporations like IBM, RCA, and Xerox. Within thirty years, the educational systems of the United States, and several Western European countries as well, will have broken decisively with the mass production pedagogy of the past, and will have advanced into an era of educational diversity based on the liberating power of the new machines.
                   In education, therefore, as in the production of material goods, the society is shifting irresistibly away from, rather than toward, standardization. Is not simply a matter of more varied automobiles, detergents and cigarettes. The social thrust toward diversity and increased individual choices affects our mental, as well as our material surroundings."

                   Everyone remember this book was published in 1970.

                   On page 282

                   "It is obstinate nonsense to insist, in the face of all this, that the machines of tomorrow will turn us into robots, steal our individuality, eliminate cultural variety, etc., etc. Because primitive mass production imposed certain uniformities, does not mean that super-industrial machines will do the same. The fact is that the entire thrust of the future carries away from standardization - away from uniform goods, away from homogenized art, mass produced education and "mass" culture. We have reached a dialectical turning point in the technological development of society. And technology, far from restricting our individuality, will multiply our choices - and our freedom - exponentially."

     10:32am  I was reading my book here outside the library and Charlie showed up. Charlie was the guy who was at the barn when I got there last night. He's waiting for the library to open, too. I got half an hour until it opens. I left my bags there, Charlie is going to watch them for me and I'm going to walk up to the tennis courts and score a tennis ball or two for my stick.

     10:46am  Cool, I scored me two tennis balls. This guy was out there playing with a little kid. He saw me walking along the edge looking for balls and he tells me, "Here, I got a special one for ya." He gave me some rainbow colored one.

     11:09am  I just finished taking a shit in the bathroom.

     5:09pm  I just finished at the library. I got my rainbow beanie back! I am so happy! I am whole once more! I got my beanie back! I got my beanie back! It was in the lost-n-found at the library. I lucked out.

     5:20pm  I just came out of the bathroom. I am so happy I found my rainbow beanie. This older dude with a backpack just passed me and said, "Hey, I've seen you standing around downtown." I asked him if he had seen me in front of the donut shop and he said yeah. "It's fuel for my mission," I told him. He left. Through sight-of-eye let it be known.

                   I had a good, productive day at the school today. I typed up yesterday. I typed up four days. I am caught up.

     5:40pm  I walked down from the school. I found my rainbow beanie, yay! I went to the liquor store and bought two AA batteries for three dollars, like I had thought. I got a dollar left to spare. I want to keep at least thirty, so I will only have to spange up five whenever the time comes for me to leave. They're all out of donuts at the donut shop, so I'm going to stand out here and spange until they have some more. I'm hungry.

     5:48pm  Lucy just hooked me up with a dollar! I appreciate it, Lucy.

                   Cool, I have two bucks. They are all out of donuts. All the trays are empty. I am hoping they'll put more out there, but even if they do I am hungry enough to where I need more than a donut. I want to get me another one of those bagel sandwiches with the melted cheese on top. Those are so good. That will be a good little treat. I think it costs like five dollars.

     5:55pm  Leo just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:02pm  July was generous enough to give me some change.

     6:29pm  Tony just gave me the dollar I needed for my sandwich. I appreciate it, Tony.

     6:58pm  I finished my sandwich. It wasn't that good. That's because I didn't know what I was getting and got some Southeast Asian sandwich. It had carrots on it. But, Josie made it for me . . . so it was delicious, hehe. Josie is cute.

                   Oh yeah, I'm walking to the barn.

     7:38pm  I got to the barn maybe ten of fifteen minutes ago. Mark and Charlie are here. We're going to smoke some weed now.

                   Haha, I'm talking shit to the cows that just walked up.

     8:13pm  I'm crashing out. Goodnight.

 From: jim morrison <>
 To: Victor Antonio <> 
 Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 16:01:32 -0700 (PDT)

 keep up the good work. cant talk long. keep in touch ewok.

Next day..

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