

                                                                                                       Madison, WI

Friday October 19, 2007

     9:48am  Last night I had so much fun at Smokie's house. He hooked me up with a big nugget. I'm all stoned. I got six hours of sleep last night, like 5.7. I'm chilling here with Jon.


                    We're about to take off walking to the library. Last night when we were about to leave Smokie's I got all dizzy. I had to sit down. I saw these bright lights everywhere. I couldn't see anything. I think it was because I smoked so much weed. I went outside and started feeling better. I get the fresh air did it. Anyway, we should take off already.

                     Ben, Jon and I started walking into town.  Ben and Jon started playing with this chain on the sidewalk.  Look.  

     11:17am  Jon and I came to the public library. Him and Ben were all playing around with people on the sidewalk earlier. Ben was scaring little kids. I took pictures of their horseplay, hehe.  

     11:47am  I forgot to tell you, I had an awesome presentation with this 

 beautiful girl at this store on State Street. Ben and I were just walking into any store hanging out because it was cold outside. We went in this random girl's clothes place and started pretending to look around. I told my story to this really smart girl. She's really pretty. She let me take her picture. I'll show you.

     12:28pm  I forgot to tell you. We left the library already. We walked to the Chinese buffet place.

     4:28pm  I haven't made an update in a while. We went to the Yummy Buffet and I pigged out. Jon's treat. I loaded up my stomach with food and then we went to Jon's friend's Anthony's.


                   We played videogames and smoked some weed. We came home and we're going to go do laundry. We're scrounging for change for laundry.

     5:59pm  We just got finished at the laundromat on Willie Street. By Burrito Drive. I had a good presentation with these three kids that were in there doing their laundry. I took their picture and everything.

                    That's right, I didn't take their picture. They wouldn't let me.

                    Oh yeah, when we first got there, this cool old guy who was on parole, I gave him a hit of weed. His clothes were done drying early so he hooked me up with the rest of his time. At first he said no. Then Jon took a hit and then I loaded it and took a hit. He finally said, "Okay, lemme have one."

     7:09pm  Dude! I went out to the back porch to smoke a cigarette and all of a sudden there's all these swirling lights in the sky! In the clouds and stuff. They're all coming together and then going out and coming back. What the fuck is this shit?? I'll try looking it up on the Internet or something.

     8:12pm  Those crazy lights are still going. Nobody know what's going on.

                    Jon and I are walking. He's getting me another listener.

     11:45pm  Me and the gang are walking down the street. This one guy saw me and said, "Hey man, is that you? You the peace through weed guy? I checked out your website, man. I didn't read all of it, but it was interesting. Thanks for that little paper." I'm just doin' my job.

     1:47pm  I just got blessed with a great listener, this beautiful girl. We went to some party and everybody's drunk.


                   I couldn't tell my story so I left and came to State Street. I don't know what happened to Jon. In the end she had to go and I told her the important part and gave her a hug. She ran back and gave me a big kiss on the cheek. Beautiful girl.
     2:18am  I'm walking with Jon and some other guy we're supposed to go to his house and smoke some weed. I told my story a couple times at this big party we went to. Then we went to State Street and I saw all these girls walking by. These two drunk girls came up to me and asked me what I was doing. I told them that I was a mission, but that I couldn't tell them my story because they were drunk. I was able to tell my story to this one beautiful girl who gave me a kiss and a hug. She was great. She was beautiful. I wish I could've gone home with her. Year right. Jon's kind of getting on my nerves. He's all drunk.

                   Tim: "This is a very good story. We were doing a bunch of LSD that night. It kind of puts you in that pre-state before you actually do it. We got to bed. As I am laying in bed first I sat up and I look back and there's my body laying there with my girlfriend's arm across me. All of a sudden I snap into it and I'm laying I'm this table. All I see are these hands coming over me and stuff. I snapped out of it and I stood up in bed and she just rolls over and there's a three foot tall alien sitting on my TV stand in the corner of my bed. He kind of looked a little bit like ET, but not. The same kind of body shape. It was sitting there and it didn't even acknowledge me. He was doing his own shit, you know. Then it turned into a ball of light and zapped into the living room then came back out and went out the window. Needam, Brian was having the same shit going on until that happened. So really it came down and saved us from what was happening. That's the whole story, tough. It was fucked up. I don't blame it on drugs. I blame it solely on the fact that is happened and I experienced it and I was sober enough to know the difference between a trip and something actually happening."

     2:47am  What was your name, bro? Tim. We met him on State Street. We came back to Jon's place and smoked on the back. He has a story he wants to share. Tim: "This is why you need to believe in out-of-body experiences. The last one I had I was laying in a chair and I had a buddy sleeping on the couch next to me. At first I just felt a weird sensation come over myself, which is typical of out-of-body experiences. I felt myself kind of raise up. As I was raising up I started seeing like space coming into view as if you're coming up in a shuttle through the atmosphere. I saw the moon. The moon kept going in and out of close range. As this is happening all I saw was the face. It wasn't a human face whatsoever. This unhuman face, as I was taught by Forbidden Truths Hidden Knowledge, this book by Dr. Steven M. Greer. He says that if you ever encounter this you need to look at objects that they would recognize. Let's say an apple. We went through a couple objects until it got to the point where it was hard for me to comprehend. Once it realized this I shot up through the roof of the house I was staying in over Wisconsin. I was looking at the bluff in extreme detail. I was looking at the pink sky because it was cloudy and winter. I was looking down at the river. I was looking down at all the buildings. So I know for a fact that it was not a dream. So, as I'm doing this I'm looking around and I started to get scared, as most people would. I shoot right back down to my body and once I do I jump out of the chair, literally. That's the story. It's one of the most fucked up real experiences I've ever had."

Next day..

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