

  IGNORANCE DIE:  im sorry
 IGNORANCE DIE:  and i like vik
 IGNORANCE DIE:  bye bye
 ALEXIS IS 18:  look vik
 IGNORANCE DIE:  please dont be indifferent
 ALEXIS IS 18:  BrentC4981:     lol, he's just insane, I couldn't imagine any guy wanting to meet him lol  
 ALEXIS IS 18:  more?
 IGNORANCE DIE:  a guy wanting to meet me?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  BrentC4981:     Im just a guy who seems him online and how much of a nutt he is  
 ALEXIS IS 18:   BrentC4981:     you mean he hasn't sent you his emails about his plans to run the world? he has about 9 of them that are about 8 pages long each  
 ALEXIS IS 18:   BrentC4981:     lol yeah I did to, my friend read one, he was like dude they're all like Hilter style rambling and seemingly a lot of writing about an excuse to be a loser and blame it on everyone else  
 IGNORANCE DIE:  i dont want to run the world..i just wanna make some suggestions..
 IGNORANCE DIE:  wow..thats some good dirt
 ALEXIS IS 18:  BrentC4981:     yeah pretty much  
 IGNORANCE DIE:  its gonna be so cool when i win
 ALEXIS IS 18:  BrentC4981:     but it's amusing, I guess since I was a psych major it's just funny to see someone who's so crazy, lazy and stupid believe to themselves they're smart  
 IGNORANCE DIE:  ill have the dumbfuck-feeling coarsing through all the doubter's veins
 IGNORANCE DIE:  the last thing i am, is lazy
 IGNORANCE DIE:  are you good friends with this brent dude?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  no he just imed me to bitch about ya.
 IGNORANCE DIE:  how did i come up?
 IGNORANCE DIE: you not believe in meeh anymore?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  he was in the room when you talked to me
 ALEXIS IS 18:  no i dont believe you.
 IGNORANCE DIE:  were you lying when you told me you did?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  did what, believe?
 IGNORANCE DIE:  on our walk in the neighborhood, i think
 ALEXIS IS 18:  I never lied to you, ass whole.  You lied to me.
 IGNORANCE DIE:  ahh, this sucks
 IGNORANCE DIE:  alexis..youre the one who said at first that we should take it slow
 IGNORANCE DIE:  i shouldve taken your advice
 IGNORANCE DIE:  i just jumped in..and wasnt even thinking about the fact that you were moving very soon
 ALEXIS IS 18:  I don't trust you, I don't like you, I don't love you, I don't believe you, none of it any more.
 IGNORANCE DIE:  you have no idea how attracted i am to you...and how i really wish you werent moving, that would change EVERYTHING
 IGNORANCE DIE:  figure of speech alexis..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  i dont have feeling?
 ALEXIS IS 18:  fuck the figure of spech!
 IGNORANCE DIE:  ok, so you might have some sorry
 IGNORANCE DIE:  damnit, my mom is kicking me off
 IGNORANCE DIE:  please dont hate me alexis..
 ALEXIS IS 18:  I am moving, you cant make me stop, your not getting you way this time.
 IGNORANCE DIE:  i know that alexis..and thats why i backed off
 IGNORANCE DIE:  cuz i know how much more it wouldve hurt
 IGNORANCE DIE:  if i hadnt
 ALEXIS IS 18:  bye
 IGNORANCE DIE:  goodbye alexis..


CAHCito: hey what stuff did you write?
DlE lGNORANCE: all of it basically
DlE lGNORANCE: is that you on my ftp?
DlE lGNORANCE: a while ago
CAHCito: ftp?
DlE lGNORANCE: on my website
DlE lGNORANCE: are you on it now?
CAHCito: what website?
CAHCito: no
DlE lGNORANCE: hold up lemme make you an account
DlE lGNORANCE: ftp://CAHCito:CAHCito@
DlE lGNORANCE: follow that link
DlE lGNORANCE: what have you read so far?
DlE lGNORANCE: and what do you think
DlE lGNORANCE: ok, im going to crash
DlE lGNORANCE: later
DlE lGNORANCE: read up and pass it around
CAHCito: oh i finishing a chess game
CAHCito: i ll look at it
DlE lGNORANCE: internet-chess?
CAHCito: yea something like that
DlE lGNORANCE: i used to know how to play chess
DlE lGNORANCE: maybe after i have more time ill learn how again
CAHCito: too bad
CAHCito: its a fascinating game
DlE lGNORANCE: yeah..people say i should play it, that id like it
CAHCito: well dont believe everything people say
DlE lGNORANCE: trust me, i dont
DlE lGNORANCE: well, i got a job interview tomorrow at this computer shop..
DlE lGNORANCE: i gotta crash
DlE lGNORANCE: have a good night man
DlE lGNORANCE: and pass my stuff around if you like it...
CAHCito: heh these chess sites are weird people just message you with poeytry and opinions all the time
CAHCito: im a songwriter and musician
DlE lGNORANCE: excellent..
CAHCito: also a philosphy major
DlE lGNORANCE: some hobbies id like to pick up in the future maybe..
CAHCito: and a nationally ranked chess player
DlE lGNORANCE: but not until i save the world
CAHCito: heh
DlE lGNORANCE: great..i need intelligent people on my team
DlE lGNORANCE: im going to start an organization soon
DlE lGNORANCE: and have some meetings
CAHCito: listen man
DlE lGNORANCE: whats up
CAHCito: i dont really believe we can make any progress til we die;-)
CAHCito: so im not to thrilled about much
DlE lGNORANCE: well i plan to prove you wrong on that one..
DlE lGNORANCE: "hey, ya never know"
DlE lGNORANCE: (new york state lottery motto)
CAHCito: well i sincerely hope you do
CAHCito: this life doesnt seem to be that intresting to me
DlE lGNORANCE: it shall be soon
DlE lGNORANCE: i could use your help
CAHCito: this is not a segway to some religious teaching or anything
DlE lGNORANCE: two heads are better that one..
DlE lGNORANCE: not at all
DlE lGNORANCE: i believe in myself..
DlE lGNORANCE: i am my own god
CAHCito: i think from very peculiar angles
DlE lGNORANCE: no one elses
CAHCito: very eastern of you
DlE lGNORANCE: nah, very me of me..
CAHCito: heh sorry i have a habit of telling people where their ideas came first
CAHCito: even if they thought of them themselves
CAHCito: its a philsopher major thing
DlE lGNORANCE: hey dude, i needa crash
DlE lGNORANCE: if you want email me at:
CAHCito: sorry i ll put down my gun to your head
DlE lGNORANCE: guns are bad bad bad
DlE lGNORANCE: was that a threat?
CAHCito: so i assume you dont lkike the idea of people dying
DlE lGNORANCE: not at all
DlE lGNORANCE: i want so save lives, not take them
CAHCito: no i was saying that im not really forcing to be here
DlE lGNORANCE: why would anyone like that idea
CAHCito: you dont have to like an idea to be ablke to live with it
CAHCito: death doesnt seem to be something too new
DlE lGNORANCE: well when i dont like an idea..i have the right to try and change it for the better
DlE lGNORANCE: it doesnt hurt to try
DlE lGNORANCE: yeah..but its been bad forever
CAHCito: nah hop is one of the best illusions we have as humans
CAHCito: hope
CAHCito: go for it
DlE lGNORANCE: no one can stop me, just get in the way
DlE lGNORANCE: its already emails are making their way around the world as we speak
DlE lGNORANCE: ive even had this lady ask me permission to forward them to india and europe
DlE lGNORANCE: its only a matter of time now
CAHCito: wow another save the world sugue on its way around the world
CAHCito: maybe this will be the one that saves it
DlE lGNORANCE: and i know full well that i might just be assasinated for this..
DlE lGNORANCE: but if i am, i will die a martyr
DlE lGNORANCE: and my goals will still be reached
DlE lGNORANCE: with or without me
CAHCito: hmm im not sure what we are talking about here
CAHCito: so ill read it just bc youre so hapy about it
CAHCito: and you can crash
DlE lGNORANCE: its not that i want everyone to be like me..i want everyone to be themselves..
DlE lGNORANCE: cool, let me know what you think
DlE lGNORANCE: i need support
DlE lGNORANCE: theres power in numbers..
DlE lGNORANCE: not to mention safety
CAHCito: heh im not going to help with you safety man
CAHCito: im not well liked everywhere i go
DlE lGNORANCE: strange, i make friends everywhere i go
DlE lGNORANCE: why arent you liked?
CAHCito: you probably wont believe this , but im somewhat honest in my attepmt for the truth
DlE lGNORANCE: if people resent you for your accomplishments..then theyre not worth your time to begin with
DlE lGNORANCE: jealousy is a stupid thing
CAHCito: i used to tell my church pastor that i would watch satanic rituals just to see if they were real
DlE lGNORANCE: honesty is the best policy..
CAHCito: that if i died or satan killed me at least id know the truth
DlE lGNORANCE: thats good, find out for yourself
CAHCito: this kind of attitude and honesty scares people
DlE lGNORANCE: sure does
CAHCito: so im not well liked of thought of everywhere i go
DlE lGNORANCE: read my chapters...youll see it in them
DlE lGNORANCE: wow, seems to me we are brethren
CAHCito: where do u live?
DlE lGNORANCE: looks like we should meet up and do a little brainstorming...
CAHCito: umm
CAHCito: what are u doing tomorow?
DlE lGNORANCE: i have a meeting at a computer shop at 10am
DlE lGNORANCE: hopefully a job
DlE lGNORANCE: but after that..i dont have any plans
CAHCito: hopefully
DlE lGNORANCE: where do you live?
CAHCito: well can youmeet me at like 2 for lunch
DlE lGNORANCE: ok, where at?
CAHCito: ilive on hte nw side i think too
CAHCito: cafe latino down town
CAHCito: do you know san antonio college is
DlE lGNORANCE: hmm, if you live on the nw too, why downtown?
DlE lGNORANCE: on san pedro
CAHCito: bc i work there
DlE lGNORANCE: right in front of the via office
CAHCito: and it will be dead
CAHCito: and i can hook you up with something to eat
DlE lGNORANCE: badass
DlE lGNORANCE: im there
CAHCito: thats why
CAHCito: its on main street
DlE lGNORANCE: do you have a cellphone?
CAHCito: do you know where the library at sac is?
DlE lGNORANCE: umm..not really
CAHCito: no but i can give you work numvber tomorow
DlE lGNORANCE: i know where sac is though
CAHCito: there is a subway on mainstreet
CAHCito: do you know where that is
DlE lGNORANCE: by sac?
DlE lGNORANCE: is travis park nearby? i know where that is for sure
CAHCito: yes
DlE lGNORANCE: wanna meet me at the park at 2?
CAHCito: hmm i would be i have to be at the cafe by 2
CAHCito: id rather you come there
DlE lGNORANCE: how far is the park from the cafe?
CAHCito: 1621 n main
CAHCito: get driving directions online
DlE lGNORANCE: ok let me write that down
DlE lGNORANCE: i dont drive..
CAHCito: its behind the subway literally
DlE lGNORANCE: ill catch a bus to travis park and walk
CAHCito: ok
CAHCito: im not sure where travis park is
CAHCito: well i have an idea
DlE lGNORANCE: ill just call via and give them my destination and theyll put it in their computer and give me directions
CAHCito: why dont you goto the the addmissions office at sana ntio college ask where the library is
DlE lGNORANCE: so the cafe is close to sac?
DlE lGNORANCE: cuz sac isnt that close to travis park
CAHCito: and walk straight from the front of the libray till you get to the subway
CAHCito: when you get to the subwat look right
CAHCito: and it right there
CAHCito: its almost on the property
DlE lGNORANCE: so the cafe is near sac?
CAHCito: just get to sac ill give you my work mumber if you cant absolutley find it
CAHCito: its as close as you can get without being in sac
DlE lGNORANCE: much easier then
CAHCito: im telling you
CAHCito: 220-1845
DlE lGNORANCE: ok, im 6'6", ill be wearing a green t shirt that says "me" real big
CAHCito: ill be there after 2
DlE lGNORANCE: and shorts
DlE lGNORANCE: and a tan gilligan-hat
CAHCito: im 6'0
CAHCito: im sure ill recongnize you
DlE lGNORANCE: whats your name?  how old are you?
CAHCito: my name is andres
CAHCito: im 24
DlE lGNORANCE: cool, im victor
DlE lGNORANCE: 24 also
CAHCito: you should be outta of your save the world phase already
CAHCito: you shouls have peaked that when you were 22
CAHCito: heh
DlE lGNORANCE: not until i actually do it..
CAHCito: ok see you tomorow
CAHCito: i ahve to read this crap
DlE lGNORANCE: sure thing
CAHCito: tot alk about it
DlE lGNORANCE: exactly
CAHCito: write down that number
DlE lGNORANCE: already did
CAHCito: i know one thing for certain vsionaries are bad at details
DlE lGNORANCE: our conversation has been logged..just like all my others
CAHCito: gheeeeeey
hey are u asleep
DlE lGNORANCE: i went outside to smoke a cigarette
DlE lGNORANCE: whats up
DlE lGNORANCE: im about to crash
CAHCito: i was just going to yell at you to do that
DlE lGNORANCE: to do what?
DlE lGNORANCE: smoke?
CAHCito: crash
DlE lGNORANCE: yeah..i got like two hours of sleep waking up at 7am
DlE lGNORANCE: ill be fine
CAHCito: dont htink about it , just go a;lready
DlE lGNORANCE: goodnight andres
CAHCito: yea i always say that
CAHCito: night
DlE lGNORANCE: peace be with you
CAHCito: is it free?
DlE lGNORANCE: soon it will be


 HOST Guide Dinni:  Victor?
 IGNORANCE DIE:  yeah, how do you know who i am?
 HOST Guide Dinni:  <--amberdinni
 HOST Guide Dinni:  shhhhhhhhh
 IGNORANCE DIE:  you gotta let me on that accouunt amber
 IGNORANCE DIE:  or else ill squeal
 HOST Guide Dinni:  nooooooooo i dont
 IGNORANCE DIE:  that is so badass
 HOST Guide Dinni:  lol
 IGNORANCE DIE: other account died cuz i was sending too many mails
 IGNORANCE DIE:  so next phish
 HOST Guide Dinni:  imagine that
 HOST Guide Dinni:  bad bad bad
 IGNORANCE DIE:  ahh, you know as well as i do aol doesnt give a damn
 HOST Guide Dinni:  lol
 IGNORANCE DIE:  theyd spend more money going after all the people not paying for i
 IGNORANCE DIE:  than theyre already makign from all the morons signing up every day
 HOST Guide Dinni:  lol
 IGNORANCE DIE:  and they know if they criminalize it its just going to get publicity..and everyone will be doing it
 IGNORANCE DIE:  cuz if they come after me, they gotta come after everyone right
 HOST Guide Dinni:  maybe lol
 IGNORANCE DIE:  dont i deserve equal treatment under the law?
 IGNORANCE DIE:  you gonna rat me out amber?
 HOST Guide Dinni:  naw
 IGNORANCE DIE:  hey, youve read my stuff right
 HOST Guide Dinni:  yuppers
 IGNORANCE DIE:  do you think im crazy like everyone else?
 HOST Guide Dinni:  sure why seriously everyone has to have a cause...that is yours
 IGNORANCE DIE:  hehe im gonna show the whole world exactly how crazy i am
 HOST Guide Dinni:  can i say "i know that guy!!!!"
 IGNORANCE DIE:  knew maybe..
 HOST Guide Dinni:  knew?
 IGNORANCE DIE:  i could very well be assasinated for this shit
 HOST Guide Dinni:  nah
 IGNORANCE DIE:  but if i am, ill die a martyr..and my goals will still be accomplished
 IGNORANCE DIE:  with or without meeh
 HOST Guide Dinni:  you can hope
 IGNORANCE DIE:  no one can stop me amber, just get in my way
 IGNORANCE DIE:  my mails are making their way around the world as we speak..
 IGNORANCE DIE:  the other day, i had someone ask me permission if they could forward my stuff overseas
 IGNORANCE DIE:  like to india and europe
 HOST Guide Dinni:  very cool
 IGNORANCE DIE:  so how long have you been a guide?
 HOST Guide Dinni:  little over a year
 HOST Guide Dinni:  que
 IGNORANCE DIE:  im sure aol knows about all the private rooms
 HOST Guide Dinni:  i cant get to them
 IGNORANCE DIE:  am i right in what i think about the whole ao-hacker scene
 IGNORANCE DIE:  that aol wont do shit to em
 HOST Guide Dinni:  I have no idea.
 IGNORANCE DIE:  yeah yeah
 HOST Guide Dinni:  LOL I dont
 HOST Guide Dinni:  I dont mess with that
 IGNORANCE DIE:  forgot i was talking to a guide for a second..
 HOST Guide Dinni:  i just room float
 IGNORANCE DIE:  well, hop into private room: phishy  
 IGNORANCE DIE:  real quick
 IGNORANCE DIE:  and say hi
 HOST Guide Dinni:  cant go to private rooms
 IGNORANCE DIE:  are they tracking you?
 HOST Guide Dinni:  yup
 HOST Guide Dinni:  have to log the rooms i go to
 IGNORANCE DIE:  i log everything too
 IGNORANCE DIE:  this conversation will be on my ftp
 HOST Guide Dinni:  i have to log and turn them into aol  

DlE IGNORANCE: ok gimme a minute..i got signed off for sending ims too fast
JuiceyLime: ok
DlE IGNORANCE: good sn by the way, very random numbers..
JuiceyLime: thanks
DlE IGNORANCE: and for some reason i think ive given you that compliment before..
DlE IGNORANCE: i dunno
JuiceyLime: hmm, maybe
JuiceyLime: ya ive read some of thise before
DlE IGNORANCE: a lot are new or updated
JuiceyLime: they're interesting
DlE IGNORANCE: im going to start an organization soon
DlE IGNORANCE: and have meetings
JuiceyLime: thats cool
DlE IGNORANCE: theres power in numbers..
DlE IGNORANCE: safety too
JuiceyLime: ya
DlE IGNORANCE: would you wanna come to our first meeting?
JuiceyLime: maybe
DlE IGNORANCE: cool, im thinking maybe o.p. shnabel park..know where that is?
JuiceyLime: yup
DlE IGNORANCE: do you live nearby?
JuiceyLime: uhhh
JuiceyLime: bout 15 min away
JuiceyLime: ya
DlE IGNORANCE: you burn, by any chance?
JuiceyLime: nah
DlE IGNORANCE: ok, just checking
JuiceyLime: why?
DlE IGNORANCE: cuz i got a little yesterday for free..
DlE IGNORANCE: and i was just wanting to share the wealth..
DlE IGNORANCE: cuz smoking alone sucks
DlE IGNORANCE: just being cool
JuiceyLime: lol, ya
JuiceyLime: i was just curious
DlE IGNORANCE: i thought you might, cuz of that quote on your profile
JuiceyLime: lol
JuiceyLime: i do on very rare occasion
DlE IGNORANCE: aww come on megan..everyones doing it..
DlE IGNORANCE: dont you wanna be cool??
JuiceyLime: lol
JuiceyLime: nice one
DlE IGNORANCE: dont patronize meeh
DlE IGNORANCE: im just joking
DlE IGNORANCE: im just bored
JuiceyLime: heh i know

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