


Berkeley, CA

Saturday October 23, 2004

     5:05am  I went to bed at 9:48 last night. I just rewound and looked it up. Seven hours. That's good enough.

     6:20am  I woke up this morning and came to People's Park. I sat down and scraped a resin hit, then I went and looked for a cigarette. I'm back in People's Park. I just wanted to say a prayer to Love. To the Great Spirit in the sky. Help me, help me out. Give me some signs, to leave/stay, I don't know what to do. Just get me out of here. Find me some mobility. I ask you please.

     10:22am  I forgot to tell you. I walked all the way over to the library at UC. I took a shit in the bathroom. I stayed in there a long time. I tagged up the wall with "Victor the Liberator," "The Kids are taking over soon," "Babylon shall fall," and "Wouldn't you rather be free than rich? You can't be both." I have a sandwich to eat for breakfast. Even though they're feeding in the park, I think. It's all raining. I'm all bummed out because I lost my white paint marker. I still have a Sharpie, which is really easy to erase, but I still tagged up the bathroom. There was some guy who wrote "grout" about everything in there. In between the tiles. In the grout, get it?

     10:34am  Megan hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Amoeba. I appreciate it, Megan. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:45am  I was sitting in front of Amoeba not doing anything. Amy walked up and handed me a hot tea. She said, "I can't drink any more of this. Will you drink it?" Thanks a lot, Amy.

     10:57am  Jeff hooked me up with some change for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, Jeff. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    Willow walked by and read my On My Way To Save The World Sign and she hooked me up with some change. Thanks a lot, Willow.

     11:29am  Korean Presbyterian Community Church is giving out food in People's Park today.

                     Some more good presentations.

     1:35pm  Not only did Sam attentively listen to my whole story, he gave me a hit of weed too.

     1:50pm  I had this semi-good presentation with this beautiful girl. I forgot her name. She was all, "Uh, I feel like you're talking at me." I told her, "I'm trying to tell you my story. It's a story." I got her email address. It's pirate something. I don't know.

     2:10pm  Bill just hooked me up with a little weed. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:32pm  Cut-throat hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Amoeba Music.

     2:40pm  JC and Tran are out here handing out sandwiches on Telegraph. I appreciate it, guys.

     4:02pm  Andy just walked by. He didn't have any change, but he gave me the rest of his cigarette, thanks.

     4:37pm  Ash at the Bay King donut shop hooked me up with two things of day-old donuts for just a dollar.

     4:46pm  Shantelle hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Amoeba.

     5:18pm  I just ran into (some guy I didn't understand his name) from Arcata. He told me, "Do you remember me from the bus station in Arcata?" I told my story to him one time. Some Asian dude.

     5:29pm  Sug hooked me up with some change for BART fare. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:08pm  These girls walked by and they looked at me. I overheard them say, "I remember that guy from Arcata."

                   Ha, I just asked this guy who walked by, "Hey, can you spare any change for bus fare? Help mobilize me." He said, "Not today, Victor." Ha, they all know me.

                   Oh yeah, I don't know if I mentioned. I've been standing here with my On My Way To Save The World Sign asking people for spare change for bus ticket. I figured I'd just ride the Greyhound to LA($35) and go back to that truckstop in Ontario. I want to go home already.

     6:39pm  Kelly hooked me up with some change. She actually did come back like she said she would. She went and bought some pizza. I appreciate it, Kelly. 

     6:48pm  Sean hooked me up with a cigarette out here on Telegraph. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:42pm  Jerry is hooking me up with a hit of weed. I appreciate it, brother. He told me to put Jerry's pager number down. It's 510-262-1315.

     7:45pm  Jason hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Amoeba. I appreciate it, Jason.

     8:07pm  That crazy guy, who's always trying to hit on girls in the park, I went up to him and asked him, "Hey man, are you a patient person?" He said, "Yeah, I think so." I told him, "I want to tell you what I'm doing. Do you think you have the patience to let me tell you?" He told me he did, but in the end didn't. I just stopped and told him, "I hate wasting my time," and walked off. He all started telling me off telling me shit like, "Oh, have you ever had a kid? I have!" I told him, "You're not doing what I'm doing and what I'm doing is more important than anything you've done. Trust me." I just kept walking.

     8:32pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you what just happened. I've been standing in front of Amoeba all day trying to spange up bus fare. I didn't make shit. Anyway, I pissed this one old guy off. This old dude is always bitching. He got all mad because I put an empty box behind his stuff. He had put a big tarp over his stuff, so it's not like it was touching it or anything. He got all pissed off. I looked him in the face and told him, "Complaining won't do shit. All you do is talk, grandpa. Talk is real cheap." He stood up and I asked him, "What? What are you going to do?" He was all telling me, "I got protection." All the other hobos stood up. I told them, "I'm trying to leave, but he won't stop bitching. Like he wants me to stay or something." They all told me to step off. Oh well. I told them, "Thanks for making my book so interesting."

     8:52pm  Johannes just gave me a cigarette. Him and his friends listened to my story. Him and his friend Mark. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:50pm  Man, they must've remodeled the Lutheran church on College. That porch isn't there to sleep on anymore. That sucks.

                   Damn, there's nowhere dry to sleep.

Next day..

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