


     Arcata, CA

Saturday October 25, 2003

     7:23am  I just woke up in the barn. I'm going to go stand at the spanging-alley and spange all day.

     8:05am  I had to come and secure the spanging-alley. I'm going to see if I can make some money today. I have twenty five dollars in my wallet already.

                   Remember, because it's my job to make humans elite. This species ain't your fucking industry.

     8:11am  Kraegen bought me a donut! He told me I was in for a good day.

     8:19am  Got me a chocolate buttermilk for breakfast.

     8:47am  Zack, I asked him for some spare change and he says, "No, want a donut, though?" He had just bought a big box of donuts and he let me have one. I appreciate it, bro.

     8:50am  Oh yeah, and some guy just gave me thirty cents. I didn't get his name.

     9:52am  This overweight lady carrying a lot of donuts walked by and I asked her, "Spare any change, sister?" She tells me, "You know what? I am really broke this month," as she piles into her BMW death machine.

                    Lazy ass. Gotta have the donuts, though. Why must people answer yes or no questions with a lot of bullshit excuses?

     8:55am  I'm going to walk over to the trashcan in front of the plaza and get a cigarette.

     9:03am  Man, it's dead this Saturday morning. Maybe I came out here too early.

     9:06am  Michael called me over and said, "Come on, let's go." I asked him where and he made the universal smoking weed gesture. You know, holding his fingers up to his lips. I go, "Alright!" I grabbed my shit and we started walking. This other dude came. I asked them, "Where are we going to go?" He said, "Oh, we're going to go all the way to the railroad tracks. I went, "Aww, screw that." He hooked me up with a little bud. I went to the liquor store and bought me a book of matches for a nickel. I'm going to smoke here with my little one-hitter.

     9:29am  I was trying to get me a bowl together and Matt, some guy who's been in my book before, walked by and handed me some spare change . . . and a cigarette! I didn't even ask him.

     9:35am  Monica just gave me some change. I appreciate it, Monica.

     9:51am  Andrew just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

     10:32am  All I got is $1.25 so far.

                     Some dude and some girl with these really cool dreadlocks just walked by and gave me nineteen cents. I didn't get their names. They know who they are.

                     Cool, this guy just gave me a quarter.

     10:40am  Jan and Jerry just hooked me up with some change. Sweet.

                     Ha, they were all, "Put us in the book." They already knew.

     10:47am  Raven just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Raven.

                     Sweet, these three kids were walking across the street and went, "Hey Victor, what's going on?" They walked over to me and the one guy told them, "Hey, this guy is going to save the world." I asked them, "Wanna hear how?" I just told them how and I got their email addresses. Awesome.

     11:26am  Elena hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, sister. Everyone gets credit in my game.

                     Cool, Elena gave me seventy cents.

     11:32am  John just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother

     11:38am  Whoa! Jason just hooked me up with a twenty dollar bill! Thanks, brother.

                      Shweet! Man, that's awesome!

                      Holy shit, that one contribution just solved all my problems. I've got twenty five dollars in my wallet, so that's forty five total. Thirty five for the bus ticket and ten dollars for cameras. That's exactly what I needed.

                      It was cool. This guy and girl walked by and I told them, "Spare any change for a bus ticket?" The guy, Jason, came closer to me and said, "Excuse me?" I repeated myself and he said, "Sure, for a bus ticket," and grabbed for his wallet. Man, I thought he was going to give me a dollar or something. He pulled out and a twenty and said, "Here."

     11:44am  Jason just walked by again and asked me, "Hey, do you drink?" I told him, "Very seldom, in moderation." He asked me if I wanted a bottle of vodka and I tell him sure. So we walk to his car and he pulls out a brand new bottle of vodka. I can still see the price tag on the bottle cap that says, "$16." How awesome. I wonder if I can trade it for some weed. Maybe I'll take it to the barn.

     12:05am  Scott just gave me a cigarette. I'm back at the spanging-alley. Cool, cool.

                     Oh yeah, let me tell you what happened. This girl came up to me, she just walked up right after I got the vodka. I show her the bottle and say, "Hey look what somebody just gave me!" She said, "Wow," and since she was hanging around I asked her, "Hey, do you have time for a story?" She said sure and when we started walking she asked, "Is this the story you told last night?" It was that girl Juniper from the barn last night. Damn, I forgot. So, she's heard the majority of my stories already. I told almost all my stories last night. She said, "Oh, I was going to go by the Co-op, wanna hear my story?" I told her sure and she said, "Oh, I don't have a story. I was kidding." So we walked to the Co-op and sat around for a while at the bulletin board. My ad is still up there, but no one has emailed me with a ride. When I got bored I told Juniper, "Well, I should probably get back to spanging." The day is still young. The more money I have, the closer I'll be to my busfare to New Mexico. I'm planning ahead.

     12:08pm  What was your name? Michael gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:21pm  Jerome hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Cool, he gave me fifty cents.

                     Cool, I have forty five dollars in bills in my wallet...and like four or five dollars in change in my pocket.

     12:25pm  I saw this lady walking and she was hauling a little pull-behind trailer full of stuff. She looked like she was on the street, too. She paused after she passed me and thought a little. She asked me, "Do you have food?" I told her, "Umm, no," and she said, "Ahh, I'll give you a dollar." I immediately told her, "Don't worry about it. This guy just gave me a twenty dollar bill." I wasn't going to take a dollar from her. She's one of us, not one of them.

                     There's plenty of Babylonians to get money from.

     12:34pm  Chris,, stopped and said, "Hey Victor, how's it going? I got your email." I told him I was going to go back to San Antonio soon and he wished me luck.

                      I'm kind of hungry. I'm going to go get me a donut.

     12:36pm  I came to the donut shop to get me a donut, and good 'ol Josie is working. 


                    I tell her, "Hey, hold on. I'm going to go get my water bottle now that I know you are working." I went and got my bottle and came back. Josie tells me, "Yeah, they tell me not to refill your water . . . but I do it anyway."

     1:24pm  Paul just hooked up a totally different brother up with some change. He appreciates it, brother.

                   Paul's friend Jack gave him some change, too.

     1:31pm  I just walked in to buy a donut and saw Mark from the barn. He just bought himself a sandwich and asks me, "Are you hungry?" I tell him, "Well, I'm about to buy a donut, but if you're offering part of the yummy sandwich, I'll take a bite." Dude, Mark just hooked me up with a whole half a sandwich. He hands it to me and I go, "Man, you're shitting me, right?" Thank you so much, Mark.

                   Yummy, a roast beef sandwich.

     1:36pm  I never told you what I did with that bottle of vodka. I noticed it had been opened already. There was a little tiny bit missing. I went to the trash can in front of the plaza. I told all the street kids there, "Hey, anyone want some vodka?" Some people said yes and came over and took some swigs. I said, "Alright, I'm going to go across the street into the plaza and tell the street kids there." I walked to them and said, "Hey, there's free swigs of vodka across the street."

                   That's how I got rid of the vodka. I gave it away. I didn't pay for it. It wasn't mine to keep.

     1:55pm  I just hiked all the way up to the school. Man, it's hot today. It should not be this hot this time of year. How much more obvious does it have to get? It's the ozone layer. We're going to die!

                   Anyway, I came to the school. I'm going to take a shit and read my book.

     5:56pm  I'm done at the library.

     6:24pm  Duke just gave me the rest of his cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:10pm  I started walking to the barn and while I was at the Co-op I hear someone call out, "Hey Victor!" It was that dude Jeffrey, whom I took a picture of him in my spanging-alley a couple weeks ago(10-5-03, 9:33am). Under the THC sign hitting a bowl. He has his own little compact truck and I saw him hitting a bowl. I asked him, "Hey, what are you smoking, man?" He told me to sit down on the passenger side. I came in the truck and he smoked me out. We smoked a bowl. I'm coughing really bad. I really shouldn't be smoking.

     7:35pm  I just got to the barn. While I was walking through the field I noticed a flashlight behind me. It was this other dude who was heading to the barn. The barn's cool tonight. They have a fire in the pit and everything. I thought that was pretty cool, but it's not big enough to warm people outside of the pit.

                   While I was making this entry, Devan told me, "Oh yeah, say, "Devan has a girlfriend." And his puppy started humping Molly. And he thinks they want to be together. A married couple with puppies . . . and if they breed with a bulldog and a Schitzu, then they can name the puppy Bullshit." Yeah, that's funny.

     8:00pm  I just took a picture of the big fire in the pit. It's John in that picture.

     8:13pm  I just took a picture of the cool room Devan made. And, Devan's smoking some weed. Eleven year old Devan.

                   He's the most free eleven year old.

                   It's so cool. Tonight at the barn everyone had food! This is my model for the utopia I envision. The barn! See, it can work! We don't need money! I knew it, I knew it!

     8:21pm  I asked all these kids smoking out, "Anyone have an extra cigarette? I wanna go smoke by the fire pit." Brett was nice enough to let me roll one of his cigarettes and we're smoking by the fire now. I love this, how this barn has evolved. It's awesome. I'm going to make it famous!

     8:31pm  What was your name again? Oh, it's Prodigy, the paranoid guy from earlier. He told me something happened earlier that he wanted to put in my book of generosity that the whole world is going to read. He says, "Devan gave away his last piece of candy to this girl." Oh, that fifteen year old that he likes. Devan's trying to score! Hey, it's only a four year difference. Hey, I'd go out with like a thirty year old.

                    Oh yeah, and Prodigy is going to make me a taco. Thanks, man.

     9:36pm  Man, this is awesome! I had sat down on my bed to take my shoes off and air out my boots. All of a sudden, I hear a radio playing and I think, "Oh man, they have a CD player!" I was able to play a couple of my Weezer songs. Burnt Jamb and the California song. Man, they got that room over there pimped out. They have tarps all over it. I took pictures of it. We're just partying in there. We have a candle lit and there's people smoking cigarettes and weed. Right outside, there's people hanging out at the fire pit. All warm and everything. This is one of the coolest nights in the barn.

                    Now, I'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight.

Next day..

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