

 Madison to Whitewater, WI

Thursday October 25, 2007

     8:21am  I'm walking with Jon to State Street. I'm taking off, I woke up early. I got six and a half hours of sleep. That's good enough. I woke up early and organized all my stuff. I am out of here. Jon gave me a lot of change.

     9:03am  I came to the library. I'm going to check my email before I leave.

     9:16am  I left the library.

                9:58am  I didn't tell you, I am on a little hunt for tennis balls for my stick before I leave. I'm looking for courts. Then I'll be ready to leave.

                   Lake Michigan  

     10:15am  I walked down Observatory and I'm looking for tennis courts. Some people told me there were some down here, but I can't find any. I think I see them.
     10:35am  Scored me a shitload of tennis balls for my stick. I took a picture.


                     I even found a gallon size Ziploc bag to put them in. I went to the other side of the fence and dug through all the brush, but I got lots of them. Some of them were all old and shitty, but I got some good ones.

                     Scored me a total of thirteen balls for my walking stick.

                     Right where I found me that Ziploc bag in the corner of the courts, I found me a cigarette! An almost whole cigarette! I scored me like fifteen balls or something. My pack is all packed. I'm ready to go. I have this big heavy thing of pennies I have to cash in.

     10:54am  Raided the tennis courts. There are lots more tennis courts on campus, but I got mine already. I noticed that the Free Bus passes here by Observatory and Babcock. I'm going to see if it takes me to the transfer point.

     10:55am  I changed my mind about that bus. I'm going to go to State Street. I want to try and get me some weed before I leave.

     12:11pm  Hell yeah, this guy 


 stopped and listened to my whole Odyssey. His eyes were locked on mine the whole time. In the end he was all, "Are you hungry?" I told him, "I walk for a living. I can always eat." He asked me, "Do you like bacon, egg and cheese?" I told him to surprise me. Oh yeah, he told me he's going to call somebody to get weed and he would buy me a sack! He had asked me, "Are you going to be here for a long time?" I told him, "Until I score some weed." He was all, "Alright, I'll make a phone call."


     12:14pm  Rob let me roll a cigarette in this little plaza where I tagged PEACE THROUGH WEED on the wall.

     12:31pm  Zack and Nate walked by and listened to my story.  


                     Zack hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

                     Two pretty girls  

     12:52pm  I just had an awesome little adventure to Jacob and Jessica's 

Actually, this might be Jacob and Jessica.

 house. Man, they listened to my story hardcore. Jessica interrupted me a couple times at first, but I had her eyes fixed on me. I even told them the Note From the Rich. And I got hooked up with weed! Called that! They let me make two peanut butter sandwiches for my travels. Jessica gave me a badass ganja goo-ball. I'm walking back to State Street. I'm going to go to the onramp and fly my sign.

     12:54pm  They live over close to Blount, if I don't get out of town today. I would rather crash there than crash at Jon's again. They live on Johnson Street.

     1:06pm  I walked to the square around the plaza. I asked this ignorant reptilian in a suit, "Hey, do you know where I90 is?" He quickly said, "I'm sorry, I don't give money to people on the street." Open your ears!

     4:22pm  The greedy ass bus driver didn't give me a courtesy ride, then this generous dude at the bus stop hooked me up with bus fare.
     4:36pm  I guess the onramp isn't as close to the capitol as I thought it was. It's about two or three miles away on East Washington. The bus driver overshot the highway, so I have to walk back a little bit. I'm going to pull my sign out and stick my thumb out.

                   It's so awesome how I was so perfectly equipped to leave.

     5:14pm  I walked up to the Exxon gas station. I considered asking for rides there. I asked the lady, but she didn't seem to understand me. She just smiled. Then I saw a sign that said No Loitering. 


 I took a picture. It says I can't ask for rides so I'm going to go to the onramp. I'll walk up right underneath the Pedestrians Prohibited sign and thumb it. I'm just going to walk where there's a spot for people to pull over at and fly my sign. I'm not going to walk the highway. I've got weed on me.

                   I just hung out at the Exxon and ate a peanut butter sandwich and smoked.

     5:19pm  I've changed my mind about trying to hitch out of town here. Right at the place where I cars would be able to pull over for me, is the Department of Corrections. I think that's a jail or something. Nobody's going to give me a ride from here. So I'm going to use that as an excuse to go back into Madison and try and find Jacob and Jessica's house. I'll see if I can crash there and tell them the rest of my stories. I don't know how I'm going to get out of town. Maybe I'll ask people on State Street for a ride.

                   Cool Arun, who hooked me up with busfare earlier. I got a transfer and it expires at 6:31, so I can ride the bus back.

     5:25pm  Cool, I just crossed the street and there's the #6 bus.

     5:44pm  It was cool, it was the same driver who had given me a ride there. The one who wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. Well, I just told him my story on the bus. "Will conversation distract you?" Hehe. He listened and agreed with all of it. I Was telling him the Note From the Rich when we got close to State Street. I gave him my website. He was all, "I want to do that too. I want to be free." I told him, "It's easy. You'll find detailed instructions on my website."

                   Some dude 

     7:34pm  It was beautiful Kirsten I just took a picture of.  

This might have been Kirsten, actually.


     7:38pm  I had to rewind and research that intersection where Jacob and Jessica live. Johnson and Blount. Let me see if I can crash at these kids' house tonight.

     7:57pm  I just walked by the Masonic Center on Johnson Street.


Jon told me about this place. On top it says, "Let there be light." I took a picture but it didn't come out that good. I'm still looking for Blount.

     9:33pm  I forgot to tell you. I walked all the way back to State Street. I found Jacob's house and Eric told me that they weren't coming home tonight. When I first got there he was all, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" He invited me in and let me have some yummy dumplings. Then this girl came over and I tried to tell them my story. I hope I didn't impose on their plans. I do ask, after all, if people are willing to listen before I continue. I had a badass presentation at the house. Four people I've told my story to at that house now. I got bored and I wasn't that tired, so I decided to walk back to State Street.

     10:41pm  I just talked to beautiful Emily 

 on State Street. I took her picture. Now tell me why you can't smoke. Emily: "I'm a big Christian. I used to be a huge pothead and then I stopped."

     11:29pm  Eric stopped and listened to me and he volunteered me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Some pretty girl and me.  



     12:05am  Drew listened.


                      He told me he wants to give me something to think about. Drew: "Yeah, I want you to think about one thing. Think about that perhaps the reason why humanity is so bad in this world, is not because of money. But because an inherent part of humanity. Because even if you removed money, people are still going to have greed and greed causes a lot of problems." Do you believe in Karma? That you reap what you sow? Drew: "I think so."

     12:30am  Kristin and Rachel walked by and they listened to my story. They volunteered me a bread from Jimmy John's. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:31am  That was badass, right when I was hitting up these kids for my story this other guy walked by and said, "I saw your website!" and he gave me knuckles.

     12:40am  Rob walked by and he hooked me up with a cigarette on State Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.
     1:38am  Man, what a magical update I have to make. Rob and Dave.


                  I wanted a cigarette real bad on State Street and this group of people walked by. I asked outloud, "Anybody have a cigarette they could spare?" Rob was nice enough to offer me one and I logged his generosity and hit him up for my story. Remember how I was trying to hitch out town today? Well, I just scored me a ride closer to Chicago! Everything happens for a reason. It sucks though, I just took a shot of Jack Daniels. I'm all blabbering and alcoholated now.

                   Pulchritudinous, that's a long word. I'll look it up:



Having qualities that delight the eye: attractive, beauteous, beautiful, comely, fair, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, lovely, pretty, ravishing, sightly, stunning. Scots bonny. Idioms: easy on the eyes.

                   Learn something new everyday.

     4:16am  Dude, that was awesome. I scored me a place to crash. This random dude I bummed a cigarette off of on State Street. He ended up taking me to the town of Whitewater. It's exactly the direction I was wanting to go today! Look what happened. He's got a one bedroom at Drake Apartments. I'm going to walk into town and tell my story tomorrow.

     4:24am  I am about to crash out. I'm going to take pictures of the apartment.

Next day..

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