


Ripon, CA

Tuesday October 26, 2004

     6:32am  I woke up around six. I had a rude awakening. I heard Victor being paged. I woke up and asked if anybody paged me(like anyone knows who I am here). They said nope. I crashed out inside the truckstop. I'm glad I found shelter from the rain.

     6:40am  Jim hooked me up with a lighter at the truckstop. I really needed one. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:07am  Tom hooked me up with a cigarette at the truckstop. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:20am  I had a really good presentation with this one kid who walked out. When I told him I was going to get marijuana legalized his face lit up. He said, "Oh yeah! Got any?" Even before I started talking to him he asked me, "Are you on a mission?"

                   Oh yeah, this kid's going South to Fresno. I might get a ride.

     8:32am  Richard gave me a whole twenty dollars at the truckstop! I really appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   He had come up to me and asked me, "How are you doing on money?" He said, "Here you go, in the name of Jesus."

                   When I started logging it he told me, "No, it's Jesus that gave you that money." I told him, "Don't sell yourself short, Richard."

                   People need to take credit for their own generosity. They deserve it.

     9:09am  Jack is hooking me up with a cigarette at the truckstop. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:52am  I just pulled out my On My Way To Save The World sign. Maybe I'll get a ride like that.

     1:13pm  Not only did Keeley listen to a part of my story, but she also gave me a cigarette at the truckstop. I appreciate it, Keeley.

                    Vote Keeley for president.

     1:24pm  Hamud walked by and he saw my sign. He just gave me some change. I didn't even ask him for it. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Hamud gave me a whole four dollars worth of quarters. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:32pm  This foreign guy just walked by and I asked him if he could give me a ride. He gets all snotty and tells me, "You need to get a job!" He was all talking in this funny accent. I told him, "I got a job. My job doesn't pay me money. I work for free." He started going on about Jesus and stuff. I told him, "Didn't Jesus work for free too?" I started telling him about my plan and he wouldn't listen. He told me I was wasting my time. He said, "I think you're crazy." I yelled back, "Just like I want you to!"

     1:42pm  I forgot to say my daily prayer. Please Great Spirit, Love, please grant me a ride. Please mobilize me. I have been doing some good work. At least I think I have. I know I have been. I believe. Help me out.

     2:30pm  Keeley thought her ride had left her. He eventually did come out and she gave me four cigarettes total. Oh yeah, I actually scraped up another resin hit.

     3:02pm  This lady who works here, Shandra, I think came out and told me, "This is private property." I told her, "I have been here for nine hours. I asked Jennifer last night and she said as long as nobody complains." This lady lies and tells me, "We have gotten some complaints." Argh, they won't let me ask for rides at the other truckstop either. Damnit.

     3:13pm  I came over to the Jack in the Box. There's a third truckstop over here I can try. I bought a Jumbo Jack.

     3:34pm  I asked these two guys that walked out of the Jack in the Box if they could score any weed. These two guys from Afghanistan. They told me, "We'll go get it and come right back." I don't know if they will. I really hope they do.

                   I have seventeen bucks.

     3:44pm  I walked back into Jack in the Box to refill my water. I made eye-contact with some hip-lookin' kid. I went up to him and said, "Do you know where I can score some traveling-weed?" He said, "Yeah, at the house down the street." He wrote me out a map and everything. He told me, "His name is Johnny Lee." I hit him up for my story, but he wants to finish filling out his application for Jack in the Box. I told him I was going to go outside and smoke a cigarette. That's what I'm doing now.

     4:00pm  This dude hooked me up with a cigarette. I didn't get his name.

     5:02pm  Damnit, I waited for the kid to finish filling out his app and he walked me over to where Johnny Lee lives. We walked all the way over here for nothing. That pisses me off.

                    I didn't tell you. I walked with that guy all the way down Main Street. We turned right on Walnut. It was some blue house with all these antennas and I saw all these kids hanging out. That was the weed house. They wouldn't sell me any weed! They thought I was a cop. I even showed them my tattoo. He was all, "We can't help you." I walked back down Main Street and I see a sign pointing to a community park. That's where I'm walking to now.

     5:27pm  I came to the park and scanned the tennis courts. No tennis balls. I had walked down Elm Street to the park. I'm going to walk Elm Street back to Main Street.

     5:54pm  I went into Long's Drugs and I bought a camera for six dollars. I'm going to walk back to the truckstop and get a ride. I'm going to the gas station and ask people for weed. I got ten dollars left.

     6:25pm  I just took a picture of the Ripon water tower.  

     6:26pm  Wow, there's a beautiful full moon tonight. On the Ripon water tower it says, "Almond Capital of the World. Incorporated 1945."

     6:35pm  I walked back to the Chevron where the Jack in the Box is. I asked the girl at the gas station if she would run me out of there for asking people for rides. She said I couldn't. I told her my intro and she didn't have time to listen to me.

                   I'm going to walk to the Subway and see if I can get hooked up with a sub.

     6:40pm  Vanessa at the Subway is hooking me up with a sandwich. I appreciate it, Vanessa. Everybody gets credit, Thanks.

     6:46pm  Kristin hooked me up with a cigarette at the Starbucks next door. I appreciate it, Kristin. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Cool, after-meal smoke.

     7:30pm  I had a great presentation with all the kids inside Starbucks. None of them smoke weed though.

     7:32pm  I'm going to walk over to the Jimco Truck Stop and Cafe and see if they'll kick me out of there.

                   Screw that, this truckstop is too dead to ask for rides at. I'm going to walk back to the Flying J and see if the manager is still there. Hopefully Jennifer is still working.

     8:07pm  Greg hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Arby's. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:27pm  I came back to the Flying J. Right off the bat I met this dude and this chick, Bhanu who's Indian and his girl Victoria. He told me that he was trying to get to LA too. I checked and the same bitch manager is still there. The one who told me to leave last time. Anyway, his girl's got a lead on some weed. I told him, "I got ten dollars on it."

     9:36pm  Bhanu is showing me all these pictures of his Indian history. Here, introduce yourself.

                   Bhanu: "My name is Bhanu. I belong to Singh culture. I met Victor and he's a nice guy. I'm showing him where I'm from. I never forget where I'm from."

                   He gave me a sheet of paper that says something he wrote. It says, "I do not want to be average. I want to be the best of the Best. Average is the worst of the best and the best of the worst." Good stuff, good stuff.

     12:55am  Crystal hooked us up with these cherry cigarettes. I appreciate it, Crystal.

                      This dude Bhanu and his girl Victoria are cool as shit. He told me he wasn't really going to LA. That he tells everyone at the truckstop who asks him. Him and his girl were there to hustle and spange the public. They're from Ripon. I told him my stuff and they really took a liking to me and my ideas. They almost have enough to get a motel room and they told me I could crash with them.

     1:25am  We're walking to this Blue Light Special motel that Victoria knows about. Me, Bhanu and Victoria. We just passed by the Church of Christ here in Ripon. On the marquee outside it says, "Don't give up. Moses was once a basket-case." That's funny. See, we're all crazy.

Next day..

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