

 revised email:  

ok, i need to let you guys know about my hidden-agenda.

     world peace is at hand folks.  let's stop being ignorant and welcome it.  It all starts here in san antonio.  no one can stop me, they can only get in my way.  the technology is here, let's make america modern already, then the whole world!

     this is the beginning to a revolution.  lets get rid of money.  it really is the root of all evil.  just think, if things didnt possess a monetary-value, would people steal?  money segregates society and gives people a false sense of respect.  money cannot buy happiness.  i know of suicidal millionaires.  

     im going to make everyone aware of all the shortcuts i take in life, which anyone can do also.  i prove my theory about good-will and not needing money every day.  since i walk so much, whenever i get hungry, ill walk into any restaurant and ask to speak to the manager.  i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and i am a long-distance walker.  my destination today is medical center/downtown.  i was just wondering if you could spare some gasoline for my stomach so i can keep walking.  if you cant afford it, thats ok, im sure the next restaurant i come across will be generous and help me out."  everyone hooks me up.  if they dont, the next place will.  its all a numbers game.       

     i am not a beggar, i am not a taker.  i am an asker and an acceptor.  remember, it doesnt hurt to ask.  when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision.   i am not twisting anyones arm.  people say im taking advantage of things.  damn-straight, i take advantage of every opportunity i get.  arent advantages better than disadvantages?

     this just proves not only is it human-nature to be generous, but that there is an acceptable loss every company figures into their finances at the end of each month, that makes it ok not to always charge for things.

     i think if everyone got off their lazy ass and walked and rode the bus, most, if not all of our problems would dissapear.  take insomniacs for instance.  do you think they would have any trouble getting to sleep after walking all day?  the overweight problem in america would dissapear as well.  human beings were designed with two legs for a reason, and it wasnt to push the gas and the brake.  cars have made society just damn lazy, not to mention unhealthy.  

     generosity will soon become our common-currency if i have anything to do with it.  like i said, money gives people a false sense of respect.  there can still be bad people with lots of money.  it shouldnt excuse them from being bad.

     this all brought me to the realization that we dont need money to sustain life.  wouldnt you work for free if all your needs and wants were already taken care of, so you wouldnt be bored at home all day, provided you had a job you enjoyed?  well, if everyone else was doing that, what would we need money for?  

     i know there are jobs out there that people dont like doing.  well, when no one does them after eliminating money, the demand for these jobs would go up, and generous people would do them just to help out humanity.

     people tell me, "if everything is free, then no one would do shit."  i seriously doubt that though.  instead of trying to get the most money into their bank accounts, people would start competing to be the most generous, to get the most attention.  

     i want to make everyone/thing truly free, like the fore-fathers intended.  im sure this idea wont eliminate theft altogether, but it would happen so much less, wouldnt it?  even if peoples belongings were stolen, they would be easily replaced.  

     its about time things changed for the better.  with all our natural resources depleting, we should be conserving as much as we can.   why do people make their lives so complicated?  from all the money i save riding the bus, its led me to see how, if you take the right shortcuts, you dont need to depend on money as much as you thought.  

     now, what are some problems you encounter when you have a new idea and youre trying to get it out?  for one, if you're telling it orally, you always run into the problem of not remembering the whole story(because everyone makes mistakes), thus not being as effective as you want.      secondly, IGNORANCE.  people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways, are deathly afraid of change, and they won't even listen to you. 

     well, i have found a way to jump both of these hurdles with the internet.  what i will do is run an FTP server from my computer, giving anyone in the world access to my hard-drive.  only the files and directories I want them to access, of course.  on my hard-drive I will have all my text files, containing my ideas.  this way, people can read my ideas at their discretion, with any web-browser, UNCENSORED and they can finish them when they want to.  the whole story will be told every single time.

     so, I am ready to unleash my ideas on the world.  Let me give you guys a demonstration.  follow this link.  just highlight, copy it, and paste it into your browser.


if it doesn't work for you, it may be because the server is down, email met at: or

nobel peace prize, here i come.

- victor

once you read my stuff, you will want to pass it on, so feel free.  even though I have found there to be real power in my words, there is still substantial power in numbers, so I need some backing.

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