


Arcata, CA

Tuesday October 28, 2003

     6:45am  I got woken up. There's too much noise in the barn. I only got like five hours of sleep. I went to bed around 12:30am. I'm tired, man. This sucks. I wish I had some privacy.

                   Oh yeah, last night when I went to go to sleep . . . there was someone else in my bed. Jose was just curled up into a ball, without a blanket, on my foam mattress in front of the shrine. It was a little warmer on the foam pad. He wasn't using my sleeping bag, which was hanging on the wall. He woke up when I got there and told me sorry. I told him, "You can sleep on the other half of it." It's a queen-size foam pad. It was really cold and I felt sorry for him. So, I suited up with all my layers, laid down on the mattress next to Jose and put the sleeping bag over both of us. He went, "Aww, thanks."

     8:32am  I just swept the hell of the hallway/corridor I sleep in. I took a picture of it.  

     8:33am  I just took a picture of the room where the big rainbow flag is.  

                   I got another picture of the nest.  

     9:15am  I just took a picture of this cute little puppy 

 out here that reminds me so much of Stuart.

     11:21am  I am leaving the barn finally. Man, I had an awesome morning. I was telling Jenny, "Man, we got a bonafide hippie commune here." I'm walking into town. Oh yeah, that girl Kimber,


the one I took a picture of in the peace room, she was listening to all my stories. While I was telling my story, Alien came and had to take her away. Kimber told me, "We'll continue this conversation in a minute." She came back and told me, "Okay, what happened next?" She was listening to me so much. I got all the way to Berkeley in my story.

     11:41am  I walked to the plaza and that girl who's always telling me she wants my rainbow bracelet saw me again and said, "Hey, I want your bracelet!" She said it was her birthday and that I should give it to her. I told her, "Sorry . . . happy birthday, anyway." At first I said, "Alright, you can have it." She went, "Really??" I went, "Psyche!"

     11:50am  I just took a picture of Rosendo.


He's standing in line to eat with everyone else.

                    Crazy, the head-count yesterday at The Endeavor was 163. Damn, they feed a lot of people.

     12:36am  Afterwards, I came to buy a donut even though I had already eaten. This dude Brian was in front of me to pay and he turns around and just hands me a dollar. He goes, "Here, I remember you asked me for change one day." Badass.

     1:00pm  I walked over to The Hospice Shop because my boots are almost dead. I can feel the street with the ball of my foot.

                   I checked at St. Vincent de Paul's earlier. They didn't have any boots either. I'm going to walk to The Salvation Army.

                   I stopped into The Clothing Dock and they didn't have any boots either.

     1:17pm  Nobody has boots. I tried all the thrift stores in Arcata.

     1:42pm  Man, I'm walking a lot today. I walked all the way over to the Safeway. I'm taking a shit in their bathroom. Even though I have already finished reading my book, I took it out and turned it to one page. I want to make sure to include the section Time Horizons starting on page 458. It's way long.

"Time Horizons

                   Technocrats suffer from myopia. Their instinct is to think about immediate returns, immediate consequence. They are premature members of the new generation.
                   If a region needs electricity, they reach for a power plant. The fact that such a plant might sharply alter labor patterns, that within a decade it might throw men out of work, force large-scale retraining or workers, and swell the social welfare costs of a nearby city - such considerations are too remote in time to concern them. The fact that the plant could trigger devastating ecological consequences a generation later simply does not register in their time frame.
                   In a world of accelerant change, next year is nearer to us than next month was in a more leisurely era. This radically altered fact of life must be internalized by decision-makers in industry, government and elsewhere. Their time horizons must be extended.
                   To plan for a more distant future does not mean to tie oneself to dogmatic programs. Plans can be tentative, fluid, subject to continual revision. Yet flexibility need not mean shortsightedness, To transcend technocracy, our social time horizons must reach decades, even generations, into the future. This requires more than a lengthening of our formal plans. It means an infusion of the entire society, from top to bottom, with a new socially aware future-consciousness.
                   One of the healthiest phenomena of recent years has been the sudden proliferation of organizations devoted to the study of the future. This recent development is, in itself, a homeostatic response of the society to the speed-up of change. Within a few years we have seen the Institute for the Future; the formation of academic study groups like the Commission on the Year 2000 and the Harvard Program on Technology and Society; the appearance of futurist journals in England, France, Italy, Germany and the United States; the spread of university courses in forecasting and related subjects; the convocation of international futurist meetings in Oslo, Berlin and Kyoto; the coalescence of groups like Futuribles, Europe 2000, Mankind 2000, the World Future Society.
                   Futurist centers are to be found in West Berlin, in Prague, in London, in Moscow, Rome and Washington, in Caracas, even in the remote jungles of Brazil at Belem and Belo Horizonte. Unlike conventional technocratic planners who's horizons usually extend no further than a few years into tomorrow, these groups concern themselves with change fifteen, twenty-five, even fifty years into the future.
                   Every society faces not merely a succession of probably futures, but an array of probably futures, and a conflict over preferable futures. The management of change is the effort to convert certain possibles into probables, in pursuit of agreed-on preferables. Determining the probably calls for an art of futurism. Defining the preferable calls for a politics of futurism.
                   The worldwide futurist movement today does not yet differentiate clearly among these functions. Its heavy emphasis is on the assessment of probabilities. Thus, in many of these centers, economists, sociologists, mathematicians, biologists, physicists, operations researchers and others invent and apply methods for forecasting future probabilities. At what date could aquaculture feed half the world's population? What are the odds that electric cars will supplant gas-driven automobiles in the next fifteen years? How likely is a Sino-Soviet detente by 1980? What changes are most probable in leisure patterns, urban government, race relations?
                   Stressing the interconnectedness of disparate events and trends, scientific futurists are also devoting increasing attention to the social consequences of technology. The Institute for the Future is, among other things, investigating the probable social and cultural effects of advanced communications technology. The group at Harvard is concerned with social problems likely to arise from bio-medical advances. Futurists in Brazil examine the probable outcomes of various economic development policies.
                   The rationale for studying probable futures is compelling. It is impossible for an individual to live through a single working day without making thousands of assumptions about the probable future. The commuter who calls to say, "I'll be home at six" bases his prediction on assumptions about the probability that the train will run on time. When mother sends Johnny to school, she tacitly assumes the school will be there when he arrives. Just as a pilot cannot steer a ship without projecting its course, we cannot steer our personal lives without continually making such assumptions, consciously or otherwise.
                   Societies, too, construct an architecture of premises about tomorrow. Decision-makers in industry, government, politics, and other sectors of society could not function without them. In periods of turbulent change, however, these socially-shaped images of the probable future become less accurate. The breakdown of control in society today is directly linked to inadequate images of probable futures.
                   Of course, no one can "know" the future in any absolute sense. We can only systematize and deepen our assumptions and attempt to assign probabilities to them. Even this is difficult. Attempts to forecast the future inevitably alter it. Similarly, once a forecast is disseminated, the act of dissemination(as distinct from investigation) also produces a perturbation. Forecasts tend to become self-fulfilling or self-defeating. As the time horizon is extended into the more distant future, we are forced to rely on informed hunch and guesswork. Moreover, certain unique events - assassinations, for example - are, for all intents and purposes, unpredictable at present(although we can forecast classes of such events).
                   Despite all this, it is time to erase, once and for all, the popular myth that the future is "unknowable." The difficulties ought to chasten and challenge, not paralyze. William F. Ogburn, one of the world's great students of social change, once wrote: "We should admit into our thinking the idea of approximations, that is, that there are varying degrees of accuracy and inaccuracy of estimate." A rough idea of what lies ahead is better than none, he went on, and for many purposes extreme accuracy is wholly unnecessary.
                   We are not, therefore, as helpless in dealing with future probabilities as most people assume. The British social scientist Donald G. MacRae correctly asserts that "modern sociologists can in fact make a large number of comparatively short term and limited predictions with a good deal of assurance." Apart from the standard methods of social science, however, we are experimenting with potentially powerful new tools for probing the future. These range from complex ways of extrapolating existing trends, to the construction of highly intricate models, games and simulations, the preparation of detailed speculative scenarios, the systematic study of history for relevant analogies, morphological research, relevance analysis, contextual mapping and the like. In a comprehensive investigation of technological forecasting, Dr. Erich Jantsch, formerly a consultant to the OECD and a research associate at MIT, has indentified scores of distinct new techniques either in use or in the experimental stage.
                   The Institute for the Future in Middletown, Connecticut, a prototype of the futurist think tank, is a leader in the design of new forecasting tools. One of these is Delphi - a method largely developed by Dr. Olaf Helmer, the mathematician-philosopher who is one of the founders of the IFF. Delphi attempts to deal with very distant futures by making systematic use of the "intuitive" guesstimates or large numbers of experts. The work on Delphi has led to a further innovation which has special importance in the attempt to prevent future shock by regulating the pace of chance. Pioneered by Theodore J. Gordon of the IFF, and called Cross Impact Matrix Analysis, it traces the effect of one innovation on another, making possible, for the first time, anticipatory analysis of complex chains of social, technological and other occurrences - and the rates at which they are likely to occur.
                   We are, in short, witnessing a perfectly extraordinary thrust toward more scientific appraisal of future probabilities, a ferment likely, in itself, to have a powerful impact on the future. It would be foolish to oversell the ability of science, as yet, to forecast complex events accurately. Yet the danger today is not that we will overestimate our ability; the real danger is that we will under-utilize it. For evne when our still-primitive attempts at scientific forecasting turn out to be grossly in error, the very effort helps us identify key variables in change, it helps clarify goals, and it forces more careful evaluation of policy alternatives. In these ways, if no others, probing the future pays off in the present.
                   Anticipating probably futures, however, is only part what needs doing if we are to shift the planner's time horizon and infuse the entire society with a greater sense of tomorrow. For we must also vastly widen our conception of possible futures. To the rigorous discipline of science, we must add the flaming imagination of art.
                   Today, as never before we need multiplicity of visions, dreams and prophecies - images of potential tomorrows. Before we can rationally decide which alternative pathways to choose, which cultural styles to pursue, we must first ascertain which are possible. Conjecture, speculation and the visionary view thus become as coldly practical a necessity as feet-on-the-floor "realism" as in an earlier time.
                   This is why some of the world's biggest and most tough-minded corporations, once the living embodiment of presentism, today hire intuitive futurists, science fiction writers and visionaries as consultants. A gigantic European chemical company employs a futurist who combines a scientific background with training as a theologian. An American communications empire engages a future-minded social critic. A glass manufacturer searches for a science fiction writer to imagine the possible corporate forms of the future. Companies turn to these "blue-skyers" and "wild birds" not for scientific forecasts of probabilities, but for mind-stretching speculation about possibilities.
                   Corporations must not remain the only agencies with access to such services. Local government, schools, voluntary associations and others also need to examine their potential futures imaginatively. One way to help them do so would be to establish in each community "imaginetic centers" devoted to technically assisted brainstorming. These would be places where people noted for creative imagination, rather than technical expertise, are brought together to examine present crises, to anticipate future crises, and to speculate freely, even playfully, about possible futures.

                   Scientific expertise, however, might also play a generative, rather than merely a damping role in the imaginetic process. Skilled specialists can construct models to help imagineers examine all possible permutations of a given set of relationships. Such models are representations of real life conditions. In the words of Christoph Bertram of the Institute for the Strategic Studies in London, their purpose is "not so much to predict the future, but, by examining alternative futures, to the choices open."
                   An appropriate model, for example, could help a group of imagineers visualize the impact on a city if its educational expenditures were to fluctuate - how this would affect, let us say, the transport system, the theaters, the occupational structure and health of the community. Conversely, it could show how changes in these other factors might affect education.
                   The rushing stream of wild, unorthodox, eccentric or merely colorful ideas generated in these sanctuaries of social imagination must, after they have been expressed, be subjected to merciless screening. Only a tiny fraction of them will survive this filtering process. These few, however, could be of the utmost importance in calling attention to new possibilities that might otherwise escape notice. As we move from poverty to affluence, politics change from what mathematicians call a zero sum game into a non-zero sum game. In the first, if one player wings another player must lose. In the second, all players can win. Finding non-zero sum solutions to our social problems requires all the imagination we can muster. A system for generating imaginative policy ideas could help us take maximum advantage of the non-zero opportunities ahead.
                   While imaginetic centers concentrate on partial images of tomorrow, defining possible futures for a singly industry, an organization, a city or its sub-systems, however, we also need sweeping, visionary ideas about the society as a whole. Multiplying our images of possible futures is important; but these images need to be organized, crystallized, into structured form. In the past, utopian literature did this for us. It played a practical, crucial role in ordering men's dreams about alternative futures. Today we suffer for lack of utopian ideas around which to organize competing images of possible futures.
                   Most traditional utopias picture simple and static societies - i.e., societies that have nothing in common with super-industrialism. B.F. Skinner's Walden Two, the model for several existing experimental communes, depicts a pre-industrial way of life - small, close to earth, built on farming and handcraft. Even those two brilliant anti-utopias, Brave New World and 1984, now seem oversimple. Both describe societies based on high technology and low complexity: the machines are sophisticated but the social and cultural relationships are fixed and deliberately simplified.
                   Today we need powerful new utopian and anti-utopian concepts that look forward to super-industrialism, rather than backward to simpler societies. These concepts, however, can no longer be produced in the old way. First, no book, by itself, is adequate to describe a super-industrial future in emotionally compelling terms. Each conception of a super-industrial utopia or anti-utopia needs to be embodied in many forms - films, plays, novels and works of art - rather than a single work of fiction. Second, it may now be too difficult for any individual writer, no matter how gifted, to describe a convincingly complex future. We need, therefore, a revolution in the production of utopias: collaborative utopianism. We need to construct "utopia factories."
                   One way might be to assemble a small group of top social scientists - an economist, a sociologist, an anthropologist, and so on - asking them to work together, even live together, long enough to hammer out among themselves a set of well-defined values on which they believe a truly super-industrial utopian society might be based.
                   Each member of the team might then attempt to describe in nonfiction form a sector of an imagined society built on these values. What would its family structure be like? Its economy, laws, religion, sexual practices, youth culture, music, art, its sense of time, its degree of differentiation, its psychological problems? By working together and ironing out inconsistencies, where possible, a comprehensive and adequately complex picture might be drawn of a seamless, temporary form of super-industrialism.
                   At this point, with the completion of detailed analysis, the project would move to the fiction stage. Novelists, film-makers, science fiction writers and others, working closely with psychologists, could prepare creative works about the lives of individual characters in the imagined society.
                   Meanwhile, other groups could be at work on counter-utopias. While Utopia A might stress materialist, success-oriented values, Utopia B might base itself on sensual, hedonistic values, C on the primacy of aesthetic values, D on individualism, E on collectivism, and so forth. Ultimately, a stream of books, plays, films and television programs would flow from this collaboration between art, social sciences and futurism, thereby educating large numbers of people about the costs and benefits of the various proposed utopias.
                   Finally, if social imagination is in short supply, we are even more lacking in people willing to subject utopian ideas to systematic test. More and more young people, in their dissatisfaction with industrialism, are experimenting with their own lives, forming utopian communities, trying new social arrangements, from group marriage to living-learning communes. Today, as in the past, the weight of established society comes down hard on the visionary who attempts to practice, as well as merely preach. Rather than ostracizing utopians, we should take advantage of their willingness to experiment, encouraging them with money and tolerance, if not respect.
                   Most of today's "intentional communities" of utopian colonies, however, reveal a powerful preference for the past. These may be of value to the individuals in them, but the society as a whole would be better served by utopian experiments based on super- rather than pre-industrial forms. Instead of a communal farm, why not a computer software company whose program writers live and work communally? Why not an education technology company whose members pool their money and merge their families? Instead of raising radishes or crafting sandals, why not an oceanographic research installation organized along utopian lines? Why not a group medical practice that takes advantage of the latest medical technology but whose members accept modest pay and pool their profits to run a completely new-style medical school? Why not recruit living groups to try out the proposals of the utopia factories?
                   In short, we can use utopianism as a tool rather than an escape, if we base our experiments on the technology and society of tomorrow rather than that of the past. And once done, why not the most rigorous, scientific analysis of the results? The findings could be priceless, were they to save us from mistakes or lead us toward more workable organizational forms for industry, education, family life or politics.
                   Such imaginative explorations of possible futures would deepen and enrich our scientific study of probably futures. They would lay a basis for the radical forward extension of the society's time horizon. They would help us apply social imagination to the future of futurism itself.
                   Indeed, with these as a background, we must consciously begin to multiply the scientific future-sensing organs of society. Scientific futurist institutes must be spotted like nodes in a loose network throughout the entire governmental structure in the techno-societies, so that in every department, local or national, some staff devotes itself systematically to scanning the probable long-term future in its assigned field. Futurists should be attached to every political party, university, corporation, professional association, trade union and student organization.
                   We need to train thousands of young people in the perspectives and techniques of scientific futurism, inviting them to share in the exciting venture of mapping probable futures. We also need national agencies to provide technical assistance to local communities in creating their own futurist groups. And we need a similar center, perhaps jointly funded by American and European foundations, to help incipient futurist centers in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
                   We are in a race between rising levels of uncertainty produced by the acceleration of change, and the need for reasonably accurate images of what at any instant is the most probably future. The generation of reliable images of the most probably future thus becomes a matter of the highest national, indeed, international urgency.
                   As the globe is itself dotted with future-sensors, we might consider creating a great international institute, a world futures data bank. Such an institute, staffed with top caliber men and women from all the sciences and social sciences, would take as its purpose the collection and systematic integration of predictive reports generated by scholars and imaginative thinkers in all the intellectual disciplines all over the world.
                   Of course, those working in such an institute would know that they could never create a single, static diagram of the future. Instead, the product of their effort would be a constantly changing geography of the future, a continually re-created overarching image based on the best predictive work available. The men and women engaged in this work would know nothing is certain; they would know that they must work with inadequate data; they would appreciate the difficulties inherent in exploring the unchartered territories of tomorrow. But man already knows more about the future than he has ever tried to formulate and integrate in any systematic and scientific way. Attempts to bring this knowledge together would constitute one of the crowning intellectual efforts in history - and one of the most worthwhile.
                   Only when decision-makers are armed with better forecasts of future events, when by successive approximation we increase the accuracy of forecast, will our attempts to manage change improve perceptibly. For reasonably accurate assumptions about the future are a precondition for understanding the potential consequences of our own actions. And without such understanding, the management of change is impossible.
                   If the humanization of the planner is the first stage in the strategy of social futurism, therefore, the forward extension of our time horizon is the second. To transcend technocracy, we need not only to reach beyond our economic philistinism, but to open our minds to more distant futures, both probably and possible."

     2:00pm  I just went into to Round Table Pizza to use the phone. I called Issa just to see what she was doing. I remembered I had her phone number. She answered and I said hello. She said, "Hey, what's going on?!" She recognized me without me having to tell her who I was. I told her about the barn and how it was like a hippie commune complete with a kitchen and individual rooms. I told her how there was more than twenty people there every night. She went, "Oh, I wanna see it!" Last time she was supposed to come hang out at the barn, she changed her mind because she was all depressed about breaking up with her ex. This Friday I'm supposed to call her back and she's going to see the barn. Ahh, another week in Arcata.

                   Okay, I have four shots left on this camera in my pocket. I'm going to go buy another one. I've got money.

     2:14pm  I just left Long's Drugs. I bought another camera.

     2:39pm  I'm bored. I've decided to walk to the school.

     3:54pm  Ben hooked me up with a Marlboro outside of the library. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:29pm  I'm finished at the school.

     5:32pm  Man, I had a good time at the library. I didn't type anything up like I had planned to. I listed channels on Undernet for "peace" and went into this channel #Peaceful. I sat there for a long time and typed out my whole platform and story. I got kicked for flooding(scrolling) and when I came back in I said, "Shall I continue?" and this dude said, "Let it out, let it out." They actually listened.

     5:47pm  Allie gave me a whole dollar for a donut!

     6:04pm  I was walking to the barn and after I hopped the electric fence I see a group of kids sitting down in a circle. Just kidding around I walk up to them and say, "Hey, you know there's a really cool barn just right over there, right?" They told me, "We know. We're just doing hippie crack." I asked them, "Can I hit your hippie crack?" thinking they were smoking weed. They had all these balloons and were inhaling that whip cream stuff. Certos, I think it's called. I told them, "Ahh, no. I think not. Say no to drugs. That's stuff made to go into whip cream, not people's lungs." My throat is all messed up as it is. I'm going to go to the barn and see if someone will smoke me out there.

     6:11pm  Randi and Cocapelli are back! That's cool!

     6:37pm  I had asked, "Hey, anyone got any tobacco or marijuana to smoke?" Randi called me over, "Hey Victor, come here. I gotta talk to you." They were trying to get me away from the barn. I had this guy on my tail, but I lost him. We were walking out into the field and I tell Randi, "What's the matter? Are you pregnant?" I was just joking around. Cocapelli told me, "We don't have that much, so we can't smoke around other people," and they're smoking me out in the field right now. How awesome.

                    I missed Cocapelli and Randi. It wasn't the same without them. You just kind of get used to people sometimes.

     8:46pm  There's a big crowd at the barn tonight. There's some tension in the air. Some people are getting all aggro and pissed off. I didn't sleep that much last night. I'm really tired and am going to bed.

                   Oh yeah, these two girls from Quebec are at the barn tonight. They have French accents and stuff. They're hot. I'm going to go to bed now. We'll see what happens in the morning.


From: Jerome Foster <>
 To: Victor Antonio <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 12:07:36 -0800 (PST)
Hey brother, this is Jerome, got stuck down here in southern california...lake isabella to be xact...just writing to say hi and thanks for showing me the on my way to find my mother and tell her I love her...I just want to say that your in my prayers...and happy days to come...                             Jerome

Victor Antonio <> wrote:
The same Jerome that was traveling with Dave and Keroak? Dude, you should see how the barn has evolved. I remember the first time morning I woke up in the barn, I looked around and saw how badass it was. I thought, "Damn, why doesn't everyone crash here?" Now everyone is crashing there.
It's awesome. On average, around 20 people crash there each night. People have made like 8 seperate, private rooms. The shrine is still up, and the library has grown. There's a big counter we use as a kitchen. There's food, big jugs of water and Cocapelli and Randi cleaned out one of the big round pits in the middle of the barn. We use it as a fire pit. So, when it's all cold at night, everyone gets in the pit and stays warm. We even cook in the fire pit.
Man, I have like 9 disposable cameras full of pictures(27 exposures each). I have documented the whole evolution of the ba rn, since I found it. It's become a bonafide hippie commune, now. We've got like 4 or 5 dogs and a kitten. They love the barn. My webpage is going to kick so much ass. I am going to make the Community Barn famous.
Seeing as how the barn is in plain view of the road, I am sure people know we all crash there. It doesn't seem like the farmer, or owner of the property cares. I've been crashing in the barn for almost two months now. Yesterday, some kid told me a cop stopped him on the railroad tracks and asked him if he was going to the barn. The kid said the cop told him it was cool that people were there, just as long as no one makes fires. Fuck the system, though. Oh yeah, Dave and Keroak still crash there. They're leaving for the gathering in New Mexico soon, though.
Ok, there's your update Jerome. Thanks for writing me.

Peace, brother,

- Victor

From: Jerome Foster <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: whats up bro?
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 15:02:56 -0800 (PST)
This is jerome here in Silver City New are you and Texas? are all at the raven?...its beautiful and warm here...partly clowdy...and the rainbow is just setting up seed camp...the rainbow gathering is here for any who may and chigger (Charlie) just got here by thumb after 7 days...they werent going to have one...but since so many heads have showed up to this city they are gathering...found out through email...we are going to hang here in silver city tonight then head to the national forest tomarrw....take care...and I may see you soon up there in Arcata...cuz its so damn kind up there...oh by the way...that redhead at the raven...with the lip peircing and the she single? is she strait? tell her I think shes cute...I heard these raven girls are pretty to looked like she was angry alot...dont have to...just thought id bring it up...but she can email me if she wants...
You keepin warm...?
How bout the barn?
I had just left after the barn got busted...
Tell everyone that Jenny with Devon are safe and staying in Berkeley CA...they have a kind friend with cash who is paying for a motel room for them along with cloths and food for her and Devon till she can get on her feet...he seems like a real good i could tell...

well till next time...                  peace and keep it real and free......Jerome

Next day..

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