

                                                                                                       Chicago, IL

Thursday November 1, 2007

     7:20am  I got about six hours of sleep. Crashed out at twelve thirty last night. I'm walking into town. Man, I never realized how far that grassy hill is.


                   It's real far. Like two or three miles. I think I saw some Porto-potties on the walk over here last night. I'm going to go aim for that. I'll walk along the lake.


                   Three hundred and sixty panoramic shot of downtown.  

     7:52am  I'm walking along the lakefront sidewalk. This cop just pulled up to me smiling, "Hey, you look like you're on a big hike." I told him I was a long distance walker and gave him my website and everything. Hehe, I'm not skeered.

     8:30am  I'm standing in front of the library again like I did yesterday. I hope I run into Will and he's got some weed.

     11:10am  I left the library. I had a good session. I cut out more flyers. Two sheet's worth.

     11:12am  Keenan hooked me up with a cigarette on Michigan. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks a lot.

     12:49am  James is helping people out at Pacific Garden Mission, the homeless shelter where they feed lunch.

     1:09am  Assistant director of security Mike at Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago is helping me out. He's letting me put my big pack and walking stick in his office. Cool, I don't have to worry about it getting stolen. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:35pm  Badass, I got stuffed at the shelter.


It was good food too. I gave out my website to some of the people working there. The shelter is over by Balbo and State Street. 


                   I was walking away and I see this pretty girl with a cute little red hat on. She agreed to listen to my story. She wouldn't let me take her picture. I gave her my website. Right in the middle of my presentation this guy Karim walks up, this Muslim dude, this black dude and tells me, "Hey, my friend told me what you're doing," and he gave me a five dollar bill! Shweet, I'm gonna get me a nickel sack, hehe.

     2:27pm  Rachel Davis.


                    I was walking over to Michigan and this girl tells me hello. I asked her if she had seen my sign. She said she hadn't, so I showed it to her and gave her my website. She tells me, "I'm on my way to eat something. Are you hungry?" She took me over to Caffe Baci and she's treating me to some lunch.

     3:53pm  Mark gave me a cigarette. I'm walking down the street towards State Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:15pm  Mark just up and hooked me up with some weed! Hell yeah!

     4:17pm  Shweet, I got weed and everything. With those five bucks Kareem had given me I got me a nickel sack from the black dudes on State Street. Right now this guy walked by and read my sign and hooked me up with even more weed! I'm just flying my sign here. I'm fearless. I'm yelling at people hardcore! "Check out my website? It's free. Why wouldn't you? It's not religious, I promise." When the ignore me I yell, "NOBODY wants world peace! Have you always been that ignorant?! I know you can hear me!" I even call them good little slaves, haha. They're going to shoot me. I could do this forever. I don't care if I get taken out. I've got protection. I know it now. I've been here for four days working my thing hardcore. Yelling in people's faces and shit. Nothing bad has happened to me. I'm safe. I need to keep following the signs.

                    I know you can hear me!

     4:35pm  Trago hooked me up with a cigarette on State Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:55pm  This brother just walked by and told me, "That's a cool-ass website."

     5:14pm  Nate crossed the street when I was flying my sign and asked me if he could take my picture. Document me, please. He even gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:40pm  Neema stopped by and I tried to tell him my story, but it's way too loud. I gave him my website and asked him if he could spare any water. He hooked me up with some. I really appreciate it. I was going to die without water.

     5:47pm  Alistair hooked me up with a cigarette on State Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:11pm  Angel just hooked me up with a cigarette on State Street. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:04pm  Micky hooked me up with a smoke on State Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:23pm  BJ hooked me up with a cigarette on State Street.

     8:02pm  I had a very productive day today flying my sign and yelling at people on State Street. I'm going to start walking to my camp now. Let's see how long it takes me to get there.

     8:10pm  The guys at Mai Tai hooked me up with a banana.
     8:40pm  I'm walking to my camp. I didn't tell you, I was talking to all these black kids on Michigan and they were all about my shit. I started walking off and one told me, "It's cold. You should go inside. It's supposed to get below freezing tonight." I'm going to follow that sign and go to the shelter. Maybe I can score a shower. That would be awesome.
                   One of the cool black dudes name is H-Town. I forgot the other one's name.

                   I'm back at the Pacific Garden Mission. Let's see if I can crash.

     8:48pm  Ugh, the bible-thumpers at Pacific Garden Mission, they won't let me in because of my walking stick! Even though they allowed it for lunch. I wouldn't mind it sitting in the office all night. Shit, if they found out I had a Leatherman on me...
                   Screw that, I don't have to crash there. I'm going to walk to my grassy hill by the lake. I've got a sleeping bag liner and I can just put on all my clothes. I'll be alright.

                   They had told me, "If you want to spend the night you'll have to leave your stick outside." Screw that.

     9:48pm  About five minutes ago I got to my camp. It's a long-ass walk. I'm going to see how long it is when I type this up. I'm going back to San Antonio soon and type all this shit up and take off again.

Next day..

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