


Arcata, CA

Monday November 3, 2003

     8:07am  Guess where I slept last night. I slept in Kati's non-working truck. We came back to her friend Cassandra's and just hung out. I offered to take out their trash for them. I walked all the way out to the dumpster. As I was walking back, I bummed a cigarette off this guy. I pulled out my little cassette recorder to log the occurrence of generosity. I told him my platform and he was all impressed. I got his email address and had a great presentation on my little escapade to the dumpster.
                   Then, when I got back Cassandra started dropping hints that she wanted to go to sleep. Kati and I put on our shoes and walked out to her truck, Princess. She's got a sleeping bag in it. It's a bigass 1979 Ford F150. Sleeping with Kati was really awesome. We did a lot of touching. We messed around a bit, but we both decided it would be well worth the wait to not have sex yet. Kati was getting a new apartment soon.

                   Now, Kati and I came to Cassandra's. I'm waiting outside. We just might be able to score a hot shower together! I've already told Kati about my concerns with having an STD. She told me, "We can use protection." She seems to like me a lot. I like her too.

     9:52am  Tim just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Tim. Tim asked Kati and I if we had any weed to smoke. We told him yeah and he said he would've given us some if we didn't. That's very generous of you, brother.

     9:59am  Oh yeah, I asked Kati if she wanted to go check out the barn and she said ok. Right before we got to the electric fence, there were all these big metal tubes stacked in the grass. We sat there and ate some food we had bought at the Safeway. Kati loaded up her bowl and there we were, having a great morning puffing away. Then, all of a sudden, Annoying Jonathan pokes his head out and leaps and bounds over to us. He springs up right in front of us and says, "Hey, wanna smoke me out?"
                    He tells us about some bastard at the barn. He says, "How are you going to come in a black man's house and pull out that much weed and not offer him any?!" I'm guessing he just told us that so we would feel sorry for him and offer to smoke him out. First off, it's not his house, it's the barn. And second, all AJ does is take, take, take. Oh, he might smoke you out once in a while, but that's all he'll do. AJ is a drainbow.

                    We're at the barn now and I'm showing Kati around. She's my good friend.

                    Someone had written, "Love is the weapon of warriors," on this board at the barn, but someone scratched it all out with chalk. Well anyway, Kati wrote with a red marker, "Phuxpelyng." What the hell does that mean? Damnit, she won't tell me.

                    Phuxpelyng. Oh, har har, fuck spelling. I get it now.

     1:13pm  I took a picture of the package my mom sent me.


Oh yeah, I don't think I told you I had gotten it. Well, I did.

     1:17pm  Man, I got the coolest package from my mom. She sent me a forty five dollar money order! She also sent me two Polaroid disposable cameras. The flash just went out on the camera I'm using. I was going to need more very soon. I was even considering spanging for new ones. But now, my mom fixed it. I am even more ready to go. Oh yeah, she also sent me two bottles of this 4Life stuff. One is called Transfer Factor. Here, let me read the description on the bottle:

                   "A healthy immune system is important for achieving and maintaining optimum health, strength, energy, stamina and quality of life. Transfer Factor Plus is the next generation in immune system science. Transfer Factor Plus contains the powerful blend or proprietary components - Transfer Factor XF, ThymuPro and Cordyvant."

                   Umm, check out and read up on it.

                   Oh yeah, she sent me some business cards with my name and email address on them. They say Victor A. Gruber and I wish she would've made it Victor Antonio, without the Gruber. These will help me substantially when I'm talking to people. It was a good care package.

                   Okay, let me tell you what's happened so far. It's been kind of hectic with me and Kati. She kind of came on to me . . . and I reciprocated. I had the best sleep in the truck with her. I had told her about my whole STD scare and she was still down with it. She was all, "Umm, you can wear a condom." She's really cool. She's really, really cool. I also told her, "I've got a lot of work to do. I will be leaving soon." She told me, "Oh, I don't want to get in the way of your work." She's still all huggy, feely, kissy with me. Which is what I really want and what I really missed. Anyway, me and Kati are all groping each other and hugging on each other. Just sharing the warmth. I am being the same way with Kati, how I would be with a girl I've been with a long time. We've only known each other for a couple days. Well, we've known each other longer than that . . at least known about each other. She's really cool. I even went as far as to ask her, "Will you come back to San Antonio with me?" She told me no.

                   Me being as transient as I am, I've always thought my reward for bringing world peace would be a settled down relationship. But, I'm all up for this touchy feely stuff, you know, being close with a girl. I like that. It's not like she's like this with anybody else, she assured me. It's like we had a calling toward each other. But, she might lose her job if anyone finds out. She's a supervisor at The Raven and employees are not supposed to date clients.

                   I don't know. It's been great. I got this package from my mom and things are better. Oh yeah, Kati bought me breakfast this morning at the Safeway. She's going to get a new apartment soon. Like today, or tomorrow. She's got a laptop and Cassandra has a badass computer. They're going to get a cable modem. I'm going to have a webpage soon. I told her, "I want to have a webpage up before I leave Arcata." I had even told Kati, "One of the main reasons I am going back to San Antonio is so I can put up my webpage at my mom's house. If I could do that here, I wouldn't leave quite yet." Kati told me, "Victor, it would be an honor if you made it on my computer." Oh yeah, Kati might even come crash at the barn tonight! It'll be cool.

                   Jahon was kind enough to give me some change for a donut. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That was awesome. The girl with Jahon saw me pull out my recorder and she said, "Hey, I smoked some weed with you at the College of the Redwoods!" That's awesome.

     1:55pm  I was just standing there and I asked this guy, Chris, for spare change for a donut. He said, "No, but I can buy you a donut." Badass, Chris bought me a chocolate buttermilk.

     2:09pm  Man, I had a badass presentation at the donut shop. That guy offered to buy me a donut! He wanted to make sure I was getting a donut. He listened to all my stuff and I got his email address.

                   Oh yeah, I realized back when I was walking with Texas, Kati, that I had left my water bottle at the barn. I'm going to go get it.

     2:42pm  I'm talking with Jerome at the barn. I came back to get my water bottle. He's got a story on generosity to tell.

                    Jerome: "Very great generosity from this Christian family in Lake Isabella. This last weekend, right before Halloween. The head of the family was Don Duvall and I can't remember his wife. He's got two sons and two daughters. Their lives revolve basically around Christ. They hooked me up with a bus ticket for a few hundred miles to Ukiah. His brother gave me $20. I left them with Love. I made an impression on them with Love and they made an impression on me with Love. That's what it's about."

                    Kati stroking my pole, hehe.  

     2:52pm  I'm leaving the barn. I got my water bottle and I'm going into town. First, I'm going to stop at some bank and try and cash this money order. Which will mean I'll have $75 in my wallet. I'm going to go over to Picky Picky Picky in Eureka and buy some boots.

     3:14pm  I walked over to Humboldt Bank. I asked them, "Hey, I just got this money-order from my mom. Will I have any trouble cashing it here?" They asked me if I had an account with the bank and I told them no. I said, "Well, will it cost anything to open an account, even though I am just going to close it after I cash the check?" She told me there would be a ninety day wait and ten dollar charge if I want to close it. Stupid banks. You see how evil money is? Now, I have to find someone with an account I can endorse this check over to.

     3:25pm  I just cashed my check! I looked around the bank and only saw one hip-looking dude. I went up and asked him. He said sure, right off the bat. His name is William, umm I didn't get his last name, but he was the 3rd. He was cool as shit. He cashed my check real quick. Awesome. Now, I've got seventy five dollars in my wallet. I'm going to go spange up for bus fare and head out to Eureka. To the Picky Picky Picky. Boots, boots, boots.

                   My ankles are all sore because I've been wearing these Reebok's and there's barely any ankle support.

     3:47pm  I'm hitch hiking to Eureka. Screw the bus.

     3:57pm  Good old Christ picked me up, out of the blue. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:11pm  That guy, Christ who picked me up, wouldn't listen to me. He told me, "Do you know what the importance me picking you up holds?" I tried telling him my stuff but he refused to listen to it, telling me, "You should be following the word of God." I told him my script on that, how I didn't believe in God, but Love. This whole time, this bible thumper is driving an evil death machine. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate him picking me up in his death machine, but he's the one supporting it, not me. I just don't see how this guy could be all holy-roller and driving blasphemy.

                    I told him, "Listen man, I am not saying that it is impossible that there is a God. In fact, I believe in him/her/it a lot.  What form or name God takes is where the mystery lies. There have been way too many great "coincidences" to make me think any other way. Oh yeah, but now I'm in Eureka walking to the Picky Picky Picky. Going to buy me some boots, boots, boots.

                    Sweet, I just bought my new boots! I kind of already knew which ones I was going to get. I had looked through them before. I got these good ones for sixty dollars.

     5:00pm  I just walked all the way over to The Raven House from Picky Picky Picky. I don't know whether I should be excited . . . or pissed off because they cost sixty dollars and not the same kind of boots I had. They are a lot heavier and they've got thicker leather. I just don't know if they were worth a whole sixty bucks. Oh, we'll see.

                  Another thing that pisses me off is that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to keep them on while I sleep. They're thick leather and not nearly as breathable as my last ones. I gotta put oil on these and waterproof them.

     10:31pm  I just got back to Arcata from The Raven House. I got everything done I needed. We watched Friday. It's such a cool movie. Smokey, from Friday reminds me so much of AJ.

     11:30pm  Brent hooked me up with the last of his cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

Next day..

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