


Tucson, AZ

Wednesday November 3, 2004

                     I just changed the tape out. A lot of shit has happened and I didn't tape it. I crashed out behind some building last night. Later I ran into this girl that brought me over to this washout where all the Tucson Street Kids hang out. Next to this Carl's Jr. place. I got smoked out. I had this one guy's attention through my whole story. He was all-ears staring m in the eye the whole time. After I finished my story I told him, "I'm hungry. I'm going to go see if I can score at the Carl's Jr." He told me, "Man, don't waste your time. They never hook you up. We've tried a million times."

                     I went inside and guess what, the manager is Mexican! I told her my shit in Spanish and she hooked me up real quick. She told me, "I can get you a burger." She hooked me up. Then, I went back and that dude wasn't there. I wanted to show him how I got hooked up. Then I thought, "I'm going to want a cigarette after I eat this." I walked under the highway to the Circle K. And me, I'm a professional walker. I know when it's safe to cross the street. I had to learn the hard way. I crossed the road under the bridge to the sidewalk and this cop pulls up on a motorcycle. He asked me, "Are you new in town?" I told him, "Yeah, I just got here last night." He told me, "It's a pretty hefty ticket for not crossing in the crosswalk. It's like five hundred dollars. That's a lot of money." I laughed and told him, "Man, that sucks. My job doesn't pay me money. I work for free." He just gave me a verbal-warning.

                     I found a couple snipes at the gas station and I ate. Man, it was a bigass burger. It was damn good. I'm all full. Oh yeah, and I talked to these kids and I might be hopping a train pretty soon. Something I've never done before. They said I could catch a train to El Paso. That's almost home. I can't wait.

                     As the mission evolves.

                     Okay, I know sometime this morning I went to the college here in town and used the library.  

     12:30pm  Mark hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus station at Congress Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:57am  I had an awesome presentation here at the bus station. This guy and a girl. They were all about my story. The guy said he's lived in Tucson for thirty years. He told me, "I've set foot in every city, but I always come back." There's no place like home.

     12:58pm  Francie gave me a cigarette here at the gas station. I appreciate it, Francie.

     1:00pm  Nick came over and he gave me an extra cigarette. I appreciate it, Nick. Everybody gets credit, like I said.

                    Francie is in a wheelchair, by the way. She was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I asked the dude that was with her if he could spare a cigarette and he told me no. Then Francie said, "I can!" She gave me one of hers. After I pulled out my recorder and logged her generosity, I came and sat down to smoke. Then the guy that was with Francie comes up to me and says, "I checked my pockets and I do have an extra cigarette," He handed me an extra one. He hooked me up. I told him, "I don't need one. She gave me one." He told me to save it for later.

                    I'm going to start telling people, "I'm going to spill the beans. All of them."

     1:10pm  I walked by some store. I don't know what it's called. They have all these bottles in the window. Hydra, I think. They have posters on the window. One says, "It's a sad day for America." Another one says, "Let ignorance reign." I just have to tell these guys my story.

     1:13pm  I went into the Hydra store and tried to tell them my story. They didn't have time. The phone started ringing and shit. They gave me a card to their store, but there's no email address.

                   I'm going to walk back a bit. I couldn't score at the hotdog stand here at the bus station. I'm going to try the other one I saw walking over here. Back towards the Carl's Jr. I'm supposed to meet those kids tonight over there. When the sun comes down. We're supposed to hop a train.

     1:18pm  I came into some tattoo shop here. I asked this one dude if I could tell him a story. I gave him my intro and asked him if he was willing to listen. He told me, "My boy might want to hear it." He told me to sit down on some couch.

     1:25pm  I got shot down at the tattoo shop. This guy told me, "You can't really do that here." I told him, "I'm not asking for anything." He asked me, "Oh, do you want to do an interview?" I told him, "No, I just want to tell you my story." He told me, "No, I'm working." I told him, "Fine then, I'll go find somebody else to tell it to," and left.

     1:30pm  No-go at this pizza place. She told me, "The only thing I can tell you is to come back when we're closing."

     2:31pm  The guy at Top Dog's Hot Dogs is hooking me up with a hotdog. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Called that shit.

                    I had an awesome presentation. After I ate my hotdog I saw these two hip lookin' guys walking back. I got their email addresses. They're going to tell all their friends.

     2:48pm  Roberto is giving me a courtesy ride to 4th Street. I appreciate it, brother. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   I got a courtesy ride and before I got on the bus I found a bunch of Hershey's Kisses on the sidewalk.

     2:58pm  The guy driving the #3 didn't give me a ride. I pulled out my tape recorder. I told her, "Your greedy ass failed." She said, "Oh, I guess so." I'm going to try and get her name.

                   No nameplate. I'm going to walk there.

                   Some building in Tucson, I think.  

                   I walked by the hippie shop and I asked this kid, Yantze for a cigarette. He went inside and gave me Eric's last cigarette.

     3:42pm  I had a badass presentation with these two girls right now. I'm walking down 4th Avenue. I didn't get their email address.

     3:57pm  This one girl listened to me the whole time. Her friend kept wandering off, but she stared at me the whole time. Real pretty girl. Both of them were beautiful.

     5:02pm  I walked by the cafe and Duane hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:40pm  Duane hooked me up with a bud after listening to my story.

     5:50pm  This sucks. I was supposed to meet Jason here at the Carl's Jr. when the sun came down. He said he was trying to score a nug. When I walked here I noticed a Garcia Mexican Restaurant, some fancy place. I'm going to go see if I can score there.

     6:15pm  Andy is hooking me up with food. That was easy as pie.

                   That was so awesome I scored at that place! It was all a fancy, rich place. There were no Mexican people working there. It was all white people. I asked to speak to the manager and he came over. He was a kid about my age. I told him my story and he didn't disagree with me at all. I gave him my line and he said, "Okay," and walked off to get me some food. When I got his email address I noticed it was NOFX! When I got to the part in my presentation when I sang the Johnny Appleseed song, he knew exactly what I was talking about! I scored!

     7:46pm  Mike, at the Carl's Jr. is letting me fill my bottle up with lemonade. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..

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