

                                                                                                             San Antonio, TX

Monday November 3, 2008

     12:16pm  Okay, I only got six hours of sleep last night. I woke up around eight, I think. Maggie kept whimpering to be let out. I woke up and got on the computer, as usual. I had been typing all day yesterday and had some stuff I still needed to do to update my journal. I still needed to get the pictures off my camera and do another proofread. I was bummed thinking I wouldn't have the battery power to do it. The camera uses batteries up quick and even the rechargeables don't last too long. Luckily, I found a couple that did the job in a junk drawer. So I've spent the first part of the day on the computer. I should really go out walking today. Maybe I'll walk downtown. I have a little tiny bit of weed left. Maybe I'll take a nap. 

     7:50pm  I am leaving the house all late. The sun is down. I need to get my walking in today. My mom came home and she brought me home some food. A Supersonic cheeseburger. I've got a full stomach and I'm going to go for a walk. I've got a sandwich in my pocket for later. I'm going to walk to the Citgo and get some ice as usual. I should probably hit the Church's up for some chicken, but I'm not that hungry. I'm going to walk tonight.

     8:24pm  I walked up to Guilbeau and I'm going to walk down to the Walmart. Maybe I'll see Melvin and Emily-Violet. I'll just hang and smoke a cigarette at the bus circle. Right now I was crossing Wickersham and on the ground I found a brand new bungee cord! That was one of the things I needed to be complete and ready to leave! I needed it for my extra tarp so I could attach it to my frame pack. I had misplaced my old one. This one's a total upgrade. My mom had been saying she'd bring one home for me, but I just found one on the sidewalk. Hell yeah.

     8:50pm  I got to the bus stop at the Mainland Walmart. There was nobody out there. All the buses had already left. I took my last resin hit. I have my destination for the night. I'm going to walk to Jade's and Roland's apartment. The Park on Bandera inside the loop close to Broadview.

     9:15pm  I just passed Huebner and I found a good Tootsie Roll pop on the ground. Sweet, treat.

     9:48pm  Just walked underneath Loop 410.

     10:07pm  I walked by the Papa John's on Bandera and Callaghan. Some employees were outside and I asked them if they had any mistakes. Bill told me they had sold everything. I told him thanks anyway and kept walking. Then Bill says, "I have a dollar if you want." I appreciate it, Bill. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                     See, I walked by the Papa John's and figured it would be cool if I could show up at Jade's apartment with a pizza to share. I had already hit up the Pizza Hut over close to Huebner and they told me no. The guy didn't even look to check.

     10:15pm  Just walked in The Park on Bandera apartments. I'm going to see if Jade and Roland are there. With that extra dollar I can get some more weed.

     11:35pm  I am leaving from Jade's apartment. Jade and Roland weren't even there. Ziggy, my old friend David who recently got punched out, I took his picture the other day. His eye is a lot better. He was there crashed on the floor. Chopper was there too and some other guy Brian, who hadn't heard my story yet. I put on an awesome presentation for him outside. He really liked it. It's a little chilly right now. Good thing I brought my thin thermal top in my cargo pocket. I'll also warm up when I'm walking. Going back home now. It took me like two hours to get here. Eight miles or so. Oh yeah, when I first got there they let me hit a bong and Ziggy sold me three dollar's worth. He had just gotten an ounce or something. I have enough weed for tomorrow. I'm going to walk tomorrow too. I want to do nothing but walk. I am totally caught up on my typing. I updated my website to today. I'm going to walk a lot until next Saturday when I take off.

     12:28am  I paused at the bus stop at Poss Road and took off my thermal. I'm going to sit down and take a couple drags off a cigarette. Maybe I'll smoke some weed too.

     12:32am  Up from my break. I'm going to walk home now. All the way.

     1:00am  Just passed Mainland again.

     1:46am  I am home.

     4:09am  I chilled on the computer for a long time. I just got out of the shower and I'm going to bed now.

Next day..

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