

                                                                                                        St. Louis to Eureka, MO

Wednesday November 7, 2007

     7:02am  Last night was rad. In all the random twists and turns I found a safe place to crash. At the Chinese food place this black couple 

 noticed me sitting down writing in my composition book and asked me about it. I told them, "Can I tell you exactly what I'm doing?" I put on my show and they agreed with every last bit of it. I told them the spirit's part and asked the guy(forgot his name) if he knew of a place where I could crash. He told me about some vacant house. 

                  They took off and I remained there smoking. About five minutes later they pull back up and the guy tells me, "We helped my grandma move," and he told me to walk up Gavios to Spring and turn left, first alley to the right and then left and I would see the open garage door and I could crash in there. I was glad I was going to get a garage to camp in my first night in St. Louis. I walked to the alley, but could not locate the garage. I walked back and spotted a 7-11. I went and stood out there and in about five minutes a cop pulled up. He smiled at me and asked me how far I was walking. I told him I was a long-distance walker and a journalist. When he came back out I got the idea to ask him, "Know where there's a safe place to camp where the police will leave me alone?" He was very nice and directed me to these railroad tracks nearby.


                   I walked to the tracks and I found a perfect place to camp. I'll take pictures after I wake-and-bake some more, hehe.

     8:18am  Wow, I've had such a great morning. I've just been chilling at my camp. I read some more of my book. I smoked the last of my weed. I'm taking my time packing up. Right now I am so comfortable. The sun's coming up and it's getting warmer. I am still in awe that after all those random places I shot around last night, that I ended up and that transfer center and asked that girl Pooh what book she was reading and it was the same exact one I was reading! It's about the  Illuminati and stuff. So, I am assuming that this book has a great, important significance to my mission. EVERYBODY READ IT!
     9:52pm  I decided to walk West down some road. I bummed a cigarette off of Steve and he listened to my story up until, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing." I kept walking and I passed this Hostess Bakery bread store. I asked the idea to ask them if they had any out-of-date stuff they were going to throw away. The nice cashier told me no, but said I could have some snacks she had there. Just then, this guy who she was in line paying, who I noticed he had a revolver in his back pocket, bought me a box of Donut Bites!

                   Oh yeah, last night the nice cop was Officer Immken.

     4:16pm  This nice old lady at the bus stop told me the right way to walk to I44. I hiked to 44 then walked like three miles on it. I see a sign pointing to Webster University. Library! I walked a couple miles and right next to the college I saw Luhr Library. Some theological seminary. I got to check my email. I'm going to walk back to 44 now.

                    Webster Groves City Hall  

     6:12pm  After the library I walked back to 44. I thumbed a little then said screw it and pulled out my sign. In no later than five minutes this cowboy dude pulls over for me. He said, "I like your theory." He dropped me off pretty soon afterwards. I walked to the gas station and the very first guy I asked, some guy in a pickup truck with his family and dog agreed to give me a ride West on 44! He dropped me off in Eureka and I started walking the highway. There's a Pilot truckstop four miles away. I had to jump over this fence to get on the access road.
                   I jumped the fence right in front of this packed Pizza Hut. Mmm, Pizza Hut. I walked in there and asked for mistakes and sure enough got hooked up! Cool, I get to fuel up for my walk to the truckstop. Oh yeah, earlier the guy with the family told me I had to ride in the back. I told him I didn't mind one bit. As I was loading my gear he asks me, "Do you smoke weed?" He gave me a little roach when he dropped me off!

     6:36pm  Yeah! I went outside the PH and ate at the ashtray. I took a hit of weed from that roach I just got hooked up with. I smoked a cigarette too. I have lots of extra food now. Three slices of pizza and a whole order of breadsticks. I was just standing there smoking and this dude up and volunteers me a couple bucks. Thanks a lot, John. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:51pm  What fun I am having tonight. Let's see, I walked the access road for one more mile. It's already dark, so I'm looking for a campsite. I came up on this big Six Flags sign. I was looking around it, around the bushes looking for a concealed spot. Then I realized that there was three big Six Flags signs propped up and lit up. Hehe, I just went inside the enclosure it makes and made my bed in the grass. I'll take pictures in the morning.  

Next day..

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