


Arcata, CA

Saturday November 8, 2003

     6:54am  I just woke up in Princess. I came out to take a leak. I hope I got enough sleep. I don't think so. I'll probably have to take a nap later on. I'm supposed to meet Kati at four and that one guy Adam at two. I hope I slept enough. Maybe I'll have to take a nap later on. Hopefully I'll have a good day.

     8:50am  I went back in Princess and crashed out again. I'm awake now.

     8:57am  I started walking towards the Safeway. It started drizzling and last night I left my poncho in the back of the truck. I thought I'd let it dry back there. Actually, I'm just going to leave it back there. I'm going to keep walking. It's not like it's going to dry out by the time I need it again. So, whenever the sun comes out and dries it off, I'll walk back out here and get it.

     9:08am  I'm at the Safeway now.

     9:21am  Matt just hooked me up with an American Spirit in front of the Safeway. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:45am  I walked up to my spanging alley by the donut shop and Randi was there. She's already claimed it for today. Oh well. Anyway, I have enough change in my pocket to get a donut and give Randi like sixty cents. I ate and now I'm going to go look for Hunts Road and see if I see a Landcruiser anywhere.

                   Gotta go look for El Jefe from NOFX.

     9:53am  I'm going to walk over to the public library. Aww shit, it's closed. I can see the sign from here.

     9:55am  I just got to the library and it opens in five minutes.

     11:12am  Josh just hooked me up with a cigarette.

     11:21am  Cong just gave me a whole dollar bill. I appreciate it, bro.

                     Sweet, I got a dollar quick for my donut.

                     I came to the spanging alley. I'm going to spange up enough money for a movie, so Kati doesn't have to pay for me. Maybe I can spange up enough for both of us.

                     Jo was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Jo.

                     Man, that was a great presentation! I got her email address and everything. She gave me a cigarette. Awesome.

                     Damnit, it started raining. I should've gone back for my poncho this morning.

     11:50am  I'm standing in front of the donut shop asking, "Spare change for a movie?" There's a blue Civic del Sol and the thing around the license plate says, "I DRIVE, THEREFORE I POLLUTE." Man, it's like these morons are proud of destroying our world, or something.

     11:55am  Jenny just gave me a whole dollar for a movie. Thanks a lot, Jenny. I appreciate it.

     12:24pm  Desiree just hooked me up with a cigarette at the sidewalk across the street from the plaza where all the bars are at. I appreciate it, Desiree.

     12:35pm  Man, it's coming down in Arcata today.

     12:38pm  Randall just hooked me up with a whole dollar. I appreciate it, Randall.

     12:44pm  Jamie just hooked me up with fifty cents. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     12:46pm  Jonathan just hooked me up with some change for a movie. I appreciate it, brother. Jonathan Grantland from Detroit, Michigan. He said they breed good folk in Detroit.

     1:10pm  Sweet, had me another presentation. This Juleesa girl. I'm working again.

     1:30pm  Josie, that sweetheart from the donut shop, just hooked me up with a free refill of hot chocolate. Thank you, Josie.

     1:50pm  Randi wants to talk into my thingy: "Hey thingy, what's up? Guess what? You want to see something funny? Boing! Anyway, Victor whenever you leave you gotta remember me, ok. You have to. Bye-bye now. See you later then. How do you turn this thing off?"

     2:03pm  It seems to have stopped raining. I'm going to walk and get my rain poncho from Princess.

     2:08pm  Okay, I'm going to give it one more shot. Quitting cold-turkey at smoking cigarettes. Hopefully I won't smoke any more for the day. Let's see if that happens. Yeah right.

     2:09pm  Damnit, I was supposed to meet that guy Adam in the plaza at two. I'm late already. I was walking towards the truck, Princess. I changed my mind. I'm going to go back to the plaza.

     2:15pm  I'm at the plaza. I hope that guy didn't show up at two, think I wasn't here and left.

     2:43pm  Jim walked by, I didn't even ask him, and he tells me, "You want a cigarette.?" I told him, "Okay, but you gotta twist my arm first."

                   I'm so full of shit. I'll never quit smoking, damnit.

     2:45pm  Jim is giving me his perspective on generosity. Jim: "Okay, my perspective on generosity is that uh, well, at first I guess I look for eye contact. I was walking down the alleyway and I saw you and some people just look a little more vibrant like there is a little more life around them. More real. I tend to seek those people out because there are good interactions. They got things to create, but no money. Trading is a good way to go. Best of luck on your book."

                   Dude, that was cool. I had another presentation. I hadn't talked to that dude before and he just walked by and offered me a cigarette.

     3:07pm  Adam showed up finally. We're walking to the Redwood Forest.

     3:21pm  I just took a picture of the sign that says Redwood Park. Adam is in that picture.  

     3:40pm  Adam and I walked down some trail to a concrete platform and he's showing me some Tai-Chi. So I won't have to memorize them let me get this down. Adam taught me these three moves of Chi-Kung. It's some breathing exercises.

                   Adam: "You start out stretching. Interlace your fingers and hold out your palms in front of you, then lift your arms up. Twist your torso as far as you can and hold it for 3-5 seconds. Repeat to the other side. Strive to do each side three times. Then, you bend your body to the side and you do that three times on each side. Count 3-5 seconds on each side. Then, you stretch down with your hands touching the toes, leg straight. Then, you squat down and stretch your ankles and inner thighs. Then, you go up on your toes and hold it. Then after that, you stand still to regulate the body. Regulate the breathing. Touch your hands to your stomach to get your abdomen working right. And then, you raise your hands in front of you and down. Then you bring them up and in front of you. Out to the sides. Then, you reverse the movement in the opposite direction and out to the side."

     4:30pm  I had to cut my Tai-Chi lesson short. I was due to meet Kati at the donut shop at four. I'm waiting for Kati. Let's see if she'll show up.

     4:35pm  Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that Kati did show up. Some guy pulled up in a truck and she got out of it, in front of the donut shop. She invited me out to eat. I found out the Kill Bill movie only plays at midnight. Anyway, she asked me if I wanted to go eat Chinese. She's treating me to Hunan in the Plaza. A Chinese restaurant here.

     6:39pm  I forgot to tell you I got to Kati's apartment. We walked.

Next day..

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