

Email to

email to my dad 

hello frank, 

     how are you doing?  i just wanted to let you know whats been going on in san antonio, since i havent heard from you in a while.  i started the perfect job last week.  i work at a computer shop.  me and 2 other guys were hired to fulfill a contract the shop has with the san antonio idenpendant school district.  we build computers and go deliver them to the schools and install them.  what better job could i have?

     not only am i working with computers, i am also staying active and exercising at the same time.  when we finish building a batch, we load them into the company truck and go on-site and install them.  its great exercise.  finally, something i love that im actually getting paid for also.

     everyone there is very laid back and i feel accepted there.  i get $7/hour and i am also working full-time.  monday through friday, 9am-6pm.  that doesnt leave me much time to work on my goals, but all in due time.  

     my position at the shop is temporary, until the contract is done in 3 months.  i am almost positive they will want to keep me permanently after seeing my skills.  i kick ass.  my plan is to save up some money, get some of my stuff back from the uhaul, and when the contract is up in january, head west again.  

     i am not sure how long i can work there happily.  i am, after all, still working for someone else.  and you know i try and work for everyone, but thats not paying bills right now.  unfortunately, until i phase money out, i still have to use it.  just as little as possible though.

     i get my first check tooday.  its only for 3 days so it should be somewhere around $150.  the uhaul people already told me i needed to give them $1000 first, to get anything back.  that is, if they dont auction my stuff off in december first.  i think im just gonna show up and offer to endorse them my checks every friday and see if that flies.  money talks, ya know.

     your $500 loan would still be greatly appreciated though.  it would just speed everything up.  trust me, i will use it wisely and when i can, pay it back.  also, im itching to evaluate your products.  

let me know how things are going in panama.  


- victor

his reply:


Subject :    

Re: just another update  


Date :    

Fri, 08 Nov 2002 19:24:08 +0000  



Hello Victor.  I am very happy you obtained the job building computers for the school system.  My advice is not to sign over your entire check to the Uhaul people.  Thats not the only problem you have, save half for yourself.  Your material possessions are not the World, you can live without th em if you have to and even replace them, do not let the Uhaul people "govern" dominate your thinking over your possessions.  Your grandfather Victor once gave me this good advice.  " Son I may be your father and I will do everything I can to help you but in a pinch if I do not have the money, the money you save on your own " is your best friend."  Son when I do receive  the 500 I will send it to you not as a loan, it does not hurt me to share with you, I will be more than happy to let go of it for your benefit.  Just consider my siuation as one who has been climbing a hill almost impossible to climb. It takes the pharmaceutical companies millions of dollars to put a product in the market so my doing so on a shoe string budget leaves little for sharing and I must invest in the business otherwise all my past efforts are lost.  So bear with me, my tree will bear  fruit.  I am glad you are moving foreward, be patient with the people you work with, try to make the job last as long as possible until your own wings are ready to fly, not before!  During the next 7 days feel free to write me all you wish.  I will respond to all your letters in about 7 days.  Ask Laura why she has not  written me lately.  I want to know how she is doing in her colledge english courses.  Has she gotten married, if so wish her the best.  Her last engagement plans seemed better than the first.  She has an affinity for the arab people, its karma.  She needs to look forward not backwards although its natural to do so.  It will never be the same as it was, only some times similar.  Your future is in the future not the past.  You love San Antonio because you accostomed to it from childhood but it may not necessarily be the best place for you.  When you do leave  it do not burn the bridges beh ind you, you never know when you will need to return on those bridges, maybe to Panama on vacation, if I can I will send you the airfare for that vacation!  See you(write you) next week.  Franklin 


another reply:

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: hello frank  


Date :    

Fri, 08 Nov 2002 18:52:52 +0000  



Hello Victor.  My sincere apology for the delay in writing.  Economically here the situation is getting very tough making me travel long distances to get the dripple.  Am being  forced to develop new strategies for survival, sales at hotels fluncked, the attendants are envious and either hide the medication or the signs.  So back to the drawing board. 

Last week could not sleep very well.  Had two preocupations.  One was a brain cancer paitient I was treating.  She gained strength the first week with my tonic plants and vegetable juices and protein supplements. 

But, a freak of fate destroyed her life.  Her sisters came down with a bad flu which she caught and the high fever caused her to go into convulsions, she died, was only 11 years old.  This was a humanitarian case, did not charge.  The other thing was waking up a bout 4 a.m. with your bipolar problem in my mind.  Since I have been "bipolar" all of my  life I am writing you to share some insight on how to  deal with this "gift."  It is a gift if you learn how to channel it.  Every bad thing has its good side.  The vast mayority of "bipolar" patients which are not psicotic(losing touch with reality, hallucinations, etc) ARE IDEA AND PROJECT ORIENTED (THE GIFT).  When they get enthused with an idea they transform it into a project and in  trying to implement it intensely burn up most of their energies.  So consequently, in a burned out state, they naturally become depressed.  You see Son idea and project oriented people are about 2% of the population, most geniuses are counted among them.  The rest of the population are basically "things" oriented.  They do not mind being some one elses "slave" so long as they get the "good things of life!"  In a World that is basically "thing oriented" (capitalistic) the eduational system is geared mostly to their needs, leaving people like us, stranded and out of environmental context.  Basically, then,we make an effort to become "self made men."  Some times we succeed, other times we fail.  The bad thing then is not being by polar for which society has a natural bias against, but rather not being "realistic" in our goals and behavior.  Yes, even impossible things can be achieved, if the strategy is correct and we  take things step at a time.  Son its a waste of time to make people and the World in our own image and thinking, it takes humanity decades and centuries to catch up, they must have time.  The important thing is to set up " an example" yourself as a  model of success even if it is on a small scale, once the seed is planted others like you will water it and it will grow into a strong tree, hopefully, of life! 

The other important thing about bipolarity that I can share with you is the need for using your naturally stubborn nature to your advantage by setting up your independant business.  It should be wholesale as wholesale business frees up your time for recharging yourself(depressed state).  Example.  When in a "manic" fast activity phase I make medicine and go out and leave it on consignment( almost everyone accepts on consignment).  The key is having a very low cost.  By the time I am through going on the route, the depression sets in.  From the previous expansion I saved enough for food, then I consume it, then go out again 15 days later to collect what was sold of what I left on consignment and leave more product.  The advantage is that the stores that accept my product do the worst part of the  work, the "slave part."  They stand or sit behind a counter up to 16 hours a day waiting for the client.  And as they collect little by little the sales of my product they end up giving me two thirds of that income!  So the bipolar type has the advantage when he discovers that wholsale business frees up his time and increases his revenue.  Example, it may take me at most 5 days to do a route visiting dozens of clients.  Doing two routes a months means that in sales I consume only ten days of the 30.  And in production for the whole month only 5 days.  Thus I actively work only half of the time, the other half is for recharging my depressed state.  A  complication of being by polar is being " boxed in" by circumstances such as family and friends that do not understand by polarity and insist one slave the whole month.  Now you can appreciate more why I want you to come to Panama to learn with me my bipolarity survival techniques.  So we cannot overnight do away with capitalism. For the time being share your profits with them so they can do what they do best, be the "slaves to the system."  It will free up your time to do what you do best, think with useful ideas to society which can bear fruit in the future.  However, we still have to work, each one of us giving the best of ourselves to the World and humanity. 

Another thing not to forget is God, the Supreme Lord.  With him in our hearts we are humans.  Without him we are mere opportunistic intelligent animals.  He is the source of life and lasting enlightenment.  I hope the enlightenment shared with you will be of some value. 

next week, hopefully, will send you a 20 dollar bill.  Also, the sample of oil, arthritis, I promised.  Hope U.S. Customs lets it arrive at your address.  Still continue to work on the mayor transaction.  God Bless your Soul, Victor! 

my reply:

hello frank, 

     let me quote you from your last email: 

"Yes, even impossible things can be achieved, if the strategy is correct and we take things step at a time.  Son its a waste of time to make people and the World in our own image and thinking, it takes humanity decades and centuries to catch up, they must have time."

"The bad thing then is not being by polar for which society has a natural bias against, but rather not being "realistic" in our goals and 


     i believe i know the strategy to bring change considerably faster than decades long.  its just simple evolution.  a new way to reach the masses.  im sure ive sent you my ideas about using the internet to get my global voice.  i will be running my FTP server and showing people the truth, as soon as i get my computer back from chasity.  You feel like its a waste of time, only because you dont know what i know.  it may have taken decades before, but things can change, cant they?

     first things first though.  with my belongings that uhaul has, is my old keychain.  on my old keychain there is a spare key to chasitys apartment.  so im going to see if i can offer uhual some money just for a few belongings, including my keychain.  then im going to wait until i know for sure chasity is not home and enter her apartment and just take my computer back.  ill see if i can get a friend with a truck to come help me and ill get my big solid wood california kingsize bed back too.  hell, while im at it, i should just take stuart back also.  

     so im pretty crunched for time because chasity is moving to florida in january, if not december.  i have to be patient and work my job.  good things come to those who wait.

- victor


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