

                                                                                          Bandera to Kerrville to Ozona, TX

Sunday November 9, 2008

     6:15am  I just woke up with 8.43 hours of sleep. I'm going to get up and smoke a cigarette. I wish I had some weed. I should've remembered my dream last night because I hadn't smoked, but I didn't.

                    It got pretty cold last night, but I slept through it great.

     7:20am  Up and at 'em. All packed up and ready to go. I found a little corridor to crash in last night. At first I was going to crash in the backyard of the house they have at the park. It's like a historical monument. First house in Ozona or something. There were no concealed areas in the yard, but that's where I jumped the fence into the woods. I'll take pictures.

                    I crashed out by the river close to the First Baptist Church.

                    Cool, a payphone. I'm going to call my mom.

                    Forget it. I put in two quarters and it said please deposit fifty more cents. Screw that. I can borrow somebody's cellphone I'm sure. I'm walking north now. The guy at the BBQ place last night told me there wasn't anything until Kerrville. I might just sit down and thumb it. I had to stop and layer down. I still had my sweater on from last night. It got butt-ass cold last night.

     7:53pm  I stopped at the Old Timer store and layered down in the bathroom. I'm walking now. I think they told me it was fifteen miles to the next gas station. Hopefully I'll get a ride.

     7:57am  I am 24 miles away from Kerrville. I can walk that today. I bought some snacks at the store.

     8:15am  Coming up on the Medina River, Benton Crossing.

                    I stopped right before the bridge and I'm going to take a mealbreak. I bought some honeybuns and stuff.

     8:30am  Leaving from my break.

     8:53am  I took a little pause and I took off a couple layers. My thermal top and my hoodie.

     9:14am  Taking an impromptu rest. My shoulders hurt. I am like hauling like sixty pounds altogether.

     9:25am  Leaving from my rest. I ate another honeybun.

     9:28am  Passing Highway Intersection FM 2107.

                   Oh yeah, yesterday Alex hooked me up with a brand new disposable camera. I've got a backup.

     9:30am  Twenty miles away from Kerrville.

     9:46am  Coming up on the Medina Rive, Freeman Crossing.

     10:07am  Taking another impromptu rest at first shade I came across. The sun is out now.

                      Love, provide me with some marijuana, please.

     10:25am  Leaving from my rest. I had a good little break.

     10:40am  About to pass Wallace Creek.

     10:50am  Crossing Mesa Verde Road. About to pass Wallace Creek again.

     10:52am  Walking in front of the Medina Children's Home.

     11:10am  I am going to stop again, I'm hungry. I'll eat another honeybun. My last one.

                     Up from my break.

     11:47am  About to cross Roberston Creek. I see the county line coming up.

                     Walking in front of the Koyote Ranch.

     11:49am  I just walked into Kerr County.

     12:08pm  These nice people from Abiline Christian University are being nice enough to give me a ride. Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.
     12:35pm  Hell yeah, I got hooked up with a ride to Kerrville by these nice Christians. When I told the guy I was on a mission he told me, "Tell me your story." It was these two white vans with Christians inside. The driver was this pretty lady from South Africa who laughed when I mentioned marijuana. I didn't have time to tell them my entire Odyssey, but I told them the spirit's part and asked them to do me the two favors. I even told them how I believed in Love not God. They asked me where I wanted to be dropped off and I soon spotted El Sombrero Mexican Restaurant. I told them, "Right there. I'm going to go eat."

     12:38pm  Jose en El Sombrero me esta dando comida. Te lo agradesco, Jose. Todo em mundo recibe credito, gracias.

                     Called that. I'm getting hooked up at El Sombrero.

     1:21pm  After I left the Mexican Restaurant with tacos in tow, I walked across the street and asked this old guy walking by where all the kids with marijuana were, hehe. He told me, "Umm, you probably won't find that in this town." He pointed me to the park and I walked to it by the river. I went to the park and walked around and asked four or five people and they all told me no. I saw some kids finally and walked over to them. I'm on my way to go score right now! I'm getting a ride. What was your name? You can make it up if you want. Tyler is giving me a ride to get some weed! Welcome to Kerrville, Victor!

     2:02pm  Man, I am having the best time in Kerrville. I found some marijuana! Remember that prayer I made earlier? Just like that I got to smoke a big blunt with Tyler and he scored me a dimebag! Hell yeah, welcone to Kerrville, Victor! He filled up my tin with weed and he even gave me a ride to I10! On my way to save the world.

                   With his cellphone I was able to call my mom. She's all stressing out as usual. I told her she had to stay calm if she didn't want to lose her mind. She hadn't gotten home but she asked me if I had emptied out the mop bucket before I left because she didn't have the strength to lift it. I was pretty sure I had but at the last minute I remembered I hadn't. I called her back and told her, "I'm not that far. Do you want me to come back?" I was so just kidding and she laughed.

                   I called her back and told her to just dump it out the sliding door into the back porch. It'll dry.

     2:12pm  I just got dropped off at I10. I am stoned off my ass! We smoked a big blunt.

     2:40pm  It's about time I made an update. I didn't have too many good reactions to my shirt at the gas station. I gave out my website a couple of times. I thought maybe I should just go to the onramp and thumb it. I look like a professional. People should pick me up quick. I don't look like a bum. Even when I was smoking with Tyler and I told him I was working undercover he told me when he first saw me that it was obvious I had something going. Just like that I got a ride to get some weed, hell yeah. I'm going to go to the onramp and stick my thumb out.

                   I never mentioned. I have been giving every single car the peace sign ever since I left. Not just the first car in the pack, but every single one.

                   Wait, there's another gas station over here. I'm going to go eliminate this option and then come to the onramp when I need to.

     2:47pm  Option self-eliminated. It's closed down.

                   Yeah, I stuffed my marijuana necklace in my pocket now that I've got weed. I just got a little paranoid because I am still super stoned from smoking a blunt. Then the cashier came outside and told me, "You have to smoke twenty feet away from the door." I asked him what was twenty feet and he told me. "Now I know," I told him.

                   I scored a dimebag and my marijuana necklace is like a homing device for the cops so I concealed it.

     3:28pm  In no-time, like maybe ten minutes somebody pulled over for me. Wesley pulled over for me. I'm getting to El Paso tonight! That's awesome. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. He's going to Exit 23 in El Paso. If you don't make plans you never get let down!

     3:42pm  Wesley, I'm telling him my story. I'm still all stoned.

     3:55pm  The I10 speed limit is now 80 miles per hour.

     5:32pm  Change of plans. This guy Wesley had a really short attention span and would not stop interrupting my story. Oh yeah, I was able to check my email on his Iphone! While I was writing an email with it he asked me if I would rather do it on a laptop. Sure! All this while I'm riding in his car. Ain't technology grand?
                   We stopped in Ozona for a restroom break. I went inside and this beautiful girl was grinning beautifully at my marijuana necklace. I figured it would be tough to find a place to camp in El Paso at night. I decided I would get off here and tell this beautiful girl who works here my story.

     6:32pm  Man, I am having so much fun. I was so meant to stay in Ozona. I started telling Jasmine and P.J. my story. She asks me if I would rather sit down at a table. Jasmine works at the deli. I sat down and had the most responsive audience with these two. Jasmine has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. They're both listening with open ears. I even smoked them out. I'm having tons of fun. I'm all stoned and telling my story. I knew I shouldn't ride five hundred miles with that Wesley guy when he interrupted my story so much. He kept butting in. I didn't tell him the whole presentation-not-conversation clause, but I should have. I paused the story to smoke them out. I'm right before the spirit's part with them. This beautiful girl Jasmine. I took her picture. They're not boyfriend and girlfriend. They just both work here. They are totally listening to my story.

     8:35pm  Robert Mohica, he just offered to let me crash in his motel room. There's an empty bed in it. I don't have to camp outside in the cold tonight! I appreciate it, Robert. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    I just got a place to crash tonight! That's fuckin' awesome. Hell yeah. I told him just because I'm wearing a rainbow beanie I'm not gay. That I wear the rainbow colors because I am a beam of light for others to follow. He told me he wasn't a queer and if I made a move on him that he had a gun. I told him rest assured. There's shit in there! It's awesome. I had just finished layering up to go camp in the freezing cold. I got my green tights with two thermal bottoms on. All of a sudden, bam. This guy invited me to sleep in his room. "I've got an extra bed in there," he told me.

Next day..

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