


Arcata, CA

Monday November 10, 2003

     6:45am  I just woke up in Princess. In the truck. Hmm, Kati told me to walk out to her apartment today, but I don't know when. I don't want to wake her up. I'll come over later on. I don't know. I'll wait a little bit.

     6:53am  I just took a picture of the moon. 


 It looks beautiful. Look at the craters in the moon. Doesn't that look like a yin-yang?

     7:05am  Son of a bitch. I just realized I left my water bottle in Princess. Argh, I don't want to go all the way back there. I'm almost to the donut shop. Ah, that sucks. I'm going to get a donut, then go back to Princess and get my bottle.

                   Oh wait, I don't need to eat a donut. I have two big bananas Charles bought me at the Co-op last night. He let me get two big bananas and a chocolate milk. And a big ice cream sandwich thing. Well, I'm going to go in the donut shop and eat. Then, walk to Princess and get my bottle.

     7:29am  Check this out. I was at the donut shop all bummed out because I forgot my water. I ate me a big banana and a donut and these two guys and a girl walked by talking about weed. I looked at them and asked him, "Smoke a brother out?" They all came over and it turns out they were needing some. I still had a little trim in my pocket, so I offered to smoke them out. They suggested we sit in their car and smoke. Then I got this great idea. I asked them, "Hey, can you give me a ride somewhere to get my water bottle?" They said ok and I smoked them out and told them my story. Oh yeah, I'm in the car right now making this entry and Sheena was nice enough to give me some gum. Sheena is sixteen and the two guys just recently went and got her out of an institution.

     7:48am  Man, that was a badass little session I had with those people who gave me a ride. They helped me get my water bottle back and I told them my story. They believed me, too.

                   Man, that was awesome. That sixteen year old girl Sheena was all nice to me. When we drove back to the donut shop they parked and got out of the car so I could finish my story. Sheena told me, "Thanks for telling your story. Want some candy?" She gave me a big handful. Hehe, she knows it's her world I'm saving.

     8:22am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm walking to Kati's.

     8:38am  I'm at Kati's apartment. I gently knocked on the door. I'm going to finish smoking this cigarette.

                   I crawled around to Kati's window and knocked on it. She's there. She gave me a big beautiful smile. She's going to come open the door for me.

     3:45pm  Shit, I didn't do a damn thing today. I'm walking away from Kati's. I had a lazy ass day. I walked over to Kati's and I hung out with her all day. We just sat around and cuddled. I rubbed her shoulders and we watched a movie. We just chilled out all day. Man, love can make you lazy.

     4:08pm  I just ate my other big ass banana I had. I'm not going to get a cigarette. I'm going to walk to the Redwood Park and do some Tai-Chi. I got some good, natural food in my stomach.

     4:15pm  I was walking towards the park and I noticed a big group of people moving. I crossed the street and walked with them. I told this dude, Angel that I was on my way to do some Tai-Chi in the forest. He told me about this park in Chinatown, SF where all the Asian people do Tai-Chi all day there.

     4:52pm  As I was walking towards the Redwood Park, I noticed AJ and a whole gang of kids walking. I figured they were probably going somewhere to smoke weed. They sure were. We all came over by the highway to smoke some weed. I had an audience of like five kids or so and I put on a great show. I got a couple email addresses. Now, I'm going to keep walking to the forest to do my Tai-Chi.

                   I've got an appointment with Kati at 10:30pm at the donut shop.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that at that big group smokeout by the highway that dude who heard me call myself the Spanging Prophet in Berkeley(8-23-03, 12:55pm), he was there and I told everyone my stories. AJ was actually listening. He usually interrupts me and shit. But, I don't think he'd heard my odyssey story before. He was actually listening.

     5:07pm  Oh yeah, I've walked up some random trail in the park and I'm going to go my Tai-Chi.

     5:12pm  Umm, I don't think I did that much Tai-Chi. I've done enough for today, though. I am sure I'm doing it wrong. I need to go look it up online, or something. Anyway, I'm going to walk to the school right now and get to work.

     5:40pm  I got to the library. There's only one pair of headphones and that old guy who's always here is using them. I'm searching for the other set. They should be somewhere around here. I'm looking for them.

                   Ahh, I just ended up finding other stuff to do until the old dude left.

     10:10pm  I just finished at the library. I had a pretty productive day. I didn't type up that many days, but I typed up an email to that girl who told me she knew where El Jefe lived. I asked her if she could tell me again. Then, since I was bored, I typed up all of my scripts into the email. I'm sure I've left some out, but I was sure to save that email in case I want to massmail my stuff. Anyway, I'm supposed to meet Kati. She gets off of work at ten. She catches the bus back to Arcata at 10:17pm which would put her at the coffee shop after 10:30pm. It'll take me about fifteen minutes to walk there from here. Brr, it's chilly outside. I'm going to put on another layer.

     10:25pm  I'm at the donut shop. Where is Kati?

     10:31pm  Kati still hasn't shown up. I wonder where she is. I hope I wasn't too late, but no, the bus doesn't come where she is until 10:17pm.

                     There she is, I see her. She had to get her bike.

     10:35pm  I just took a picture of Kati Texas.


She looks hot. In front of Don's.

Next day..

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