


Anthony, NM to El Paso, TX

Thursday November 11, 2004

     6:20am  I woke up around six. The sun's coming up. I'm going to start walking. I'm going to walk to Anthony. It should be a cool town. I have to follow that name.

                   I'm on the Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway part of I10.

     6:38am  Mile marker 147.

     6:42am  I was walking and all of a sudden Joe picks me up! He told me he picked me up like a year ago. I had asked him, "Do you remember my mission?" He said, "Yeah, you're the prophet, right?"

                   Things happen for a reason. I just woke up and I got a ride.

                    I just got dropped off in Anthony. I wanted to go here. He told me, "I'm going to Rainbow Lake." I thought about it for a second and told him, "No, I wanted to go to Anthony. It's a good name for a town." I got dropped off in front of this Diamond Shamrock. He gave me five dollars! I don't know where he remembered me from. He said, "I think I gave you a ride to Las Cruces once."

                    Man, I'm famous. Before I had been thinking, "I've been through this part of the country before. I'm sure somebody might pick me up who's picked me up before." Sure enough, somebody did.

                    Oh yeah, I'm in Texas again! I saw a sign that said, "Welcome to Texas." It's so good to be back.

     7:30am  I smoked some weed by the Circle K. Hehe, it's cool. I got two taquitos and put them in one bag. I only got charged for one, hehe. I got a milkshake too and I found a cigarette outside right now. I've got breakfast. Oh yeah, I was told that there is a bus that goes all the way to El Paso. That's what I'm going to catch.

     7:49am  I am here telling Yvette my story at the laundromat. She just handed me a burrito. Red chilies with potato and meat. She got some burritos from the guy who walks around and sells them. I appreciate it, Yvette.

     8:06am  Ni le pedi y Alfredo Garza me dio tres dolares! Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     8:15am  I finally got my after-meal smoke. Terry hooked me up in front of the Movie Gallery. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Everyone I asked for a cigarette was telling me no. I said screw it and went to the Movie Gallery and scanned for an ashtray. I saw some guy in his truck with his wife and kid. He hooked me up. I've got my after-meal smoke. Thank you, Love.

     8:25am  I'm on the bus to El Paso now. It was awesome how that guy gave me five dollars and I had exactly how much I needed for bus fare left. Two dollars,  perfect, perfect. I'm going to El Paso.

     9:04am  I'm in El Paso!

     9:16am  Walking down El Paso Street in downtown El Paso. I'm going to turn left on San Antonio Street.


                    Let's see where it goes. Good 'ol San Antonio. Home sweet home.

                    Guess where I'm going to end up. I'm going to end up at the Greyhound station!

     9:47am  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette loading up his Toyota Echo. V56-7Z. At first I thought he ignored me, but he came back and gave me one.

                    Oh, I changed my mind about riding the Greyhound. The next town is twenty bucks. I'm going to ride the bus as far East as I can on I10. I'll walk it until somebody picks me up again.

     10:32am  I came to the old bus station.


The Amtrak station. I asked the lady there where was the place where all the city buses stopped. She gave me directions. She told me to walk the Placita and catch the 59 and the 56.

     10:37am  Ramon Armando me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco, hermano. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     10:51am  I went to the Jack in the Box and bought a burger. I came back and finished my burger. The 59 was there. Oh yeah, at the Jack in the Box I gave some girl a quarter. She was all bumming change trying to get a soda. At first I told her, "Nah, I need it for the bus." Then I checked and I had two quarters so I gave her one.

     11:11am  I'm over at the East Side Transit Terminal. I'm supposed to catch the 56. Oh yeah, I just found me a safety pin! I had lost my scraping tool for my pipe. That's exactly what I needed. The universe provides.

                     Letty gave me a cigarette at the transit center. I appreciate it, Letty.

     12:35pm  I went up to this guy listening to headphones. I asked him, "Hey man, what are you listening to?" He took off his headphones and said, "I don't have any change." I told him, "I don't want anything. I just wanted to know what you're listening to." He told me, "It's alright, have a nice day," and walked off. Ignorant ass.

                     I'm going to go to Bisby, Arizona someday.

     1:18pm  I just got dropped off over by the highway. I'm going to go over to the Diamond Shamrock and get a cigarette somewhere.

     1:32pm  Elizabeth en el A&W me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, Elizabeth. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

                    I had sat down, ate a bag of chips and bummed a cigarette off some guy I met on the bus. Some other hitch-hiker guy. He's got a big army bag. He's going to go to the highway and fly a sign saying East on it or something. He's going to be on the East ramp, like he needs a sign or something. Like people aren't going to know what direction he wants to go. He's walking to the truckstop now. I told him, "That's where I'm going after I sit down and smoke a cigarette." Right now we're both walking. He's a little bit ahead of me.

     1:42pm  I've been walking the wrong direction this whole time. The truckstop isn't over here. I asked a cop and he told me the truckstop was the other way. I came to other side of the highway to start walking and I spot some hip kids hanging out in the park here. I'm going to go talk to them.

                   Oh yeah, I'm walking to the truckstop now. Man, it was weird how I went down the highway the wrong way, on "purpose" it seems. I talked to those kids. This girl was really ignorant, but her boyfriend listened to my story. I was meant to go talk to those kids. That's why I went the wrong way.

                   I'm walking to the truckstop. They told me it was like three miles.

     2:03pm  I've walked up on the Mesilla Valley Transportation. I thought it was a truckstop because I saw all these eighteen wheelers. I think it's just the headquarters of this place or something. I think I'm supposed to hop the highway and walk that way to the truckstop.

                   Whoa, I see a sign that says Mission Trail with an arrow pointing right. I'm going to follow that.

     2:38pm  I walked I10 to the mission. I just had to follow the Mission Trail, hehe. There's the El Paso Community College here, I think. There's a sign that says Mission Del Paso.


I took a picture of it.

                    I'm on a mission. I walked out here for some reason. I gotta follow the signs.

                    I cut through this field by the mission. I'm going to cut through all this brush all the way to the truckstop. I can see it down there.

     4:20pm  Long walk. I have arrived at the Petro truckstop.

     4:35pm  There's this bible-thumper lady out here selling bread at the truckstop. I hit her up for my story. I told her, "Don't you know that it's human nature to be generous and you're out here selling bread for evil money?" As soon as I said marijuana she tried to give me one of her little pamphlets. She was all, "No, no, no. I grew up in the sixties. I ruined my life with sex, drugs and rock and roll blah, blah, blah." She told me, "Well, why don't you talk to those kids(the same kids I had seen at the park before, they're hitchhiking too)." I told her, "I already did. They listened to me. They weren't ignorant," and I walked off.

     5:02pm  Rachel, the lady selling bread earlier she came over and she gave us two loafs. We appreciate it, Rachel. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   She gave me a whole one to myself.

     5:35pm  Dan hooked me up with a cigarette at the truckstop. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:53pm  I didn't notice, but it was fifty cents to play the gun game inside and I put in my only quarter. I went up to this one dude and told him, "Hey, there's a quarter game on that one there. You can play it if you want. I didn't realize it was fifty cents." He hooked me up with a quarter. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:15pm  Al gave me three quarters. I didn't even ask for change. I asked for a ride to San Antonio. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:28pm  Mark hooked me up with a dollar at the Petro. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    Francisco estuvo caminando a la entrada. Le pregunte si me deharia terminar su cigaro y el me dio uno nuevo. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     6:45pm  Donald gave me like eight dollars! I appreciate it, Donald. I'm just asking for rides.

                   Whoa, I already got ten bucks. I'm going to have bus fare in no time.

     6:47pm  Andrew, I wasn't even asking for money, he gave me a dollar! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:50pm  I told Andrew what I was doing and he gave me five more!

     6:53pm  Avel me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco, Avel. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     8:11pm  Felicia me dio cambio para mi boleto de cammion. Te lo agradezco, señora. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

Next day..

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