


Arcata, CA

Wednesday November 12, 2003

     10:14am  I came to Kati's house last night and slept. We had a good night. We slept great. Actually, we made love last night and we made love this morning. I'm going to help Kati today clean up the house. I'm going to put up some lights and stuff. I think I'm going to leave pretty soon. Like maybe this weekend.

                     I kind of want to get back to San Antonio before the end of the year.

     10:41pm  I just went to the store and bought pack of cigarettes. I'm back now.

     4:37pm  I had one big lazy day. Man, this return to Babylon is pretty unproductive. I was just hanging out with Kati all day. She's great. She's like a gift. She's just what I needed to get me out of my slump. She has recharged my soul. After I leave, I'm going to be the most productive person in the world. Right now I'm going to go type up a lot of my stuff at the library and catch up, hopefully.

                   Let's see how long it takes to get into town today.

     4:40pm  I'm going to go a slightly different way, just to see if it's any quicker.

     5:00pm  I got over by the donut shop at five. Oh yeah, guess who I ran into a minute ago. Micah again. She said I talked to her in a dream, or something.

     5:04pm  I just took a picture of Ryan, Ian, Jude and Micah.  

     5:17pm  Sherice just hooked me up with seventy five cents for a donut. Badass. Thank you so much. Hehe, I was contemplating not logging this occurrence, but at the last moment, after she walked off I asked her for her name. She smiled back and told me Sherice.

     5:26pm  I'm walking to the school.

     5:41pm  I'm at the library.

                   Okay, I am caught up. Not much should happen tonight, but I'll continue it tomorrow. Hmm, it's Wednesday and I'm caught up. I am free to leave, now. Leaving Arcata and Kati is going to be a very tough thing to do. Let's see what happens. Maybe I'll stay for the weekend. Actually, I want to be in San Antonio before the end of the year. Argh, I don't know what I'll do.

                   I was just looking at this one guys' email address in my book. It's So I checked to see what was. It's some stuff talking about god and stuff. It has a link at the bottom that says Check it out. It's some good writing(I think). Now, I'm going to go back into town. I'll go call Kati.

     8:17pm  I just got out of the library. I'm caught up until today. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then walk to somewhere and call Kati.

     8:20pm  I asked these kids if I could borrow their cellphones and they let me. I called Kati. She said she had a big, productive day. She cleaned up all her move-in clothes off the floor and now has floorspace and a bed. She asked me, "Do you want to come over?" I told her, "Am I welcome to?" She said, "I wouldn't be asking if you weren't."

                  Ahh, cool. I get to go back over to Kati's.

     8:41pm  This big fight just broke out in the plaza. This one guy has blood all over his face and he's holding a hammer. Some little kid hit him in the face with a skateboard, or so I've gathered. I don't know what the hell happened. That's messed up.

                    I asked Sean to give me the scoop: "The older guy pulled out a hammer and then the kid hit him in the face with a skateboard. That was basically what happened. You know, one guy has a hammer and the other guy has a skateboard. Who can blame him? One guy wanted to knock the kid out with a hammer and the kid took the skateboard to his face."

                   Cool, some guy gave me forty four cents. I didn't get his name, but he knows who he is.

     8:55pm  Kent hooked me up with some more change. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:05pm  I'm leaving the donut shop. I just got a donut for fuel for my walk to Kati's.

     9:25pm  I'm at Kati's apartment.

Next day..

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