

                                                                                                              Las Cruces, NM

Thursday November 13, 2008

     7:06am  I just woke up. I only got about five hours of sleep. I went to bed around one or so. I only got five hours of sleep because I was shivering. I need to use a little bit more layers if I want to sleep comfortably. Anyway, I just woke up. I tried to go back to sleep, but I can't because it's so cold. My extremities are cold. The sun is started to come up so I'm going to wait until it does. I'll smoke a cigarette. I wish I had some weed!

     8:04am  I am up and at 'em. I took like three pictures.

                   The field is over by Turrentine and University. Plaza Suites Hotel.

                   I'm going to walk to the college now and take a shit, brush my teeth and check my email.

     8:32am  Access granted at the library. You don't have to be a student to use the computers. I'm already in the bathroom taking a healthy shit.

                   New Mexico State University.

     11:08pm  I came to the library and I first went in the bathroom and did my morning routine. This guy walks in and sees my shirt. He ended up working at the library. I offer him my website and he accepts. Then I told him I had just gotten to town and if he knew where to get any weed. He said he would hit me up later. He gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:21pm  I have an update to make. I was sitting there typing at the library trying to get caught up. I am already in Ozona in my typing. The dude I saw in the bathroom earlier John came back and asked me, "How much do you want?" I smiled and told him ten. We're going to get in his truck and he's going to score for me! Welcome to Las Cruces, Victor!

     11:55pm  I have to make an update. My good friend Chris who I connected with in the library this morning in the bathroom. Oh wait, it's John. My bad. I'm all stoned. We met his friend at Sonic and I ordered a burger. Then we all rolled to the park before dark and we smoked. John's friend had a blunt ready for us. I am so stoned right now. Thanks a lot, guys.

                     Dude, I am so happy right now.

                     So John, what did you think of my presentation? John: "I think that it's so awesome that you're going around spreading word that anything is possible...I don't want to compare you to Jesus." I'm not Jesus. I'm just following his same path. If I am anybody I am Saint Anthony. John: "That's so awesome because people in organized religion don't follow his path at all. I can't say I'm religious, more like spiritual."

     12:53pm  John had to go to class so we drove back over to the school. I still have typing to do which will be a lot more fun because I'm all high. I also scored a pretty fat dimebag. Thanks, mom, hehe. We found a spot in the parking lot and John left for class. I told him I would be in the library all day and to come by. It was funny, the sun had come out so I layered down right there in the parking lot. I'm going to go back to the library and keep typing. So many students. Good little slaves-in-training.

     1:15pm  I got dropped off in the parking lot and noticed the library wasn't that far. The sun felt good outside so I sat down in the grass next to the parking lot and smoked. I'm going to walk to the library now. I'm all stoned. I took a smokebreak.

                   On the walk back to the library I walked by this pretty girl with beautiful hair. She smiled at me obviously wondering about me, some guy wearing all these bags walking through her campus. I offered her my website of course and then hit her up for my story. She ended up being an anthropology major. Anthropology is the study of humanity. I guess you can say I'm an anthropologist too. She actually listened to my entire Odyssey, Note from the Rich and even my head injuries story. What a great candidate for my stuff. Everything happens for a reason, you know.

     2:18pm  I am in the library typing.

     3:40pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm taking a break. I'm kind of hungry. I wonder where there's a snack machine.

     4:25pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Nick right now. He's not a student, he's selling magazines. He saw my shirt and asked me where it was at so I offered to smoke him out. We walked over to this sunlit field and I gave him some drags off of my special cigarette. Actually, it's about 3:25pm. My clock is wrong. I passed a timezone. I have to go look up on the internet how to set my watch.

     5:47pm  It's starting to cool down so I'm going to go in the bathroom and take and layer up. Then I'll go take a smokebreak. I'm already on yesterday in my typing. I don't know what time the library closes, but I'll find out.

                   Whoa, the library closes at midnight! That's awesome!

     8:19pm  I came outside for a smokebreak in front of the Branson Library. This smaller library they have here. They have another big library but it was all packed full of students. I had randomly come here first this morning. I had just walked in and asked permission and he said sure. Bam, I sat down and started typing. I am already caught up. Right now I just came out for another smokebreak. I had taken a lunchbreak earlier. Everybody is visibly ignoring me. They think I'm some bum because of my big frame backpack. I really miss my walking stick. I should take a picture of myself. I look like a total bum
without my stick. That's alright. I'm working undercover, remember? I've been typing away like crazy today. I'm going to go find a place to camp later on. I'll probably just go back to the same place, that field I crashed in last night.

                    I could really use another sleeping bag. Maybe I'll try and manifest that somehow.

                    My terminal in the library.

                    My gear.

                    Oh yeah, you can't download anything on the computer. I really need Frontpage and I have it on my hard drive, but I can't install any programs on it without the admin password. But, I remembered I had IRC installed on my little hard drive. I'll be able to chat! This places closes at twelve. Badass. I'll be able to go in #ufos and tell them all I'm in New Mexico already.

     8:50pm  I am leaving the library. I'm going to walk and find the McDonald's.

     8:57pm  I left the library after all my typing today. I caught up. I went out looking for the McDonald's. Zack had told me the way to go when I saw him walking and he just drove by and asked me if I wanted a ride there. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:17pm  That dude brought me to the McDonald's, but it was all closed down. I thought it was when we pulled up but he assured me they were open. He hung out for a bit and listened to a little of my story in his car. After I load up my bags and walk up to the McDonald's it ended up being closed. I knew it. This guy told me that on the other side of I25 closeby there was a gas station with some  restaurants in it. I'm walking there now.

     9:25pm  I walked over to the FINA gas station on the other side of I25. I have three dollars. I don't know what I'm going to buy. All I had to eat today was a Jumbo Honeybun I had bought last night and a cinnamon roll and a cheese Danish from the snack machine. Oh yeah, I had a Sonic burger too.

     9:34pm  Arturo at the Santa Fe Grill at the FINA gas station. The burritos cost like three fifty and I only have three dollars and he's giving me a burrito. I appreciate it, brother. Arturo: "Hey man, no problem." Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. Badass, he's giving me two!

                   Dude, Arturo hooked me up! He gave me TWO of these long-ass burritos. I told him I would smoke him out and he said he got off of work at ten, in like twenty minutes. I'm going to go outside and eat and smoke and hand out my website to college kids.

     10:10pm  About five minutes ago I had a badass presentation with these three kids in front of the gas station.

     10:30pm  This one ignorant girl wouldn't take my webpage. That's right, be afraid. Be afraid. She's watching me recording myself right now. She probably thinks I'm crazy.

     10:53pm  I just had another awesome presentation. See, the guy who hooked me up with the burritos told me he was getting off at ten, so I figured I would wait and smoke him out since he hooked me up. Ten thirty came around and he never got off. I went inside to go ask him what was up. He had already left. Anyway, I saw like five kids who I had noticed sitting inside and I approached them with my story. They listened to me great! Note From the Rich and everything. They weren't laughing at the Note From the Rich at all. It seemed like it was sinking into them. It's a real eye opener. Hopefully it'll wake them up some more to the fact they are slaves-in-training.

     10:55pm  I'm leaving the gas station. Hmm, maybe I'll find a new place to camp. Hmm, I see woods. Great.

     11:33pm  I already found my campspot. Over by the highway. After a diligent walk among the dunes, see I couldn't find any concealed areas. I wished I wasn't so close to the highway and the cars and the noise. I'm going to have to tolerate it because I found a nice little pocket here next this tree. It's also pretty late and there aren't that many cars. I am layering up right now. I'll smoke some weed and go to bed.

     12:00am  I woke up about five minutes ago and ate a couple more bites of my second burrito. I took a hit of weed and I'm going to go back to sleep.

Next day..

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