

Here's a text file I had in my old backups titled howtostopwar.txt

     in all my recent learning-experiences, I have come to notice that if you react in the exact opposite way that people expect you to, not only do you surprise them, but a lot of the time, they end up respecting you for it.  so i say lets help all the nations we have problems with.  lets be generous and modernize them like us.  
     we cant blame all of the people of a certain country for how their leaders behave and think.  its not like they all agree with them.  so why make innocent people suffer because what their leaders or the majority think?
     we have got to stop trying to make everyone the same.  it will never work.  ALL people are different and that diversity is something supported by science.  the only way were ever going to make everyone the same is if we accept everybody's differences.  as different as we all are.  we are all still human beings and you cant tell me that doing good doesnt feel good.  if you dont believe me, i invite you to try it.
    dont you think if we make the first effort and help out these other countries, that theyll feel grateful and we'll have peace with them?  
     the government has to get out of everyones business already.  so people from other countries are different.  who cares, its none of our business how they make themselves happy.  let them do what they want, as long as theyre not hurting innocent people.  and like i always say about generosity and good will, you really do get what you give.  if we help them, theyll feel indebted to us and stop killing.  theyre human too.  duh.  

     lets lead by example and show them how we have evolved.  the older generation cant handle the fact that us younger people have learned from their mistakes and dont necessarily need college to be intelligent.  much of the ignorance i have come across comes from older people.  all the people of the "internet-generation" seem to agree with me and my values.  we are the true realists, and theres more of us than there are of them.  so lets make kindness and generosity our common-currency, not money.  

peace and harmony will be sure to follow.  remember, forgiveness is divine.

- victor

if you have any input or suggestions, respond to this email or mail me at: or

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