


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday November 20, 2002

                   Today started out when I woke up around six and took a shower. I had gone to bed early the night before because my mom was on the computer(as usual). I knew I had to go to the courthouse today to get my shit dismissed, but I got on the computer and sent my ideas out again. After about an hour I went and mixed up some Muscle Blast 2000 and drank a cup of it. I then grabbed my walking stick and left to catch the bus. I smoked a spiked cigarette on the way to the elementary school.
                   I sat down at the bus stop at the school and after about ten minutes, these kids walked up. I asked them if they knew what time it was and he said it was like fifty. I then told them that we already missed the other buses. He told me, "Damn, we're going to Marshall High School." I asked them if they would consider skipping school today and going on a nature-hike with me through the park nearby. They thought about it and said okay. The bus finally came and all the other ones had passed when we got to the grocery store. The three of us went walking towards the park. When we got to an intersection, the guys changed their mind. They wanted to walk straight to school. I told them later.
                   I walked alone to the entrance of the park. I knew it was still pretty early so I just walked around trails trying to get lost. I ended up at the top of the hill, where I had found a cool hangout spot yesterday. I've been coming to these woods since I was a kid and I had never come across that place. A lot has changed. It's just a really natural park with remarkable places. There's a cliff you can climb, a creek and an old radio antenna at the top of the cliff. Years ago this used to be an archery-park. I had remembered noticing that there was a platform up in a tree, but I didn't check it out yesterday. Today I climbed the tree and sat on the platform and my jaw dropped. What an incredible view. The tree was at the top of the cliff, which gave you a one hundred and eighty degree look over this golf course with the Medical Center buildings in the background. What a Kodak moment. As I was sitting up in the platform it dawned on me that I can get a sleeping bag and just sleep here at night. No one will notice. I can just ride the bus all day and crash out here.
                   I've decided I'm going to leave West hitch-hiking in early December. I can just live in the woods for ten days just to prove to myself that I can, then go. I really want to try and find someone else to go with me though. It truly will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
                   I came down from the platform and started walking down the cliff, not following a trail and just stepping over stuff. I got to the bottom and I saw a big part of the woods that looked paved. I walked over to it and it was just a huge rock creek bed. I could hear cars to the left of me in the distance. I just assumed that was Prue Road and checked my bearings a bit. I walked down the creek bed stepping from rock to rock. I walked a lot more and ended up in some old neighborhood. I had absolutely no idea where I was so I just started walking down the street. I finally came out to Rudder Middle School, which is on the 605 bus route. I figured I would catch the bus back to the grocery store and then the 87 into town, to go to the courthouse.
                   My water bottle needed a refill, so I walked to the school. I asked the lady if they had a water fountain close by. She pointed to the side but asked me if I could wait three or four minutes for all the kids to change classes. I agreed. I then looked at the clock on the wall and realized the bus was supposed to be there soon. I looked outside and saw it coming down the street. I ran out and started waving my stick and yelling, but the driver never heard me and he took off. I walked back into the middle school office and all the kids had changed classes already. The lady behind the desk pointed me to the fountain through a door. I refilled my bottle and headed back for the door. Just then a policeman started asking me questions. He asked me how I got into the school. I told him I was just getting water and I had asked permission. He said okay and told me goodbye.
                   I walked all the way down to Babcock by the Papa John's. I was a bit hungry so I walked up to Papa John's. It was around nine so the door was still locked. I walked over to an office complex next door and borrowed the phone at some place to call VIA and see what time the next bus came. They told me thirty minutes. Next, I walked to the Whataburger and hit up the manager for free food. I told her my scripts about needing gasoline for my stomach. She asked her coworker, "What do you think?" The other girl said, "He should have to pay like everyone else." I told them thanks anyway and to have a great day.
                   I went out of the Whataburger and noticed there was a donut shop right next door. Mmmmm, donuts. I went inside and looked around. The lady running the place seemed really nice. I had a little cash, so I didn't mind paying for it. Donuts are cheap anyway. I ordered an apple fritter, a cinnamon twist, and a hotdog thingy. After they gave them to me I walked to the bus stop and ate. Yummy. The 604 finally came and I got on it. I was going to ride it to the hospital and catch another bus into town to the courthouse. We were on Babcock nearing Huebner and I rung the bell. I remembered my lazy friend Ryan lived nearby and he had a truck. I thought, "Hmm, I'm going to get Ryan to take me to the courthouse." I thought up a plan real quick and walked to Ryan's house. Dude, I keep thinking I've already wrote about this. I looked through my logs on the computer but couldn't find where I put it or what I named it.
                   Anyway, I knocked on Ryan's door and all these dogs started barking. Damnit, I'm still remembering writing about this. I'm almost positive I have. I wrung the doorbell and the dogs went nuts. Ryan's truck was there, so I assumed he was home. No one answered though. I walked around to the side of the house and went up to his window. I heard loud rap music and I was relieved there was someone home. I banged on his window and no one answered. I banged on it a little harder and then I see Ryan's face peering through the blinds. He opened the window and said sup. I told him to let me inside and he went to unlock the front door. The dogs were still going nuts and Ryan was telling them to shut up.
                   Damnit, now I know I've typed about this before. I'm going to search my entire hard drive for files that have the word "barter" in them. Okay, search is done and it found eight files. Damn, none of them were the right ones. Okay, so I'll just feel like I'm repeating them. No big deal. I got time.
                   I asked Ryan, "Ryan, are you familiar with the barter system?" He said no and I told him where goods or services were exchanged without money. He went, "Oh yeah, that barter system." I told him, "Dude, I will not only give you half of this bigass donut I got, but I'll give you a little gas money and get you high. I need you to take me downtown to the courthouse." Ryan thought about it for a minute and said, "Okay." So bam, mission accomplished.

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan."
- Tom Landry

                   So we chilled out for like ten  minutes at his computer and I told him lets go. We drove downtown and Ryan told me that he didn't want to go inside with me because he had warrants. I don't believe him though. Anyway, I told him to just drop me off and I'll ride the bus home. He said cool and took off. The guys at the entrance to the courthouse, where you have to empty your pockets recognized me. I'm the guy with the stick. I handed my walking stick and my water bottle over, then emptied my pockets. I walked through the metal detector and I was surprised it didn't go off. My belt buckle usually sets it off. How defective, eh. I walked to the appearance court down the hall and told them, "Umm, my court date was yesterday at nine in the morning. I had things I needed to do though so I showed up at around three thirty. I'm here to get my stuff dismissed though. It was a no-insurance ticket on a U-Haul that I rented. All U-Hauls have insurance and I have proof. So my stuff should be dismissed." The guy told me to sign in and sit down and wait. The place was kind of busy. There were tons of people sitting on the benches. Just then some police guy told me to take my hat off. I hate sitting down and just waiting, so I remained standing up. I would've paced if it hadn't been all crowded. The cop then commanded me to sit down. What a prick. They finally called my name and told me to get line in one of the rooms behind them. I waited my turn and finally spoke to the lady sitting behind the bench. I started telling her my story and she cut me off real quick. She said, "Oh, you need to speak to the prosecutor," and pointed me out of the room. I went out and had to wait in line to talk to the prosecutor. When it was finally my turn I told him my story. He asked me if I had a vehicle and I told him no. I showed him the insurance paper I got from the U-Haul proving liability. I told him, "I've already been to jail for this. This is what lawsuits are made of." He made copies of the insurance paper and my license and handed them back to me. "Have a nice day," he said. Whoa, kickass. That was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Gimme five.
                   I headed for the entrance to go claim my stick. I grabbed it and told the guys, "Well guys, I got all my stuff dismissed. Just like I thought I would. I probably won't see you guys ever again, hopefully. But you'll hear about me. I'm going to eliminate money and bring world peace." This one guy said, "Hey, that's good." I smiled and walked out. Man, was I having a productive day so far.
                   I started walking through downtown. I was aiming for Travis Park, but not too sure where it was in relation to the courthouse. I figured I would just walk down this street until a bus came, but then I realized it was a one-way street and the bus would never come. I walked all the way to Travis Park and rolled a cigarette. I still had to go to the post office. While I smoked I got the idea to go buy a microcassette recorder to really help document my days. I was going to get one at Walmart over by the post office. I caught the 91 to University Hospital and the 604 to the post office. I went inside and got in line. While I was standing in line this old lady with a walker in front of me told me, "What is that?" She was pointing at my walking stick. I told her what it was and gave her all my scripts on my walking stick and why I use it. She agreed with me and said she needed to find some tennis balls to put on the ends of her walker, that she's always slipping. I laughed and she got called to be waited. It was my turn next and the guy told me they were just waiting on a key for the PO box. That it would be ready tomorrow.
                   I just remembered where I had typed this up at before. I had stopped into the library like during half of this day and had typed most of this up already. I could've sworn I emailed it to myself, but it's not in my inbox. Okay, at least now I know.
                   Anyway, I left the post office and on the way to Computer Express. I saw this guy I used to work with in the parking lot. He was cool and asked me what was going on. He told me he had read my story I had left and that it was being passed around production. "Cool," I thought, people are passing it around. I walked inside the shop and saw good 'ol Jim, the bastard who fired me. I asked him if he had a chance to read my report I left with them. He told me he hadn't so I pulled out the 3½ inch floppy with all my documents on it. I asked Jim if he could print out an extra copy for me and he told me no, that he was going to just make a copy. He grabbed a different disk and popped it in, which loaded some program up. Then he took it out and inserted mine. I asked him, "Wait, are you copying the whole disk? There's just one text file I want you to read on there, my termination.txt." He just nodded his head. I told him to write it down, but he said he'd remember and handed me back my disk. I took that as my cue to leave and left.
                   Hehe, I really impregnated the computer shop. If they made a copy of every file on that disk they now have almost all of my shit. Chapters 1-11 of my book of true stories, how to stop war.txt, my head injuries.txt, my termination.txt, portable party.txt, trooths.txt, truths.txt and world peace.txt. Dude, if they read all those it would be so badass.     
                   Anyway, I walked to Walmart to go buy my tape recorder. Okay, this is where I buy my tape recorder and I just wanted to write about stuff that happened in this day up until the point I got my recorder. From now on, everything will be much more detailed. I'm going to leave it rewinding and go eat something and smoke a cigarette and some weed. Be right back.

                   Anyway, back to my day. My tape recorder is rewound I'm going to start using that from now on. Each time I talk into the tape recorder will be marked with a space:

                   Okay it's Wednesday, the twentieth of November, 2002. I finally bought a cassette recorder at Walmart right now, so I can tell my stories and document my days. Hehe, people are going to think I'm crazy walking around Walmart talking to myself, oh well. You have to be a little crazy to make a difference, remember?
                   Now I'll catch the 604. Maybe I'll stop at Carlos', maybe I won't. It all depends on how the buses are running. I'm in Medical Center now. I just got back from getting my shit dismissed at the courthouse. I had to show the guy my insurance thing and he was all, "Okay, have a nice day." I went to jail for a whole weekend for nothing. It was alright, a good learning experience(and I put on a show). I got on the bus and went to Travis Park and I just hung around there, smoked a cigarette or two and then I caught the 91 that said Babcock North on it. I was like, "Hey, I'll ride it all the way to my friend Carlos'." I caught the 91 and went through downtown. I finally got to Medical Center and I was just sitting there. I rolled me a cigarette and I was about to spike it with a little weed. This black guy came by and asked me if he could roll a cigarette. I said, "Sure man, do you want to spike it?" He said, "Alright." We both spiked our cigarettes. The security-guard/guy with a gun at the bus station, he's like my friend. He's always giving me thumbs up. I told him about my plan and everything. I guess he saw us in the corner topping off our cigarettes with a little bit of weed. When that guy had left and I finally lit my cigarette. I was just walking around and he started following me. Now I knew he smelled it.
                   Now realize that the first hit of it is weed. The rest is regular tobacco. As he was walking by I hit it one more time. And I let it out real quick like tobacco. I told him, "It's tobacco, sir. I promise." He was all, "So that's regular tobacco?" "Yeah, I swear," I told him. He was like, "Well, okay." And he gave me a thumps-up. He said, "There was a reason why I asked." Bam, got away.
                   Well anyway, I was thinking, "Hmm, should I go check at the post office right there in Medical Center or should I go to the one by my old job, Computer Express. There, I could go talk to the guys at Computer Express then I could go to Walmart and finally Rome's Pizza and eat something. At Rome's I asked the guy what time it was and he said it was almost five. I asked him what time it was exactly and he said four fifty. Oh shit, the bus was supposed to pass at four forty, I think.
                   It's five 'o clock with rush hour traffic. I hope it's running late. I thought maybe I'd walk all the way to Carlos', but I could also walk all the way to West Telemarketing, my old job. I'd walk through the trail that I cleared, bum some cigarettes and talk to the guys and it'll be fun. Good day, good day.  Right when I went into the Walmart I remembered that they'll tighten and clean your glasses for free. I went and got my monthly screwing.

                   Hmm, see right about here while I was at Rome's eating I had rewound the cassette and was listening to the stuff I had already recorded. Dumbass me forgot to advance the tape to where I had stopped and I ended up recording over some stuff. That pretty much screws it all up for me and I get confused trying to piece where everything goes and in what order. If you get confused reading the rest of this, I don't blame you. I'm sorry.

- Victor

                   Okay, so it was called Stromboli. I always forget the name of it and I end up calling it a Zambroni. They were all out. They stopped selling them at two, so I had to settle for a slice of pizza. Which is not enough food for two dollars like the Zambroni is. See, when they give me the pizza it was real hot at first, so I set the pizza down and took my time rolling a cigarette. I put a little weed in it. Perhaps the pizza will be cool now.

                   Now I have a half hour wait for the bus. I'm just going to sit here all stoned and zoned out. I'm just going to be patient. Rome's pizza is right next to a daycare center and all these dumb little kids would not shut up wishing happy thanksgiving to each other. They were like yelling, "Happy thanksgiving!" at the top of their lungs.

                   Oh shit, I started walking off and I had forgotten that I had been listening to it at the pizza shop, so I just recorded over something else. Hopefully I can remember what happened.

                   Oh yeah, so now I'm en route to Silicon. I'll walk down Silicon, cut through to ITT Tech. I'll go smoke a cigarette and see if I can talk to people there. I'll give out my email address and shit. And then umm, hehe I know people are starin' at me funny because I'm walking around with a tape recorder. Then I'll cut through the trail to West, ahh and I already said some of this shit but I recorded over it, I think.
                   Earlier, this old lady using a walker at the post office while I was in line asked me, "What is that thing?" She was pointing at my five foot yucca walking stick. "Oh, it helps me walk," I told her. She was all, "Oh, I need some tennis balls like the one you got on yours, I'm always slipping." And umm, well..umm..damn, I'm wasting tape. I told her all my scripts about walking and when you use your upper body to move yourself forward, not only do you walk faster and farther, it works out your upper body too. "Whoa, you're right," she said. So anyway, I'm not going to record now because I'm too stoned to remember stuff. I'll be back later.

                   Damn, I'm trying to cross Dezavala in rush hour traffic. I finally got across. I just shot for the gap. Now I'm walking down Silicon.

                   I figured out a way to hold my recorder by the strap on my water bottle, so people won't think I'm crazy. I can pretend to be holding the strap to my bottle.

                   I got an idea. I'm going to email Adidas and see if they could hurry up on my request for my bag that you can't buy in the states. I'm going to tell them that I need it for a walking trip of global importance. I'm walking to California from San Antonio, Texas. It would make things a hell of a lot easier and also make Adidas more famous than they already are.

                   The 91 only passes through here like twice a day for the ITT Tech students. I just saw it right now and it goes over to West Telemarketing where I could catch the 91 to Babcock North or the 96 back to somewhere else. I neglected to get on the bus that I just saw because I want to walk.

                   That was cool, I struck up a cool conversation at ITT Tech and smoked a cigarette. I heard these two students talking about how their friend had been in a wreck and her car got T-boned and when the guy walked off I told the other guy, "Cars are way too much trouble, ride the bus." He told me he lived out in the country. I told him, "Well, what I think they should do is put a big park-n-ride around 1604. That way, people who wanted to come to the city could just park their cars and ride the bus into town. If they were running twenty four hours a day, every ten or fifteen minutes, anywhere there is a residence what would you need a car for? It would only be worth it." I spammed him, gave him my email address.

                   I'm on my walk to West Telemarketing. Here, I think I'm going to cut through this place, 5717 Northwest Parkway, I think. Gibbs and Schwartzman attorney, Fishing Texas and some other stuff. I've never been this way, I hope it leads closer to where I want to go. Maybe ill end up in some woods and find some trails.
                   Earlier, while I was walking through the woods, I got an idea. You see, I found this badass little platform up in a tree. It's location will remain undisclosed. I am going to live there. I'm on the bus all day anyway, I just need a place to sleep. I'll just get a sleeping bag and crash out there then start my day anew. Okay, I'm going to cut through these woods right here, no trail. Hopefully I won't get bitten by a snake. There's nothing quite like fresh, virgin woods that you've never walked through before. Its cool as shit. Shit, I just realized that the pause was on and it might not have recorded some of the last stuff I said. Let's see, no trail, cutting through the woods.

                   I think I went in a circle. I don't remember this building or street. I'm going to walk along the street until I get somewhere I recognize. Okay, right now I'm walking down Epsilon and for some reason I'm turning left on Farinon. I just passed the International B ANGUS BREEDERS ASSOCIATION. I wonder what the hell that is. Maybe they grow cows there. And on my right I have Noah Park Technologies Corporation. I don't know what the hell they do there, but I don't care. Ooh, they got a pretty sculpture in their courtyard. Wups, gotta duck under that tree limb. Hopefully I'm walking the right way, because I hear cars that way and I think that's Dezavala.

                   I just found me the beginning to a trail, so I'm going to cut through the woods again. I'm over here by Noah Park Technologies.

                   Wow, this could be a possible location for another home. I could build my own treehouse here. I wonder where this trail will lead. It's the coolest thing when you're walking in the woods alone and you can hear the buzzing of the insects in the trees. Wow, this is cool.

                   Wow, I just came upon some water. An creek or something. Crazy. I wonder if there's fish in there. And if, like, you know, if I did see a fish in this creekbed, umm, this water is not always here. How do fish start? Where do fish come from? How do they get in these bodies of water that form out of nowhere?

                   I finally came to a barb-wire fence. I see like a big field of grass in front. I can't discern my exact location right now. I know there's a big neighborhood to my left, so maybe I'll walk to the neighborhood and see what that cuts through.

                   Just walked through a field to where the fence-line was and through this little place where they dumped all this wood. Doesn't seem like there's a trail. Hmm, I guess I'll just have to make my own again.

                   Whoa, it's dark in here, and it's kind of dense. Umm..maybe not.

                   I walked through the field and I'm at the intersection of Rocky Point and Spectrum. Right here there are some Mexican construction workers, like three of them. I walked by and said hello. I bet they're wondering what the hell I'm doing, walking around with a big stick and a tape recorder.

                   Looks like I done messed up. I went in a complete circle. Just let me walk back to Dezavala and catch the 604. At least I got a walk out of it. Okay, now I'm taking a left hand turn on Mountain Air. I really hope the bus doesn't come and I have to wait a whole other hour.

                   Damn, traffic is crazy right here. I'm standing here in the middle of the street, waiting for a gap but none is coming. There's cars whizzing by me on both sides, it's crazy. Ooh, thought I had my chance, old lady. Wow, that's really nice. That lady stopped for me, cool. I gave her the peace sign and walked across. Damn, I need to know what time it was. I would know if I had my watch, but my mom's dirty house ate it.

                   I asked this guy in his car for the time and he told me it was six o' clock.

                   Okay, I finally got to the bus stop, let me check the schedule. Damnit, I have to wait until six thirty eight and the guy I passed five minutes ago told me it was six. This has turned into a walk to Carlos' then. If I hurry I can catch the other bus in his neighborhood and I wont need this one.

                   Okay, I'm waiting here at the bus stop in the dark, underneath this tree. Autumn Vista and Dezavala. I'm waiting for the 604. When I came to the stop I rolled me a cigarette. Grabbed me a tiny little bit of weed and spiked it(damnit, my tremor is acting up, I'm going to go smoke a cigarette). Shit, I forgot I lost my lighter somewhere. Right when I realized I lost it these two kids were walking by and I asked them if they had a lighter. They both reached into their pockets and told me no. Shit, this sucks. I wanted to smoke a cigarette. I have to wait until I ride the bus to either the gas station over on Spring Time and Prue and umm, either walk to Carlos' from there or just walk all the way to catch the bus that takes me to the grocery store. Okay, that's about how close I'm going to let this get to my mom's house. The recording that is. While I was waiting for the bus, holding my unlit cigarette in my hand this lady pulled up in some GMC Expedition or something, I don't know. I walked up to her car. It was all dark and shit and she might've been scared. I asked, "Excuse me ma'am, Do you have lighter?" She said no and I asked if I could use the one in her car. She told me no again and drove off. Her license plate number is J31-NNG.

                   Whoa, this girl walking a Dalmatian walks by. Boy, she's got some great legs.

                   Oh, to kill time, I've walked up to the intersection, at Autumn Vista and Dezavala. I'm just going to sit here and wait for a car to pull up to the light with the windows rolled down, and ask them if they have a light.

                   It doesn't hurt to ask.

                   Lalala, waiting for the bus in the dark. Wishing I could smoke my cigarette, but no one is being nice enough to light it for me. Wait, somebody else is walking over.

                   Whoa, that was weird, alright, well right before the bus came, actually about a cigarette's-length before the bus came, this guy walked up to the, ouch, this guy walked up to the bus stop and he had a lighter! I got my cigarette smoked. We got on the bus stop. I chilled with him and made him think I was crazy. He's some twenty two year old guy named Will.

                   When I got on the bus I noticed the time was six forty. The next bus that I'm going to have to catch to get me closer to home passes by over here at seven thirty six. I had a whole hour to wait. I decided to stop by my "friend's" Robert and Carlos' house. After the walk to their house I would just chill there for half an hour. At seven twenty I'll take off walking all the way through this ditch and cut through some woods and into this neighborhood which comes out to the bus stop. Until then, I'll be back when I finish walking to Carlos and Bob's.

                   Oh, my feet hurt.

                   Whoa, what a crazy night this has become. I knocked on Bob's door and heard him yell who is it. I said Victor and he told me to come in. Too damn lazy to answer his own door. Bob's a real dick, he's got a, umm, I won't tell you about that. Well anyway, I walked in and said, "Hey Bob, earlier while I was waiting for the bus, I left my pouch of tobacco on a fence. I'll spike you a cigarette with a hit of weed if you give me one." He said okay, of course. We went into the garage and smoked. I told him, "Hey Bob, can you give me a ride to the bus stop at thirty six?" He said, "I'll take you like up there and one street over, so it will be easier for me to turn around and come back home." Like it would be that much more. Anyway, my feet kind of hurt and I'm worried I'm not going to make it on time. I hung out with Bob, loaded a fat bowl and I hit it. I offered Bob some but he didn't want any. I'm all stoned, walking through the ditch. Shortcut from Bob's house to the bus stop. Man, I love shortcuts. Alright, I'm signing off, I'm wasting tape.

                   Oh, I don't know if I've told you or not. Hehe, I'm all calling you you, like you're a person. When I was at Bob's earlier, I asked him for a cigarette for the road. He told me I had a choice. Either a cigarette or a ride closer to the stop. I told him, "How about a cigarette for the walk." I asked him what time it was and he told me it was twenty two. Remember, I have to be at the stop at thirty six. I usually leave around twenty, so I felt I had to hurry.  I wanted a cigarette real bad, so I decided to walk.

                   Okay, I'm out of the woods and into the neighborhood. The concrete is a little nicer on my feet, weird. My feet don't hurt that much now. Hopefully that walk didn't take too long because my feet hurt and I won't miss the bus. Or hopefully the bus is running late, like it always is. Signing off.

                   You have total privacy when you're in the woods. Nobody's around.

                   Let me tell you what happened the other day at this bus stop that I just walked to. I just now got here. The other day I was bored waiting for the bus here. Maybe like three weeks ago, and I saw all these branches that were low enough for me to grab so I grabbed them and broke them and they were all hanging down covering the view of the bus bench.
                   Anyway. I thought, "Man, the bus driver might not see me now because I broke those the other day." I would have to get in the street and shit to make sure he knew I was there. Then I thought, "Hmm, I'm going to fix that." I grabbed each branch and twisted it around until it broke from the tree. Now you got a straight view of the bus bench from the street. I fixed my mistake.

                   Yeehaw, the bus is coming. I didn't miss it. I just noticed the weirdest coincidence. The walk from my mom's house to the elementary school is a ten minute walk. The 622 runs by Braun and Tezel, which is maybe like eight or ten blocks down and it's supposed to be there at thirty six, so I always have to leave the house around fifteen or twenty to catch it. Well, at my friend Bob's house the walk from his house to the bus stop is also ten minutes and the time stamp is also thirty six. I have to leave on both trips at the same time. Whoa, what a coincidence eh?

                   Drugs don't make you stupid. Ignorance makes you stupid. The true drug. So many people are addicted to it.

                   Okay, the time is now ten at night. I got home and my mom was, of course, on the computer playing her stupid game. Some cheesy no-brainer game that would entertain a three year old. She'll be on the computer for a long time so maybe I'll just go on another walk. I'll rest my feet here a little. Maybe I'll go to the Texaco and roll some cigarettes and smoke them and talk to my friend Matt. A friend I had made on a walk to the Texaco before. I told him about my plan. Last time I went up there I told him I was going to hitchhike to California and find a girl to go with me, or a group of people. He told me, "Oh if you don't want to do that, I can drive." I told him, "Hey, that would speed everything up man. If you really would consider that, let me know please." He told me he had to think about it. Well, I'm going to go see if Matt is working and see if he's thought about it anymore. I just drank my Muscle Blast 2000 stuff. I'm going to go, later on. Oh yeah, the reason I'm going to the store is to buy some more tobacco because I lost my pouch. I can buy some more there for two dollars.

                   Okay, so I haven't quite left. My mom has miraculously gotten off the computer. I said, "Oh, is the computer free, mom?" She said, "Yes, I have to watch my soap-opera, but I'll need it when it's over." I told her I just wanted to check my email. I got on the computer and started typing up the beginning of the day. What happened before I got the tape recorder. After my mom's soap opera she came in and kicked me off. So I'm off the computer. She asked me, "Are you still going out to buy cigarettes?" Stupid indirect. She was feeling guilty for kicking me off and it would make her feel better if she knew I had something else to do. That's the only reason she asked.

                   It's about ten fifteen right now and off I go to the Texaco. Argh, my feet are really sore. This walk is going to suck. Ahh, that which does not kill you makes you stronger.

                   Okay, so I walked all the way up to the Texaco and Matt wasn't even working. Some girl was. I walked inside and bought a thing of Buglers. I asked her if she had any Tops and she goes, "Oh yeah," and reached somewhere. She handed me Top rolling papers by themselves. "No, Tops with tobacco," I told her. She said they didn't have any. Why would Tops sell just their papers there with no tobacco? Can you say marijuana? I figure I'll just go sit outside and rest my feet for my walk home. I'll smoke a cigarette. I'll spike it.

                   Whoa, I just finished my cigarette and I realized I didn't have my little sack with weed in it. I thought maybe I had left it on the kitchen table and my mom had found it. I walked all the way back home and didn't see it on the table. I walked to my mom on the computer and immediately knew she hadn't found it. I would be able to tell. I called my friend Bob and asked him if I had left it at his house. He said no, but I think his shiesty ass is keeping it for him to smoke. Same way I think he got my sneak-a-toke too.
                   This guy got out of his car at the gas station and I stood up when he approached. He said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you stand." I told him not to worry about it and asked him if he was going down Braun Road. He said yes and I asked him if he could give me a lift. Coincidentally, he lived in my neighborhood. He went inside and paid for gas. So badass, I even got a ride home, score!

                   Okay, wow. This has turned into an interesting evening. I walked up to the, oh I think I already told you about that. Anyway, I got a ride home. All the way home. I got home and my mom was still on the computer.

Next day..

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