


Arcata, CA

Thursday November 20, 2003

     11:12am  Yesterday was a really crazy day and it's got me worried about a lot of stuff. I know worrying doesn't do shit, but I'm only human. Anyway, I decided not to leave yesterday. For one, it was raining and for two, all that shit that happened. Kati went to work today. She works 9-6. I'm just going to stay home and try to make my webpage. I downloaded some bullshit tutorial.

     7:45pm  Man, I spent all day at Kati's today while she was gone. I was very productive. My webpage was born today. I took all my text files and formatted them with HTML. It was very simple. I've got all of June and the first part of July formatted. I just have to make the time stamp bold and add a list item for every entry. There are a lot of entries and I have to do that to every one. It's really coming together. It's totally offline right now, so it's going to be a surprise. Kati just called and she wants me to meet her at Don's Donuts in town. I'm going to take off walking all the way to the donut shop. I got this wallet she asked me to bring from her room. She's said she was going to buy me dinner at Smug's Pizza. I haven't eaten all day. I feel a lot better. I did a lot today.

     8:01pm  I'm already at the donut shop. That was fast. I sped-walked.

                   Oh yeah, it's because I'm not wearing any of my bags. Just my stick and water bottle.

                   Kati's nowhere to be found. That's weird.

     8:13pm  I walked over to Smug's. I thought maybe she'd be here. She mentioned it on the phone, but she's not. I just borrowed Barry's cellphone. Barry said I had met him before and he was in my book already. I don't remember him. I'm going to look him up.

                   I just looked it up and I last talked to Barry on October 29(10-29-03, 1:56pm).

                   I don't see Kati anywhere. I'm going to walk back to the donut shop.

     8:42pm  Oh yeah, I had finally ran into Kati a minute ago. She just now walked back from Keijan's house. Down the hill.

     8:45pm  Trust is treating all the hippies on the sidewalk to some Smug's pizza tonight. That's very generous of you brother. It'll come back to you.

     9:11pm  Kati and I puffed on a joint while we waited for our pizza. We got it and went on a random walk home. We just passed this cool tree that looks like an enormous shrub. We're on I Street and 7th.

     9:15pm  Great, we are stopping to eat. We gotta fuel up. We're going to walk through the cemetery. Oh yeah, Smug's pizza is badass. I had never eaten any. It's the best pizza I've ever tasted.

     9:20pm  Kati has been singing this rhyme she made up for a couple days now. I asked her if she could repeat it into my recorder. I think it's very clever:                   

     "My name is Texas, and you better pay attention,
     I'm the nexus, of the universe in which you live in,
     I got a new man and he's chill,
     He's tall and he gives me thrills,
     But this ain't no joke, cuz the condom broke
     And now I gotta take this pill."

                   Kati told me that she said that at her staff meeting when everyone was introducing themselves. At the end, she really popped the pill in her mouth.

     9:28pm  We are walking through the cemetery. Speed limit fifteen miles an hour. Oh, Kati tells me we have to be quiet in the cemetery. I'll update this later.

     9:36pm  We're all lost in the cemetery. We're walking over graves and stuff. We're making sure not to walk over the bodies and disrespect them.

                   Wow, this is a cool part to the cemetery. These are awesome graves.

     9:40pm  We wound up at the gates where we came in and they're locked! We're locked in the cemetery.

                   Kati and I just jumped the fence.

     9:46pm  We're walking past Arcata High School.

                   Tiger Territory.


     10:24pm  Let's see. Kati and I walked home from the cemetery. We ate some more of that delicious pizza. It was good. I can't believe it was a vegetarian pizza. Smug's pizza is badass. It's the best pizza in Arcata.

                     Anyway, I am really falling in love with Kati. She's so beautiful. She's got the most gorgeous face. She loves me back. That's awesome. Man, there's so much to leave. But, I gotta do what I gotta do.

Next day..

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