


San Antonio, TX

Saturday November 20, 2004

                       Okay, I had a pretty bad, boring day. This morning I was hard at work transcribing my story. I'm all the way in Boulder in my typing already. All of a sudden, my tape recorder stopped working. I mean, it was still operating, just no volume. I tried different tapes to no avail. My only chance is that it needs new batteries, but the spindles still turn and it rewinds and fast-forwards. When that happened this afternoon I said, "Shit, I guess I'll go to Travis Park and see if I can get smoked out. Weed always brightens dreary days." I walked the half mile to the bus stop and waited. Right when I got in front of the Citgo I saw the bus going towards Ingram pass. That's the bus I always get on, pretend to be getting a schedule and look at the letter of the day for the transfers. That way, since I still have my big stash of transfers, I could pick one out and tear it to the right time, so when the bus going towards Medical Center passes I would have my bus fare. Right before I got there I bummed a cigarette off the guy who works at the car-wash. If I hadn't bummed that cigarette, I would've been at the stop to check the transfer. I waited for the Medical Center bus to come and I actually paid the fare. My mom had given me two dollars in coins this morning. Good thing, because I ended up not having any transfers with the letter of today, which was, shit I forgot.

                       Oh, I need to tell you about the sign I got to stop logging. The day before yesterday, I went to Travis Park and ran into Fuzzy, an old-time Travis Park regular. He had some Healing With the Fairies card deck where you pick a random card and it tells you something. Well, the card I got said, "Rise above problems." In the little guidebook the description of the card said something to the effect of, "Don't pursue your mission continually," which is what I have been doing for years. Raising awareness is always on my mind. It's all I do. I am stuck. I am a robot.

                       Well, I have to follow my signs, so I took that card as a sign to stop telling my story. It's a long waited break. It said something like, damnit, I wish my tape recorder worked so I could tell you exactly what it said. I'll come back and add it when I get a new tape recorder.

                       You can imagine how bored I've been since I've stopped telling my story. That story was the perfect way to kill time. And I could tell it to any random stranger. I feel like I have to sell out and get a job, like all these other Babylonians now. I need to go more undercover and save some money so I can get my film developed and get my webpage up. I leave my walking stick home now. I'm paranoid the feds are still watching me and I want them to think I have stopped.

                       Well anyway, today sucked. Nobody was at the park and I didn't get smoked out. It's 6:05pm and I am already home. It's weird. My mom's new car is in the driveway, so I assumed she was home. I knocked on the door and I didn't hear anyone outside. I walk around to the backyard, where I left the door unlocked. The computer was on and she had been looking at something titled, "Understanding Autoimmune Diseases" at I walked around the whole house and nobody is home. That's really weird. Hmm, I should call her cellphone.

                       Okay, my mom is helping my sister move. Argh, I need to find a job. I have to sell out. What's even funnier is that I want a car. Just so I can deliver pizza in. I can bank delivering pizza. I already know Medical Center and it's cash every night. Not to mention, an income-tax loophole. Oh yeah, and I can smoke weed all day too.

                       Woe is me.

Next day..

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