

                                                                          Truth or Consequences to Las Cruces, NM

Thursday November 20, 2008

     9:43am  The sun is up. I wasn't able to go back to bed. Oh yeah, we smoked a bigass blunt this morning. I was all stoned, so I couldn't go back to sleep. The sun came up and it warmed up, so we got all our stuff packed. Then we explored nearby only to find not only an abandoned house, but also the river with a beach we could've camped on last night. David in dry river.  We could've even built a fire. I'll take pictures. See, we didn't get that good of sleep because we had to sleep on at an angle, but we would have totally slept like kings next to the river with a fire going. Damn, that sucks.

                     David loaded and walking
     12:08pm  About half an hour ago. See, we had walked to the Shell station again and I hung out asking people if they were heading South. It was all dead. Well, right when David and I had decided to give up on the gas station and go thumb it on the onramp, Lisa and Clay pull up and tell me they're going all the way to El Paso, to hop in the back of the truck. Sweet, she was like the third person I asked. Just like that. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

                     We're riding in the back of the truck now. Do you feel the transit-rush, David?

                     It turns out Lisa talked to me the other night at the Fast Stop.

                     We're going to get dropped off on University Avenue in Las Cruces. I'm going to go back to school and catch up on my typing.

     12:30pm  We just got dropped off at the NMSU parking lot. Straight shot.

     2:08pm  My friend David and I are taking a smokebreak at the library. I didn't get that much typing done, but I checked my email and stuff. I have a whole 350 counter units to type up.

     4:25pm  I forgot to tell you. I didn't get that much typing done. I only typed up to two days at the library. Rumor has it that it's going to be down in the teens tonight. All the way to El Paso. I was getting sleepy while I was typing, like usual. I only got five hours of sleep last night. I figured we should concentrate our energy on finding a warm place to camp tonight. So I asked the librarian for the police non-emergemcy number. I used David's phone number and called. I already called the rescue mission and they're feeding dinner at six. We're going to try and make that and get a warm place to crash.
     5:21pm  I called the homeless shelter and that's where we're walking to now. I got the idea to somewhere on my website put The Feel-Good Story of the Year.

                   I got directions to the shelter.

     6:41pm  Plot thickens and freezes. It's supposed to get butt-ass cold tonight. I was all stressing thinking we wouldn't be able to camp. I figured we could just go to the homeless shelter. We walked all the way to the mission and it turns out to stay overnight they have to search your bags. Screw that. We've got an Oscar. I was hoping we could find a camp to build a fire, but I doubt we will. So we're going to the TA truckstop and see what happens there.

     7:08pm  We walked all the way to the TA. Let's see what happens here. Love, help us. Please keep us warm tonight.

     9:00pm  I forgot to tell you. We undertook this project. I had this stroke of brilliance. See, we got these two thick heavy old electrical blankets from the mission. While we were walking to the truckstop I was wondering how I could use it with my sleeping bag. Like maybe wrap it around me and get inside my bag. I realized that if we had a stapler we could staple the blankets closed and use them as really thick sleeping bag liners. So that's what we are doing. I went inside the truckstop and asked to borrow a stapler. First the cashier told me she didn't have an extra one, but then she hooked it up. So we're outside stapling our blankets. I took a picture.

     9:05pm  It was Valerie here at the TA who let me borrow the stapler so we could staple our blankets. We appreciate it, Valerie.

     10:03pm  I saw trees across the street so I scouted around the vicinity for a campspot. Now that we have our modified blankets we should be fine. I've seen a couple possibilities, but I'm going to go get David and see if he approves.

     10:25pm  T at the Burger King at the truckstop is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, bro.

Next day..

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