


Ventura, CA

Wednesday November 22, 2006

     11:22am  Man, I'm going to leave. Fucking soon. I've given Carol all these chances. I told her I had given her my final chance and yesterday I got all pissed off at her. She's not going to do anything different. So I laid it out for her last night. Even though last night, we scored at the Walmart, here in Oxnard.
                     Carol, she's a genius with this shit. Even though I want to leave her, she impresses me still. She went in the Walmart. We dropped her off at first. It was me, Carol, Taz(this crazy dude who's on parole, a neo-nazi guy), and Armando. When we first pulled up to the Walmart we dropped Carol off. Armando asked me if we could go to McDonald's. So we went through the drive-through. The line was huge at the drive-through so he went inside. It was still taking a long time. I was worried that Carol might need to leave soon, because she's doing something wrong(which I figured she was). I forgot to tell you. We had just gone to get another carload of firewood like we did last time from the big pile that's over by the winery going to Ojai. The car was jam-packed full of firewood. Anyway, when we were driving back from the McDonald's, all of a sudden, we didn't hit a speedbump or nuthin', we were just in the parking lot, the back of the car just drops. Either the axle or the shock broke. The back passenger-side shock. At first I had heard something pop. Then I heard something dragging and stuff. I assumed it was some of that firewood we had piled in there. I walked around to the back and the hatch was still closed. Oh shit. Then I go around to the passenger side of the car and the whole backside is dropped. To where the wheel is touching the wheel-well. After that I said screw it I'm going to go find Carol.
                     I walked in the Walmart. She was in the customer service line "returning" some stuff. Dude, she got two Coleman lanterns, propane gas. She was buying some white gas to begin with. That was her cover. She tried to return two Coleman lanterns. When they asked her for a receipt she said she didn't have one. Knowing full-well that they would offer her a giftcard instead of cash. She got the giftcard and she was going to go back and really buy the lanterns. But, they just turned their backs on her to bag some stuff. Carol walked the fuck out of there! She just walked out of there with two brand new lanterns!
                     When I found out that Carol had a forty dollar credit at Walmart I smiled and automatically thought, tape recorder. So bam, she let me have it. I got me a new digital voice recorder for thirty bucks. Sixteen hours of recordings. Because I figured on my microcassette recorder I average like fifteen days for every ninety minute tape. I can't calculate what that would be for sixteen hours, but I probably won't need to buy another tape recorder for a long time. Anyway, I have so much typing to do. I have like five or six tapes to type up now. All the way from Boulder and Ojai and shit.
                     Anyway, so the car broke. It needs to be towed out of there. That's the only way it's moving from that parking lot. So what are we going to do? Luckily, Carol had gotten Brittany's phone number. Brittany is this pretty girl at River Haven with dreadlocks. She's got a beautiful nosering and she likes NOFX! Hell yeah. Ah, Brittany's got a dog. She's not going to go traveling with me. Anyway, good thing that Carol had gotten Brittany's phone number. She was the only person she called. Brittany eventually got a hold of Bob and Bob eventually came and picked us up. So the car is still in the Walmart parking lot in Oxnard and we got a ride back to River Haven. I'm about to break up with Carol. I told her, "December thirty first and I am out of here. It's going to be a totally new year for me. I'm going to leave you and be free again. I'm going to start walking more again and quit smoking cigarettes and I'm going to do this mission alone, like I should have been the entire time." Carol's in denial. She's desperate. She's gotten to the point where she's begging me. Like recently she was all, "Please, please, give me one more chance." I finally broke down and told her, "Alright, one final chance." The next day nothing at all was different. She was still irritating me, telling me how to drive and talking shit. I'm over here at McGrath State Beach.
                     Oh yeah, this morning I was all sore when I woke up. I wake up at like four twenty every morning. I go out to the pit and start the fire every morning. This morning I went out and started the fire and talked shit with Taz a little bit. And Elena. Elena hooked me up with a little bud. Wingnut Charlene was there too. This morning I decided to go for a walk. I need to start walking again. I need to break free from Carol's little spell. Her laziness is rubbing off. So I decided to walk to McGrath State Beach, which isn't too far from River Haven. I'm having a good time walking on the beach. Oh yeah, I found me a hacky-sack. I can't hackey-sack at all. Maybe I'll learn.

                     Carol last night said I could have the giftcard. I've been resenting her all day and now I'm supposed to accept this giftcard from her? Fuck it, it's for the mission. I need a tape recorder bad. It's not like she paid for anything. She scammed Walmart. She got a giftcard for free for a fake return. Anyway, I bought a camera. I should probably take a picture.

     2:15pm  See, after I came back from the beach, from my walk Carol was there. I'm kind of pissed off at Carol. I want to break up with her so bad. It's not even funny. We walked all the way up to the Chevron and we're spanging.

                     4RZZ981 Mercedes, a silver Mercedes. That was the fifth car that drove by and she gave me two bucks. Awesome, awesome.

                     I'm flying a dinky sign that says Anything Will Help.

                     Thirteen cars so far.

                     Number twenty gave me a little change. I'm going to stop counting cars now.

                     87525 just hooked me up with some donuts. A snack. Hell yeah.

     2:00pm  Vicky Coen just gave me five dollars. I appreciate it, Vicky. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     2ZT4T1 hooked me up.

                     Kurt just volunteered me some money. I didn't even ask him.

     3:15pm  Steff just hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Vons. I appreciate it, Steff. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:46pm  Some guy just gave me two dollars.

     3:53pm  This guy just gave me a couple bucks. This guy in a Flawless Finishes van.

     4:18pm  Lisa is helping me out with some change. Wow! A whole five dollar bill.

                     7SO5729 This guy just gave me two dollars in quarters.

                     NZM690 hooked me up with some change at the last minute. Isuzu Trooper.

                     Me and Carol are done spanging over at the Vons. I got forty bucks almost. We just got hooked up with a courtesy ride on the Scat bus.

Next day..


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