


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday November 24, 2004

     10:35am  Ok it's the morning time and I got in an argument with my mother. She started telling me about how her 4Life( business is growing. For a long time now, my mother has been trying those get-rich-quick pyramid schemes. She went through her Amway phase and even some Melaleuca thing I remember. It's never worked for her, my mother is too lazy to actually sell people anything. Well, this morning I was talking to her and she started saying stuff like, "I can be financially independent in eighteen months." I told her, "Yeah, that's what you said about Amway." She said, "This time it's different." She took that as her cue for showing me her stats page on the Internet. She was so proud that she had like eleven people under her. She told me the last check she got was for like five hundred dollars.

                     I was shocked. My mother was actually making money off one of these things. I told her, just to humor her, "Wow, I am proud of you, mom. You have climbed a rung in the ladder of ignorance." She got mad and said, "Why do you feel you have to insult me?" I told her, "I didn't, mother. You didn't even understand what I said. All you heard was ignorance and it seems the truth hurts."

                     Damn, there's little hope for her now. Money has now taken full control of her mind. Yet, she told me none of those eleven people were in San Antonio. Most were in Florida. My mom doesn't go anywhere. She's steal teaching special ed at Southwest High School. So, it looks like she lucked out and found some people to do her dirty work for her. Damn, money is so evil.

                     Oh yeah, she started saying stuff like, "Well, if you don't need money, stop asking me for it." I told her, "I usually don't.  Stop giving it to me the few times when I ask you. You're my mother. You give me money when I ask for it because you want to help me, right?" She's all, "Well, maybe I should stop." I told her, "Stop it, then. It's your choice. Are you saying you don't want to be my mother anymore? You don't want to help your son the little times he needs help. I am trying to save the world here, mom." She goes, "I don't need anything, I have Jesus. You could work if you wanted to." I yelled at her, "I am working! I work for free. My job doesn't pay me money." I should have told her the bible quote, "How hard is it for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?"

     10:51am  Actually, I got up and told her exactly that. I asked her, "Mom, you believe in the bible and that everything in it is true?" She told me yes. I asked her, "Do you recall that quote, "How hard is it for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?" She said yes and, "That that means is the rich who don't like helping others. Who don't go visit the sick in the hospitals or the criminals in the jails(damn, she's all programmed). You think rich people don't go to heaven?" I told her, "Don't we make ourselves rich by making our wants few?" I told her, "Doesn't it also say that the love of money is the root of all evil?" To that she said, "That was written to be open to interpretation." I told her, "If excuses were money you would be rich."

                     Man, my mom is so sick with ignorance.

Next day..

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