

                                                                                                                   Santa Ana, CA

Monday November 24, 2008

     7:35am  James hooked me up with a cigarette at the smoking section at the Isaiah house. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     7:44am  I forgot to mention when I woke up. I got seven hours of sleep. We slept up in the attic. We came downstairs and got to work real quick emptying out trash. I took one picture outside. It's such a huge house. I am looking for David right now so we can smoke some weed.

     8:38am  David and I did some cleaning this morning. There was a big puddle of cat shit at the bottom of the attic stairs this morning and I undertook cleaning that up. We took out the trash and stuff. I went downstairs and there were no guys anywhere. I forgot it was a woman's shelter. I feel very privileged to be allowed here. David and I are welcome there because we're volunteers. We get to sleep upstairs in the attic. Everything is cool. I took pictures.

David and I walked over to the Gypsy Den and I just had the greatest presentation with Rachelle, I think her name is. We came over to the plaza where the coffee shop was at. I walked away only to notice this girl had appeared and was talking to David. I went over there and monopolized the attention spans with my story, like I usually do. Sorry, David. Rachelle is in art school. Beautiful girl. I took her picture. She offered to get us something at the Gypsy Den and bought us a bagel and a muffin and hot chocolate. She got David a coffee too. I told Rachelle my entire Odyssey. Hell yeah.

                     Me in the Gypsy Den

For the first time I wondered what astrological sign David was and it turns out that he's an Aqurarius too! This is the dawning.

                       Compass in park

     10:27pm  I walked to Main and Third and took a picture of City Hall.

     10:48pm  We just came back to 316 Cypress.

     1:07pm  I got bored at the house so I decided to go on a solo-walk. I eventually found the Gypsy Den again and I had an awesome presentation with Brian right now. This guy reading a newspaper outside. I took his picture. I didn't tell him my whole Odyssey, but I told him the spirit's part and gave him my website. I told him the Note From the Rich too.
     1:32pm  I forgot to mention. I ran into Santa Ana squatter kids. I jaywalked across the street to be able to walk past them and see if I'd get any reaction to my shirt. Sure-enough, the dude told me nice shirt. They asked me if I had any and I told them I had a resin ball. We walked to Birch Park and I loaded the girl's bullet pipe. Then the dude had an Ipod he was able to trade some other dudes in the park for some chronic. So I got smoked out.

                   X is hooking everybody up with a cigarette. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

These squatter kids and me walked over to this pagoda at the Civic Center. There were too many alcoholic homeless people and distractions so I chose not to continue my story with them I had started before we walked over here. I just gave them my website. I let them keep the resin ball in the bullet pipe. I want to find somebody to tell my story to.

                    Construction angst

I am walking on the Orange County Walk of Honor.

                    Matt and D.C.

Kimberly hooked me up with a cigarette here at the Isaiah House. I appreciate it, Kimberly. Everybody gets credit.

                    Nice lady at the shelter.  I forgot her name.

     10:10pm  I had a really good night tonight. I got to tell the most beautiful seventeen year old girl my story. Her name is Stephanie and she was volunteering at the house tonight. She had the most loving eyes hearing my story. It was as if she was staring into me. The kitchen was busy all day preparing turkeys and veggies for dinner. We loaded up the van and took all the food to the Civic Center and had a big bum-feed. Afterwards when we came back I asked David if he would smoke out my new friend. We all went for a walk and since Stephanie just recently started smoking weed, she let me give her a couple shotguns. I was very happy sharing hits with Stephanie. Stupid me, I should've put on some of my Twinkie flavored Chapstick that I have. Stephanie is the most beautiful girl who's listened to my story in Santa Ana so far.

                      Oh yeah, and I had a disheartening conversation with my pal David. See, I'm all stoned and it was difficult wording my expressions. See, I told David I feel like leaving Santa Ana already and heading more South to San Diego. Then it dawned on me that I need to type up my stuff and update my site. Here I have all the resources. David has a Vista laptop and they have wireless internet upstairs. I could totally kick out my typing here, and help with volunteer work and still be accepted here. So I've got a lot of typing to do. Well, not that much. Like only around ten days since we left Las Cruces. What better place to do my typing than this house here which has a pole in the front that says, "May peace prevail on earth"? I'm getting sure signs to get my typing done and help out here. I'm going to try and get in the house without waking anybody up.

Next day..

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