


San Antonio, TX

Thursday November 28, 2002

                   Whoa, I had a super Thanksgiving. Let's see, I woke up this morning around ten. I had gone to bed at four in the morning so I guess I got enough sleep. My mom was already cooking for Thanksgiving. I went to the kitchen and of course my mom started bitching about something. She was moaning and groaning about all the work she was doing cooking. She looked up at me and said, "Oh, the dishes will be yours." I told her, "I'll wash the dishes I use, just like everyone else should do theirs." She was outraged. She yelled, "I don't have to be slaving in this hot kitchen cooking for everyone!" I told her, "And I don't have to eat, so wash your own dishes." I promptly grabbed a glass and mixed me up some of my complete nutrition Muscle Blast 2000. My mom started sobbing, of course, when she saw me mixing it up. She got all upset that I wasn't going to eat the Thanksgiving meal with the family. Maybe if they didn't think I was crazy and treated me like part of the family, I would give a shit. But they don't, so I don't. Anyway, my twin sister came into town with her son so the house was full. All the ruckus was starting to drive me crazy and everyone was bitching at someone else. Like hell I was going to get any time on the computer.
                   I got the great idea to walk all the way to the park(a mile away) and smoke at my vista-view. I mixed up some more of that shake and ate another dose. I grabbed my walking stick and tape recorder and headed out the door. The rest of this story will be what I recorded on my awesome day.

                   Okay, today is Thursday, the 28th of November of 2002. Today is Thanksgiving day. It's been a bullshit Thanksgiving day so far. Hmm, I'll tell you about last night another time. I had just gotten Windows XP for my mom's computer(for free). You think she would be thankful for her son's prowess, but umm, she's not. She doesn't give a shit. She's lazy, remember. Well anyway, I got up and I wasn't that hungry. In the morning I asked my sister if I could check my email, because she was on the computer.  Anyway, I needed to get out my crazy house. I got the idea to walk to the park and smoke some weed. Here I go on my way. It's all good. It should be a lot more fun than staying in that nuthouse. Maybe I'll find some other people to smoke with there.

                   Okay, I'm stopping here. I'm sitting down and rolling a joint and a cigarette for my walk to the woods. Alright, that's enough for now.

                   Okay, I walked all the way to the gas station right in front of the park. I went inside and thought hmm, I'm hungry. When I walked in I saw some Powerbars and thought, "Hey, that'll give me some good energy for my walk through the woods." Then I heard some guy asking about the expiration date on a loaf of bread. I thought, "Hey, they got bread. I wonder how much that is?" For ninety nine cents I got me a whole loaf of quality Mrs. Baird's bread. I'm going to go take it to the woods and have a little feast at my pad. As long as I'm not hungry anymore. That's all that matters.

                   Here I am in my lovely little hideout in the woods. My little treehouse overlooking the golf course down there and Medical Center in the background. Wow, it's so beautiful. I'm just going to sit up here and munch on my bread and smoke weed and cigarettes. I really should stop smoking. My lungs are dying. I thought it was just because I was sick that I'm coughing, and that just might be it. But maybe I got sick because I smoke, never mind the cold weather. Oh yeah, I got sick because I started taking that whey protein instead of my Muscle Blast 2000. After I bought some more, I immediately felt better. Oh well, you only live once. I have to walk some more.

                   Okay, I smoked a cigarette and a joint of weed at my little hideout. And umm, I wonder what I'm going to do next. It's such a beautiful day. I think I'll walk to my "friend's" Bob and Carlos'. I wonder if they're home. Oh well, we'll find out.

                   Hmm, I'm testing my little tape recorder now. Before it was stopping but it seems not to anymore. At first I thought maybe the battery was running low, but now it's working so forget it.

                   ::singing Weezer:: I wanted more than you to be in Santa Monica. California, California, California. The beach, the gorgeous sunrise.

                   Wow, the coolest thing just happened. After I smoked a couple cigarettes I thought I should be on my way. I decided to walk down the other side of the cliff to make my way to Prue road. I started walking and I heard these two young guys behind me. I began to walk a little slower and when they got to me I asked them, "Hey, do ya'll smoke weed?" They told me yeah and I asked them if they wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving with me. They asked where we were going to smoke and I told them we should go to my pad. "The treehouse?" they said. "Yeah, you know about it?" I said. They said, "It's got an awesome view." We came up here and I offered them to take some hits off this little roach I had and told them I would roll another one. They told me to save it for later and pulled out a fat blunt. How badass is that? They brought their own weed. I'm all stoned off their blunt. The coolest shit happens when you're in the woods. Oh yeah, they were two nineteen year old kids. When they left I was sure to give one of the dudes my email address. I didn't even get their names, but they said, "We'll probably see each other again, later." That was cool. What luck.

                   Well, it's kind of cold out so maybe I'll just head back home. Nah, there's nothing to do there. I'm just going to walk to Carlos' and smoke some weed with them. I'm going to walk all the way over to Babcock North. I wonder if the buses are running today. That'd be the coolest way to end this day. To go somewhere on the bus. Wups, I hear people coming closer, but I have total privacy up here. Cool.

                   Umm, maybe I'll smoke the rest of this joint. What a happy Thanksgiving.

                   Wow, the weirdest shit just happened. When I was coming down from the platform, I was about to come down. I hear people walking towards the platform. It was this big family. I overheard some guy saying, "Oh, and up here is this nice platform with a beautiful view." I was a bit disappointed that other people knew about it. Maybe I won't be able to crash here at night. Ahh, sure I can. No one will be over here at night. It was this big family with kids. I asked them, "Are you guys having a good Thanksgiving?" They told me sure.

                   Okay, now I'm walking down the trail to Prue Rd to go to Babcock North to see if Carlos is there. If not, I'll just walk home. I wonder if the buses are running today. I doubt it.

                   Haha that was a blast. I just got done chasing three deer through this field next to Prue Rd, when you're coming out of the ass-end of the park. I saw these deer and they didn't notice I was there, so I took off running at them and they went around this bend. Well, since I have these awesome boots on. I just took off running at them waving my stick at them. They went around a bend and I ran up a hill and looked down on them. They just stood there staring at me. I wonder how close I can get to them. I got a little closer and they took off running. I darted off after them, just sprinting over the rough terrain since I had my boots on. Wow, that was crazy. Happy Thanksgiving.

                   Whoa, badass. I'm at this part that I've been to before, where I have to walk through this barbed wire so I can get to the street so I can walk down Prue Road. I noticed there was a bridge right there, so I went to go check out what was under the bridge. This place has all this graffiti. It's like a cool hangout. There's stuff laying around. There's pot leaves spray-painted everywhere. It's just cool, under the bridge. Then I saw all these new trails on the other side of the road that go through the woods in there. Cool, I got new trails. Man, happy thanksgiving.

                   Whoa, I found a big sinkhole in these woods. Crazy, I'm going to go check it out.

                   Crazy, I found another sinkhole.

                   Badass, I kinda recognize the area I'm in. I'm over here already to Carlos' house. You know how I cut through the ditch next to Carlos' to get to the bus stop? Well, I'm like right there. I should just have to walk a little further to get to his house. Umm, I hope this it it. Yeah, I think so. Kickass, I found a way from Carlos' house all the way to the park without having to walk on Prue Rd. What a great hike. Happy Thanksgiving.

                   Sings: "Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here every day."

                   Oh well, I got to Carlos' house and no one was home. Ahh, I guess I'll walk to the bus stop and sit down, even though the buses aren't running today. I need to rest my feet. I'll eat some bread and smoke a cigarette. Then I'll try and find an interesting route back and get some good exercise.

                   I've decided I'm going to walk all the way back the way I came. I'll walk the trail, through the park and all the way back home.

                   Damnit, I'm out of water. Where am I going to get water in this neighborhood? I was walking through the hood and I passed this guy Eric's house that I knew. Lets see if he can give me some water. I knocked on his door and his dad answered. I asked him if Eric was there and he went to go check. After a couple minutes, Eric opens the door and gives me this weird look. I said, "Hey, what's up, dude? You think you can hook me up with some water?" He said okay and kept giving me these strange looks. Maybe he felt it was inappropriate of me to knock on his door on Thanksgiving. Even though his dad was in the living room by himself and he was in his room, I'm assuming.

                   I'm walking back, all the way through the ditch and back to the park. I hope I can find my way alright. It's already getting dark.

                   Okay, I'm back over by Prue Rd. trying to find my way through the park. It's all dark and I'm just cutting through the woods, not following a trail. Hope I get home.

                   Ooh, the woods are scary at night. Wish I had a flashlight. At least I'm glad I can see that radio antenna up there. That will help my bearings a lot.

                   I'm slowly making my way towards the antenna. I've never been this way and I'm just cutting through the woods. This is all new to me. Ack, my feet just sunk into this slush. I hope they don't get all wet.

                   Whoa, I'm stumbling through the woods in the dark. I gotta pee.

                   Ahhhh, I'm glad I'm a guy.

                   Alright, so I'm over here by the cliff. I'm going to start climbing the mountain. I can see the red light flashing on the antenna.

                   Cool, I found a badass trail that I've never been on. Awesome, it leads right up to the tower.

                   Okay, I've never been to my hideout at night. I'm going to go check it out and smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed. I'll be back.

                   Oh my god, this view is amazing. I wish I had my binoculars. Oh man, I've never been out here at night. I kind of want to stay now. This is awesome.

                   It really is beautiful out here. I just got done smoking and I think I'm going to leave this beautiful place and walk home. It's already dark. My mom's probably going to bitch at me when I get home. Well, I've had a terrific Thanksgiving. I'm going to tell them all about it, too. I can let them listen to it.

                   Whoa, I walked towards the entrance to the park. I'm following the noise the cars are making on Bandera. I found this wicked miles and miles of sidewalk through the woods. Man, this is like a handicapped person's dream come true. Paved woods. Damn, it's all walkable. There's so much good walking in this park. This is great. Why in the hell do people go walking at the Medical Center on that track and just walk in circles? They could come out here and enjoy nature, and there's a sidewalk!

                   I'm sure as hell going to get me a hot coffee when I get to the front of the park. I hope the gas station is open, it's Thanksgiving. Ahh, it's not that late. I think it's probably like 8 'o clock or something.

                   You know what? I don't think the sidewalk will ever go up to the road. It seems to only run parallel to it. I'm just going to cut through the woods and jump out on the street.

                   I was making my way towards the street and I found another path running along the road. Man, I wonder where the hell I am.

                   Okay, I'm at Bandera. Let me see where the hell I am now. I have no earthly idea. Okay, I have to get through this barb-wire fence now.

                   Oh wow, that was really cool. The barb-wire was low enough to where I could just step over it. This came out to the right side of the entrance to the park almost to Braun Rd. I'm out of the woods, I'm out of the woods. What a good Thanksgiving.

Next day..

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