


Ukiah, CA

Wednesday December 3, 2003

     7:30am  I had found a little place underneath a bush to crash.


                   I took a picture. I had woken up earlier and I was all pissed off because I wanted to go back to sleep. Right now it just started raining. That's what woke me up. Man, my leg hurts like hell. I slept a lot last night though. I think.

                   I crashed at Empire and North Bush. Close to there.

     7:47am  Holy shit. I just realized I lost my glass pipe! I had it in my pocket. Let me walk back to the place I crashed last night and see if I can find it.

     8:15am  Man, this pisses me off. I lost my pipe last night. I remember it being in my pocket the whole night. I walked back to where I squatted and searched everywhere in these rocks. I couldn't find it. That sucks! That's bullshit. I need that pipe.

     8:17am  I found it! I am so happy. It was like the fourth time I searched for it. I was just sitting there passing my hand over the rock. Now, I'm going to smoke a bowl.

                   Actually, I should find someone to smoke a bowl with.

     8:26am  I am finally leaving the place I crashed last night. I'm going to put my rain poncho on. It's raining.

     8:33am  I'm going to walk up to the McDonald's and get me a Bacon Double Cheeseburger or something. For a dollar.

                   I got seven dollars in my pockets and I decided I'm going back to Arcata today. I bought a pack of cigarettes and now I'm going to go get me a Bacon Double Cheeseburger.

     9:03am  I'm back at the truckstop.

     9:19am  I'm walking on the highway now. 101 North. Calpella 4 miles, Eureka 153 miles, Crescent City 237 miles.

     9:24am  I'm going to stop and stick out my thumb under the Masonite Road Overcrossing. Bridge #10-197. 1962.

     9:37am  We're all hypocrites. Nobody is perfect. It's the ones that are hypocrites the least amount that have something going for them. Hypocrisy is a human trait. Nobody is perfect.

     9:40am  Whoa, some freaky shit happened. I was just standing there with my back to traffic. Just standing there thinking. All of a sudden there's a cop in my face! He asked me, "What are you doing here?" I told him, "I'm hoping someone will pick me up soon." He said, "Get out of here . . . or go to jail. If I see you again you're going to go to jail." I told him ok and looked around seeing where I could climb up. The hill was really steep. He told me again, "Did you not hear me? I said get out of here or go to jail!" Umm, I told him ok and climbed up the hill. Man, I'm so lucky. Oh yeah, I got this instance confused with the last run-in I had with a cop. The last time he just told me to go and I did.

                   Okay, since the cop told me if he saw me again I was going to jail, I'm going to learn Ukiah today. Shit, I spent all my money. I could've used that for bus fare.

                   Man, that cop was all pissed off at me. What a typical dickhead cop. He was just compensating for his small penis. I should've told him, "Man, why are you all mad at me? Don't take it personally."

                   Man, I'm all limping now. When the cop told me to go I just went up the hill. I don't know where I am. I started limping down this road, then realized I should be going towards the town and the people. I turned around and I'm walking the other way. I hope that pig doesn't see me again. I don't know where I am.

                   Okay, I'm back at the truckstop. I'm going to smoke a cigarette. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

     10:26am  I am sitting here at the truckstop. Sitting on the bench, resting. Oh yeah, earlier I forgot to mention that at the McDonald's, see the girl spoke Spanish and when I went up to get my water bottle filled, I handed it to her and said, "Agua." She had already been talking Spanish to her coworker when I asked her. She looks at me and goes, "Water?" Man, she was already talking Spanish and I just talked Spanish to her. She could've told me, "Si," or something. She's all programmed. Water. That's the label for it. No matter if they already speak Spanish.

     11:05am  John let me borrow his cellphone outside of the truckstop. I appreciate it.

     11:06am  Oh yeah, I just borrowed some guys phone at the truckstop. I now have confirmation that my CD case is at Kati's apartment. I'm glad I didn't lose it. I need to get that back.

     11:27am  I stopped here at the Discovery Inn. Right next to Zack's Family Restaurant. There are all these big wooden carvings.


                    There's this big bear and an Indian.


There's another bear and a little panhandling guy.

                    Whoa man, this is a badass bench.  

     11:37am  I got to a bus stop. Let's see if I can score me a courtesy ride. I don't know where. South I guess.

                     Shit, I don't know what the hell to do. I should go talk to some churches or something.

     11:45am  The #7 Jitney bus pulled up. The lady told me, "We don't give courtesy rides."

     11:57am  Bennie was cool enough to give me a dollar. I told him, "Spare change for a bus ticket?" I'm trying to get to Humboldt.

                     That guy was cool. He gave me a dollar. I am passing this Awesome Slice Pizza place. I'm going to see how much a slice of pizza is. Maybe that's what that dollar Bennie gave me was meant for. I'm hungry.

     12:02pm  I walked up to the pizza place and each slice was $2.50. I told Mindy,


the lady working there, to surprise me. To just give me the one with the most food on it. Mindy was nice to give me a whole other slice. She said it was because it was a small slice and that she has trouble selling the small ones. But, it looked just as big as all the others. She also offered to give me a free drink. I told her no thanks, just if she could refill my Dasani bottle with water. Thank you so much, Mindy. I really appreciate it.

     12:31pm  That lady Mindy is all cool. I'm all tempted to ask her for another slice of pizza, even though I had already eaten two. I told her about my predicament. She told me to go over to the Community Center next door. That they always give people bus tickets. Cool.

                     Okay, I walked over there and I have to talk to Joanna at 1:00pm. I'm going to go back to Mindy and try to get me another slice.

     12:35pm  I didn't ask Mindy for another slice. I asked her if she wanted to smoke a bowl. She said, "Oh no, I can't, but you can go ahead. Just walk to the back." I came to the back and I'm going to smoke a bowl. Awesome. Then, at one I'll go see if I can get a bus ticket.

     12:49pm  Mindy hooked me up with a slice of Aloha pizza. How awesome. I had told her, "Hey Mindy, I don't suppose I could give you my last dollar for a slice of that pineapple pizza?" She told me no, that I couldn't, and just gave me one.

                     Praise Love!

     1:10pm  This sucks. I went to that community center place and they couldn't give me a bus voucher. I called Salvation Army from there and they couldn't help me either. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do.

                   Mindy gave me directions to a place I could safely hitchhike North. It's on the highway over by Perkins.

     1:31pm  As comfortable and fed as I was hanging out with Mindy, I decided I gotta get moving. She recommended I go to this other spot on the highway. That's what I'm going to do. I am taking the risk of seeing that cop again and being sent to jail, but oh well, I gotta get out of town.

     1:38pm  I just took a picture of Richard.


                    I was walking over towards Perkins and I just ran into him and his friend Wild Bill. Richard is a fellow peace walker. We're going to do a little mind-melding. He took a picture of me. Richard is 61. I told him my stuff and he asked me if I needed a place to stay for the night. He told me he was going to get a motel room that night and I was welcome to crash. Badass.

     2:14pm  The coolest thing. I ran into Susan Kennedy. She recognized me from Arcata. I had met her at The Endeavor in line to eat one morning.

     2:15pm  Man, that's awesome how I'm all known and people recognize me in random areas in Humboldt County.

     2:25pm  Richard, Wild Bill and I are walking to the motel room, I think. I was meant to meet Richard, I guess. He's a devout Christian and all about peace. He just walked up to me as I was walking. I told him my scripts and he said, "I'll listen to you and if what you propose seems possible, we'll take it from there."

     2:48pm  We're all walking to the Royal Motel. I stopped to smoke a cigarette and I'll catch up with them.

     3:07pm  I am walking up to the Royal Motel. This huge old bright blue motel straight from the 70's.

     3:50pm  Well, when I caught up with them, Richard was already at the front desk. It was raining so I walked up close to the front entrance seeking cover. Well, when the manager saw me and Wild Bill, she turns out rejecting Richard thinking the room was for all three of us, which it was really. I apologized for walking up there. We walked back to another motel in front of the Safeway. Sunrise Motel,


I think. Richard told me to meet him at five at the Safeway. I went to the Safeway and bought me a couple donuts. I loaded up on the blueberry muffin samples. I went outside. I have two donuts. I'm going to eat them.

     5:03pm  I am still out here in front of the Safeway waiting for Richard to come out of the motel. He never showed up. Damn, it's raining hard. That sucks.

     5:10pm  Richard finally showed up. I told him I admired his punctuality. He told me his room was 124. Third door on my right, next to the Coke machine. I'm going to smoke this cigarette before I go over there. He told me not to make it obvious.

     6:52pm  Richard, Wild Bill and I are walking looking for a pizza place now. Richard is going to buy us dinner.

     7:51pm  We ate at Round Table Pizza and we are walking back to the motel. We had some damn good pizza. I had like four slices. Thank you, Richard.

                   Wow, good 'ol Mendicino County. It's cool here. Somebody told me that this was a big place for medical marijuana. That they had the cannabis club here. That they're all into weed. I need to tell these people my story.

Next day..

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