


Bakersfield to Santa Barbara to Ventura, CA

Monday, December 4, 2006

     9:33am  I am sitting here flying my sign right in front of the courthouse in downtown Bakersfield, California. A cop already stopped and told me to stop flying that sign. I told him, "I'm not flying a sign. I am making a statement." Man, I even got smoked out! I was just walking down the street with my sign and this girl in a car saw me and smoked me out. They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing!

     10:41am  Some guy just drove by and yelled, "Hey, I agree with you! I agree with you, man!"

     12:23pm  Wow, this is cool. Well, me and Carol had a big umm, falling out. Umm, I'm going to give her yet another chance. Carol: "I'm not getting another chance. My chance had never expired from the last one. I didn't ask you for another chance." Well, I am extending it. Carol: "Ain't that the shit, right?" Oh yeah, we ran into some kid named Kick on the bus. I got on the bus and noticed he had a joint in his hand. I thought he had seen my sign but he noticed my marijuana shirt I had on. Anyway, I pulled out my sign on the bus and everyone was clapping and going, "World peace through marijuana, yeah!" I yelled, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing!" This girl started cracking up. Anyway, this guy Kick is going to smoke that joint with us. Now we are walking to the store. Carol needs to be back at the courthouse at one thirty. What did they tell you at the court again Carol? Carol: "They just gave me a really hard time. They said that it's already been heard and they don't think the judge is going to hear it again. I tried to explain it to them that I tried to do phone-court but every time they sent me the letter for phone-court, by the time I got the letter sent back and called the number to give me a date, it had already passed. I tried it like three or four times and it didn't work out. So they filed to reopen it. They told me to be in court at one thirty."

     12:25pm  Yeah, and Kick was his name, the guy who got us stoned and told us about some tattoo. He wrote his number on my sign. What's the number? 661-325-0493. He lives at some hotel. What's the room number? 234. He had a badass green marijuana tattoo on his leg. I want to get one like that. Not that big though. Something small. Like a ten minute job.

     1:14pm  Just wanted to mention that Carol wrote in marker on the time capsule in downtown Bakersfield. It's supposed to be opened in 2020(like we got that long, ha). Then we walked a little bit further and Carol wrote it again. At the parking garage. Everybody check that out.
     7:58pm  I've got a hell of an update to make. Hold on, let me take a drag. Anyway, this morning I woke up. Me and Carol crashed at the apartment where her son Kent is staying in Bakersfield. Me and Carol had a blast yesterday flying signs. Today Carol had her courtdate. Early in the morning at nine-thirty. So Kent and his friend dropped us off at the courthouse. The whole time I was waiting for Carol I was flying my WPTMJ sign right in front of the courthouse! It was awesome. I got so many great reactions. Not that much money today, or no kick-downs of weed or nothing. I stood out there for like three or four hours this morning. Then she got let out and they told her to come back at one thirty. So we rode off on the bus, courtesy rides, of course. On the #9, I think. We got off and went to a Jack in the Box and ate.
                   Oh yeah, me and Carol made up. We got into this big fight earlier. She was begging me, pleading me, "Don't take this away from me." It's really hard for me, but I am going to give Carol another chance. She even ran into traffic pretending like she was going to kill herself. That's when I walked off, "Forget it. I'm outta here." She was all screaming like a child to make me think she got hit. I just kept walking. She kept pleading with me and pleading with me. I finally gave in again. Me, Kent and Jeremy and Jeremy's chick Christina, I think, they were cool enough to give us a ride back to Ventura. Then Carol got an idea. She saw all the spanging money, we had like fifty bucks and thought, hey, we can go to the weed store in Santa Barbara. And that is where we are right this second. Buying some weed at the store. Right now we are waiting for Carol to come out with the weed. Then we're going to go back to Ventura. Kent is going to stay with us at River Haven. So things are looking better, I guess. I guess I'll play this out until world peace happens. Then I can be truly free.

Next day..


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