

 rough draft

     ok people, i dont know if youre familiar with my mission.  i am trying to save our dying planet and bring world peace.  things need to change.  people need to realize that humans are doing everything wrong and killing our own world, all because of laziness and ignorance.  
     cars have made our modern society damn lazy.  humans have two legs for a reason, and its not to push the gas and the brake.  everyone is so damn impatient now.       
     good things come to those who wait, and adversely, bad things come to those who dont.  humans now think that just because you can do it faster, you should.  we are ignoring the simple fact that we are human beings and are designed to walk to get around.  so many problems would be eliminated if everone just walked.  you dont have to waste your money and bust your ass going to the gym to get in shape.  all you have to do is walk.  why is everyone in such a hurry?  in the end, theyre wasting time, not saving it.  everybodys time.
     if everyone got out of their cars and walked and rode the bus, the overweight problem would just vanish.  depression could be a thing of the past too.  walking is nature's best antidepressant.  there is an easy answer.
     since i walk so much, i am in perfect health.  i have a great cardiovascular system and 0% body fat.  ive even got a six-pack now.  i didnt have to waste any money going to the gym.   walking is a full-body exercise, working even the mind.  when you slow down your pace, you have plenty of time to think, and everyone knows practice makes perfect.  remember, patience is virtue.  i would think once all the lazy people of America realize that life doesnt have to be as hard as they make it, they will all choose to keep it simple.
     maybe when the our ozone layer is finally gone and people start dropping like flies from skin cancer, will people realize the damage ignorance can cause.  do you really want it to get to that?  now, our ozone layer is a naturally-occuring part of this world.  what do natural things tend to do if given a chance to heal?  they usually do.  i think our world can take a small amount of damage.  its been here forever, remember.  with the urban sprawl in this day and age, we are just abusing what was given to us for free.  how thankful is that?
     now, i do believe that we will never be able to completely destroy our world.  life as we know it might cease to exist, but Earth can adapt to anything.  maybe after some eons go by and time destroys the past, life will rebuild.  then, when there is nothing left, life will begin from scratch again.  hopefully after its evolved to our current level, its inhabitants wont destroy it again.  for all we know, this might be an ongoing cycle.  maybe other civilizatoins have existed on Earth that made the same mistakes were making now.  hey, ya never know.

     lets talk about another apparant problem in our world.  people need to accept individual differences already.  just like no two snowflakes are the same, no two humans are the same either.  everyone in this world has the right to be themselves.  because you were given the gift of life, you get to pick exactly who you want to be.  if you want to get creative and be different than the rest, more power to you.  wouldnt this world be boring if everyone was exactly alike?
     the government is just one big cloning factory.  theyre using one blueprint for everybody.  they have taken the liberty of deciding for us what is right and wrong.  how can a society of DIFFERENT people all adhere to the same exact rules?  it just doesnt make any sense whatsoever.  
     whats really funny is what happens to the people who get caught breaking the rules.  theyre put in jail and prison.  theyre taken care of.  they have roofs over their heads and food in their stomachs, and taxpayers pay for it all.  what?  this is what "bad" people get?  a life free of responsibility?  
     jail is like a time-bank.  judges decide how much time your crime is worth and you pay it.  thing is, this is still America and people have rights.  so if youre stuck in jail, use your FREE time wisely.  read and meditate.  practice thinking.  what else do you have to do?  take it as a learning experience and come out a better person.  be polite and follow the rules, thats all the rent you have to pay in jail.  
     you have to be smarter than the jailers though.  jailhouse cops are paid money to be dicks to you on purpose, but theyre all talk.  if one were to jump you and beat you up without provocation, that would be police brutality and they could lose their precious job.  theyll talk so much shit to you and give you empty threats.  just ignore them and surprise them by being polite.  give them the exact opposite reaction they expect.  smile.
     another thing that bothers me is war.  war is never the right answer to solve a problem.  killing only leads to more killing.  so people from other countries arent like us.  of course not, theyre from a totally different country.  how can we ever expect them to be like us?  its none of our business how they make themselves happy.
     we live in America, its only been around since 1492.  this is supposed to be the land where different people get along.  this is the place that people who thought they had the right to be themselves went.  what happened?  why have we forgotten that?
     the people in power from the countries we fight with are only jealous of  Americans.  they wish they could be modern like us.  they hear about our easy lives and they wish they could live like that too.  they despise us for being happy.  much the same way that people resent me because i am happy.  let them do what they want, as long as theyre not hurting innocent people.  and like i always say about generosity and good will, you really do get what you give.  if we help them, theyll feel indebted to us and stop killing.  theyre human too.  duh.
     in all my experiences i have come to learn that when you react the exact opposite way that people expect you to, not only do you surprise them, but they usually end up respecting you for it.  so lets help EVERYONE, including our enemies.  instead of foreign-aide, lets give evolution-aide.  lets show the world how we have evolved.  forgiveness is devine, remember.  
     we cant blame all of the people of a certain country for how their leaders behave and think.  its not like they all agree with them.  so why make innocent people suffer because of how their leaders or the majority feel?  we have to stop trying to make everyone the same.  it will never work.  ALL people are different and that diversity is something supported by science.  the only way were ever going to make everyone the same is if we accept everybodys differences.  as different as we all are, we are all still human beings and you cant tell me that doing good doesnt feel good.  if you dont believe me, i invite you to try it.
     alas, all the followers in this world are the majority.  people are too set in their lazy, old-fashioned ways.  theyre deathly afraid of change, and they wont even listen to my reason.  everyone thinks im nuts for how i think, but when you look at the world through my eyes, doesnt everyone else seem crazy?  why do people want what they dont need?
     its my generation, the internet generation, thats less ignorant to the truth.  most of the young people ive shared my ideas with agree with me and dont think im crazy.  its all the old folk that have a problem with everything.  they cant handle the fact the we kids have learned from their mistakes and can see the damage their standards(or lack of) have caused.  its just simple evolution.  trial and error.  if the young generation were given reign of this world, all would be well.
     money, i hate it.  lets get rid of it.  it really is the root of all evil.  just think, if
things didnt possess a monetary-value, would people steal?  money segregates society and gives people a false sense of respect.  there can still be bad people with lots of money.  it shouldnt excuse them from being bad.  would you work for free if all your needs were taken care of, so you wouldnt be home bored all day, provided you had a job you enjoyed?  well, if everyone else was, what would we need money for?  
     it is human nature to be generous.  i prove my theory about good-will and not needing money every day.  since i walk so much, whenever i get hungry, ill walk into any restaurant and ask to speak to the manager.  i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and i am a long-distance walker.  my destination today is medical center/downtown.  i was just wondering if you could spare some gasoline for my stomach so i can keep walking.  if you cant afford it, thats ok, im sure the next restaurant i come across will be generous and help me out."  everyone hooks me up.  if they dont, the next place will.  its all a numbers game.   
     i am not a beggar, i am not a taker.  i am an asker and an acceptor.  remember, it doesnt hurt to ask.  when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision.  i am not twisting anyones arm.  the only thing i beg for, is to differ.  people say im taking advantage of things.  damn-straight, i take advantage of every opportunity i get.  arent advantages better than disadvantages?   
     this only proves that not only are there still a lot of generous people out there, but that there is an acceptable loss every company figures into their finances at the end of the month, that makes it ok not to always charge for things.  
     i know of a very simple way for anyone to broadcast their voice in the world and make a difference.  im going to use this new-found method of mine to promote the best suggestion in the world.  what the hell am i waiting for?  
     i need a dedicated computer, broadband connection and time.  i lost my computer to my ignorant exgirlfriend who thinks im crazy like the rest of them.  i let her borrow it while i went on my trip.  she loved my "craziness" for 4 years and cant cope with the fact we broke up.  so shes stealing my computer.  

     see, because of all my misfortune, i had to swallow my pride and move back to my moms house.  my family is so lazy.  living here is whats driving me crazy.  my mother is addicted to wasting her time playing pointless games and sending bullshit emails.  there are also 3 other people in the house, so im lucky if i get time on the computer.  if i had my own pc and web connection, i could get the ball rolling so much faster.
     life is very frustrating for me right now.  as you can tell, i am very disturbed.  things just shouldnt be how they are.  everybody thinks im insane and i am shown absolutely no respect.  i have lost all my worldly belongings due to ignorance.  thats ok though, theyre only material possessios that can be replaced someday.  i am happy without them.  no big loss.  
     not too long ago, i actually got a legitimate job working at a computer shop.  you see, i hate working for other people, but if i had to i figured it should be doing something i know.  i lucked out one day riding the bus and saw a computer shop i didnt know was there.  as luck would have it, i was hired for a temporary position building, delivering and installing computers for a school district.  i worked there for only 3 weeks before i was fired.
     see, i thought since i would be working with other people who understood computers and the web, that they would realize how possible my mission is.  but alas, they thought i was crazy too.  i got set up and terminated(ask me for my paper on my termination).   
     i had been working full-time so i made some good money in those 3 weeks.  having money made a really big difference.  my projects started moving faster and i was less worried and able to direct my attention on my goals again.  i didnt need money, it just helped.  
     it then occurred to me, if i had a good stash of cash and the time, i could change the world a lot sooner.  since money talks so much right now, i need to employ it wisely if i ever want to shut it up.  
     people call me lazy because i dont have a mainstream job like them.  the last thing i am, is lazy.  i get out and walk my ass off everyday, meeting people, talking to them and giving out my email address.  i dont work for myself, i work for everyone.  im just not getting paid money for it.  

     what i will do is run an FTP server from my computer, giving anyone in the world access to my hard-drive.  only the files and directories I want them to access, of course.  on my hard-drive I will have all my text files, containing my ideas.  this way, people can read my ideas at their discretion, with any web-browser, UNCENSORED and they can finish them whenever they want to.  the whole story will be told every single time.  here, let me give you a demonstration.  follow this link and see for yourself:  ftp://world:peace@

     lets just say i were to actually pull it off and bring world peace.  wouldnt that make me the happiest man in the world?  not to mention, the most successful?  all without money.  its not that my ideas are new, just my delivery-method.  
     so brothers and sisters of mine, i need help.  please help me prove my whole "doesnt hurt to ask" theory right and send me some money to help me help everyone.  think of this as the best cause in the world.  like ive said, im not twisting anyones arm here.  this is not a scam.  your contribution would only be helping me expedite human-evolution.  look at it as a simple loan.  ill pay you back by helping everyone live peacefully.  
     you can send me whatever amount you want to.  whatever you can spare.  i dont want to impose on anyone.  this is just another experiment of mine.  if you do send me something, let me know by email or return address if you want.  i will be sure to have a list of all contributors on my website(when i put it up).  you will get recognized for being very generous, i assure you.  soon, when i get my global-voice and bring the truth out of hiding, things will be better for everyone.   dont send me anything without reading all my mails.  i want you to make an informed decision.  
if you dont have all my mails, all you have to do is ask.

dont you have to be a little crazy to make a difference?

heres my address:

victor gruber
P.O. Box 690991
San Antonio, TX

i am in a bit of a hurry to save the world, so if you feel like helping me out, send it express mail.  consider this the best cause ever.

lets all bless america,

- victor


i have much more good, true reading if you care to be enlightened.  if you want some more free reading or have any questions please email me at or  i check both every day.  thanks again.

"Only after the last tree has been cut down.  Only after the last river has been poisoned.  Only after the last fish has been caught.  Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."
- Cree Indian Prophecy


     ok, its thursday, december 5th and i have decided i am going to walk/hitch-hike to the west coast soon.  just to prove my theory right about humans being designed to walk, not drive.  remember, patience is virtue.
    im not sure when i will leave, maybe a week or so.  there, i can talk with some more open minded people and get the ball rolling on some changes.  i am in san antonio, texas and ill take i10 all the way.  
     im not taking any money.  im gonna prove my theory right about generosity and ill make it all the way there.  once people hear what im doing, they will help me out.  

everyone just keeps talking.  well, im gonna finally do something about it.

- victor

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