

San Antonio, TX

Sunday December 5, 2004

     8:10am  I woke up and waked-n-baked. I read a National Geographic while I took a shit. Now I'm going to type my stuff up. I'm already on Monday, November 8.

     8:31am  I'm almost caught up now. I'm back in San Antonio in my typing. I'm on November 16th already. I'm already back. This is where I'm going to stop. I'm going to format my text files with HTML now. I can't believe I got a whole bag of cassettes typed up.

                   Dude, my mom's been hooking me up like crazy. Yesterday she brought me home a thing from KFC. Today she was all, "I'm sorry I'm late." I told her I didn't even know she was coming home. Today she brought me home a box of Total cereal and some bread and some meat and cheese for sandwiches. My mom is all kissing my ass.

                   I told her, "Mom, I know you gave me like eight dollars last night, but I had to buy some stuff. Don't suppose you could spare three dollars for a pack of cigarettes?" She gave me four. 

                   I am not taking advantage of her. She's just proving me right. Plus, aren't advantages are better than disadvantages?

                   I'm going to clean the kitchen and do dishes and stuff. Least I could do.

     9:48am  I had tidied a lot of stuff this morning. All of a sudden Gus calls me. My mom's boyfriend. He was nearby and called to ask me if I needed a ride anywhere. He's going to give me a ride to the Walmart so I can catch the bus downtown. He's going to come back to the house and put up some Christmas lights for my mom.

                  The driver hooked me up with a transfer on the bus.

     2:13pm  I met this guy, Brother Wagner on the bus. I was telling him my story. He just hooked me up with two dollars. Whoa, and a cigarette too. And a hotdog. I appreciate it, brother. Like I said, everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Ignorant people are easy to control, put that in my quotes.

                   I've been having a good time. I went downtown to Travis Park. I told some guy my story and he hooked me up. Oh yeah, David smoked me out again. He always smokes me out. I like David. I told him thanks for brightening my day again. He all told me, "We're not finished." I just got hooked up with a courtesy ride on the 610 home. When I got on it was some white dude. I asked him, "I don't suppose I can get a courtesy ride?" He asked me, "Why?" I said, "Because I don't have any money." He said, "Alright, just don't make it a habit." I told him, "Okay, I promise."

     4:50pm  I'm home already. Everything is how it should be.

                   Well not everything.

                   At least not yet.

Next day..

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