


Arcata, CA

Saturday December 6, 2003

     4:13pm  I'm walking into town now. Man, it took me a long ass time to get out of Kati's today. I was uploading my stuff to my email. I figured out how to fix that margin problem I was having.

     4:55pm  I'm going to spange up a donut. Some guy just gave me a quarter. I didn't get his name. He knows who he is.

     5:12pm  Scotty, some random dude, was nice enough to smoke me out in the alley. With Angela. Oh yeah, I just took a picture of this car that someone toilet papered with eggs.


                    It's funny.

     5:17pm  Andres gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:25pm  Man, I'm sitting here messing with Sunflower seeing how far she'll go. Here, I'm going to try and get her to talk into my recorder. She didn't want to.

     5:30pm  These two girls just gave me some change for a donut. I made the mistake of asking them again when they walked back. They said, "Umm, we just gave you some." Hey, I've had two closed head-injuries(universal excuse, hehe).

     6:08pm  I ran into Kati, of all people, in front of the donut shop. She gave me some change for a donut. She's going to go hang out with her friend Les, this guy who goes to The Raven House. Les asked me if I would accompany him to go stash his shit somewhere. We came over to these apartments.

     6:20pm  Food not Bombs is feeding in the plaza. Good, I'm hungry.

     7:00pm  Me, Les and Kati, I mean Texas, I'm sorry, are looking for a place to smoke weed. We found a little recessed corner in the shade and. Right before we got to the corner, there was a van parked with two guys in it. Worrying that we would look suspicious to them, Les walked over to them to see if they wanted to smoke. They said no and Les comes over to Kati and I. All of a sudden, the van pulls up to us and those two dudes in the van volunteer us some weed. Awesome.

     7:02pm  Barry, one of the guys in the van was nice enough to give me a cigarette.

     8:13pm  I'm walking home to Kati's already. Kati took off on her bike and Les has a skateboard and a dog to pull him. At first, I think he asked if he could crash at Kati's. Kati's apartments are very strict about pets so I didn't know what he was going to do. He said he'd find a place to tie her up outside. I was all, "Umm, what if it rains?" He said, "Then I'll go get her."

     8:28pm  I'm finally getting to Kati's apartment. Man, I've been limping bad. My leg hurts.

                   I sat down in the living room and struck up a conversation with Kati. Kati tells me I use the term supply-and-demand incorrectly in my script when I say,

                   "Now, I say everybody just keep their same job, as long as they like doing it. Just do it for free. It all comes back to you. Then people say, "Oh, what about all the jobs people don't like doing like garbage man or sanitation worker? Who's going to do those?" Well, after eliminating money, when those jobs don't get done, the demand for them will increase and nice, generous people will do them. Just because they need to be done. It's simple supply and demand. In the end, we would just stop doing things we don't need to be."

                   Kati: "Okay, so when the garbage starts to pile up, somebody will take it, because it needs to be done. And people need to clean up their shit. You can't call that supply and demand, because that's a specific economic term that talks about how demand and supply are related to price. It's part of a formula that people use in our system, which is a supply side economic system, to determine the price that people will pay for something. If the price is very low, people will demand it a lot. If the price gets higher and higher, people will demand it less because it's expensive. And if there is very little of something and the demand is very high, then you can charge a high price, but if there is a lot of something and it's abundant then you charge a lower price. These are the two different legs of the graph and where they cross is the ideal market price. Supply and Demand is a formula that is used to determine the price that the market will bear. What people are willing to pay for something. So, that's why I say you can't use that in your script because it's something specific."

                   Victor: "Notice how I said simple Supply and Demand? What you are talking about is complicated Supply and Demand. There is a demand and it is supplied. That's all simple Supply and Demand is. You don't need to bother with money and prices with Simple Supply and Demand.


Next day..

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