


     Arcata, CA

Tuesday December 9, 2003

                     I haven't been recording this morning. I woke up at around 10:30am or eleven with Kati. I was tired last night. Kati wanted to make love, but I was just tired. I'm sorry, baby. Anyway, I'm walking into town to go eat at The Endeavor. Kati already left for work.

     12:30pm  I finished up at The Endeavor.

     12:47pm  I'm already at the footbridge to the school. I'm still limping.

     6:11pm  I finished up at the library. I think I'm caught up. I'm missing a day, I think. I think I dated a day wrong.

     6:50pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Charles smoked me out. He got his 215 card. He smoked me out after the school. He smoked me out under the decorated bridge. I don't know where Kati is. I tried calling her at home from the donut shop, but nobody answered. I don't want to show up and there not be anyone home. I think Kati got off at six. Hmm, I should call The Raven. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

                    Jesse let me use his phone. She wasn't there. I wonder where the hell she is.

     6:57pm  I walked out and I see a cigarette on the ground. Oh boy, the temptation. Screw it, I'm going to smoke it. I slept all day today and healed up some. I can't quit cold-turkey. I just got to taper off.

                   Oh yeah, I took a drag off that cigarette and I gave it away.

     7:02pm  Mark just gave me a whole dollar for a donut! I appreciate it, bro.

     7:07pm  I went to Kati's. I got nothing to do. Kati's bike is in the plaza, where she usually parks it. Oh yeah, about that cigarette I had found. I had found ¾ of an American Spirit on the ground. I thought, "Oh man, I haven't smoked all day." I picked it up and lit it up. I took like four or five drags off of it. Then I felt like I had failed the test and gave it away. I'm so weak. I took those drags and started feeling guilty. This black dude walked up and I just handed it to him. Right after I gave away the cigarette, these two dudes walked up and one gave me a whole dollar. It was my reward for giving the cigarette away.

Next day..

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