

                                                                                                    Venice Beach to Sylmar, CA

Saturday December 13, 2008

     9:15am  Noel just volunteered me some breakfast. A breakfast quesadilla.

                     Johan just gave me a cigarette on the oceanfront. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:34am  I forgot to tell you. Johan whipped out a camera and told me he was making a documentary about Venice.

I took up my spot in front of the Medical Kush Beach Club. Max was nice enough to give me a cigarette in front of the medical marijuana dispensary. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Hehe, I am all yelling at people hardcore as they ignore me.

                     Smoking kills.

     2:01pm  Teddy hooked me up with a quarter so I could get a printout at the library. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

I didn’t tell you. I got bored with Venice Beach and I am skipping town right now. I walked to the library. I had an email from Autumn in Panama City. I’ll show it to you:

Hi Victor.Its Autumn from Panama Shitty beach remember me?I love you.Im in tampa now.How is your journey going?Call me if you wish.......(850)238-2914...I am so thankful for the twist of fate that allowed our paths to cross.Im sorry If I was rude,but I was that way on purpose cause of my jelous exboyfriend.Honestly I wanted to jump your bones.Peace,Autumn

My reply:

Hi Autumn,
     How could I forget?  My mission is evolving beautifully.  After Panama City I hit Tampa, St. Pete, Miami, Key West, West Palm Beach, Mathews, VA, Little Washington, VA, Morgantown, WV, Charleston, Huntington, Cincinatti, Celina(went to jail for three days for contribiting to the delinquency of a minor, just for passing out my website because it's about marijuana, freedom of speech, bitches!)  They also got me for the little bit of weed and my pipe.  I got to rest from all my walking for three days and tell all the other inmates my story.  When I got I called my mom and she said, "Victor, are you sitting down?  They're building your sidewalk."  Oh shit, I have to go back to San Antonio.  Rode the Greyhound straight home.  Check out the OLD TEZEL NEEDS A SIDEWALK section on my site. 
     Last month I took off West.  Me and this friend I made who looks like Bob Marley and had his own walking stick, we scored a ride all the way from Las Cruces, NM to Anaheim, CA.  I was in Santa Ana for a little bit then I rode the bus to Venice Beach.  That's where I'm at now about to skip town and go to Ventura. 
     You should check out the journal on my site for all the details.  It's only updated until when I left San Antonio on November 8, but I almost have the update ready.  It'll be on there soon.  Tons of pictures. 
     I am doing a clockwise tour of the US, so I'll eventually be back in Florida.  Can't speculate when though.  If you don't make plans you never get let down, but when I'm back in FL I'll look you up so we can burn a  bown and you can jump my bones, ha!  Just kidding.   Time is almost up at the library.  Gotta go, sister.

Peace and love,

- Victor Antonio     

                   I spent so much typing I forgot to get printouts of havethisbook.coms. I had to wait another fifteen minutes for another computer and I got my printouts.

                   There was a bus stop right in front of the library. The first bus that came gave me a courtesy ride. I also gave some girl my website as she was walking by.

     4:37pm  I just got to Union Station. I’m going to look for the restrooms and layer up.

     5:07pm  Jim was nice enough to give me a cigarette at Union Station. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:43pm  After much time I finally figured out the right subway to take. Red Line Northbound. I’m going to get on it without paying. Watch.

     5:44pm  Just boarded the train. Fuck the system!

                   Fine for fare-evasion is $250. Fuck you. Your rules don’t apply to me. My job doesn’t pay me money. I work for free.

     6:17pm  I am in North Hollywood right now. Fuck the system. I got a free ride. I am a bonafide fare-evader. Suckers. With so many people on there, why would they stop me? I already had my scripts lined up in my head for a confrontation. Now let’s see what kind of courtesy ride I can score closer to Oxnard.

     6:43pm  I just got to Van Nuys. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m going to catch the Metrolink to, I don’t know. Is there a transit center nearby?

                   Directions from some guy to Ventura: “Go down to Victory and take the bus westbound on Victory. It’s the 164. Victory is about a mile from here. You get off on Conoga. You walk down Conoga south, which is back this way. You walk south down Conoga. Right on the corner of Conoga and Oxnard, you make a right on Oxnard. On the corner of Owen’s Mouth and Oxnard you’ll be able to catch the Vista. It’ll have a sign that’ll say Vista bus line. That will take you straight to downtown Oxnard.”

     7:08pm  I came to the bus stop in Van Nuys and I met what were your names? Nathan and Josh and they’re waiting for a shelter van to come pick them up. How friggin’ perfect?

     7:45pm  I am at the National Guard Armory in Sylmar. I couldn’t ride in the van with Nathan and Josh because it was full, but me and this other dude are waiting for the next one. I’m telling him my story while we wait and he seems to really be enjoying it.

     7:56pm  The van just came.

     9:05pm  David, here at the armory gave me a cigarette.

This is your typical US Army Reserve armory where they house homeless people. It’s just awesome how I magically scored a place to crash tonight. I have a happy belly, stuffed. They had mashed potatoes and fried chicken and green beans. What a magical happening. I ran into those dudes right across the street from the train station. I walked up to them and asked them, “Do you guys know a place to squat? Which way is Ventura? Where are you guys crashing?” They told me, “We’re waiting for a shelter van right now.” I smiled and said, “Can I go?” I couldn’t fit in the van that took them, but I caught the next one. On the way over here I was trying to tell the dude driving, some Christian bible thumper my story. He was all, “Is love going to get you to heaven?” I told him, “Love will get me to even better places.” Brainwashed Christian. Anyway, I have a place to crash tonight. They’ve got all these cots everybody lays on, but I opted to make my bed on the floor. I have all the bedding I need. I’m too tall for the cots. I’m going to go to sleep. Goodnight, everybody. Oh yeah, I scored a shower too.


Next day..

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