Berkeley, CA
Sunday December 14, 2003
7:00am I just woke up at the Lutheran Church. I ended up going back there. It's cool that nobody's told me anything. Plus, it was raining last night so that's good. It was pouring last night.
7:07am I totally forgot that some other guy who was at the church had given me a box of Fig Newton's and I left them there. Damnit. I'm going to walk back up there and get them. Also because the church gets mad when people leave trash up there.
7:22am I walked over to People's Park. Man, it's funny. Three people crashed in the Free Box last night. It's hilarious. They got wet though, even though it has a covering on it. It rained hard last night.
7:34am I just passed the Catholic Worker van at People's Park. They're having their Sunday breakfast feeding. Well anyway, there's a sticker on the back of the van that says, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable." Hell yes! That's great!
7:35am I walked up to, I can't remember his name, the guy who owns the van, and told him, "Excellent quote on the back of your van." He asked me, "Thanks, do you know who wrote that?" I asked him who and he said, "John F. Kennedy." Oh man, that's awesome.
7:57am Cheyenne hooked me up with a cigarette here at breakfast. Thank you, kind sister.
Oh yeah, and some guy in line told me that Saddam Hussein had been captured. That they found him in a cave with a couple guys guarding him. I gotta look that up on the Internet. I really don't foresee much happening because of his capture. What? Do they think he was the only person in Al-Qaeda? Oh no, he didn't have any followers. Note the sarcasm.
8:20am Oh yeah, I just took a picture of the Free Box
and this bum starts bitching, "You're going to get your ass hurt one of these days." I told him, "For what?" He said, "It's illegal to do that." I told him, "No, it's not." He tells me, "Go ask her," and points to this lady cop on the other side of the street. I tell him, "Okay, I will," and walk off towards the cop car. I walked up to the car and the officer rolled down her window. I ask her, "Hey, it's not illegal to take pictures in public without permission, right?" She told me, "Of course not. Not in public." Then, the black dude who had talked shit to me walked up to the cop car. The officer said, half joking around, "What are you doing coming up to my car?" He said, "I was just telling this guy about how it's illegal to take pictures without someone's permission." She stops him and says, "No, it's not."
Haha, she told him I didn't do anything wrong. And she's a cop. Victorious once more. Bam, boom, busted. I told they guy as he was walking off, "If you don't want your picture taken in public, go home." He snapped back at me, "You don't tell me to go home! I have brothers who are lawyers!" I smiled and told him, "Well, sue me then. Back your shit up."
Oh yeah, I tried telling that cop about my mission. I started with, "Hey, can I tell you what I'm doing?" I told her all my mission objectives and she just smiled saying, "Well, it's good to have goals." She had to go so she couldn't listen to my platform. To top it off, she was a quite attractive policewoman.
Kind of hot in that uniform.
That's so awesome. It turns out the Christmas Fair is today also. There's going to be another crowd. Awesome.
8:25am Leslie just gave me some change. I appreciate it, Lesley.
8:29am Brian walked by and handed me a muffin.
I'm going to bring about the evolution-revolution.
Oh shit, that's right. I have a shower to take at 9:30am.
8:55am Stupid Slim, the black dude who thinks he's going to get marijuana legalized too, just popped me in the mouth. I was taking a picture of Sunshine
on the other side of my corner. She was all holding up the peace sign and smiling. He got all mad because he came out in the picture and he walked up to me and started talking shit. He told me to give him my camera and I told him, "Over my dead body." Then he all got in my face trying to scare me and shit. I told him, "The last thing you are doing is scaring me. Hurry up and do something already. Talk is cheap." So he popped me real quick in the mouth, busting my lip. Oh well, I still got the camera. Sucker. My lip will heal, BUT I STOLE YOUR SOUL WITH MY CAMERA AND YOU DIDN'T GET IT. MUHAHAHAHA. Hehe.
I know I could have hurt Slim, but then I would truly be a hypocrite. It's not like he caused me any pain. The only reason I was bleeding was because it was cold and my lips were chapped and split easily.
9:38am Kim was nice enough to give me a cigarette.
Haha, I just asked this girl, "Does my lip look bad?" She tells me, "No, not really. It doesn't look like the person who hit you hit you that hard." Haha, that's funny.
10:19am I just got out of the shower. It sucked. They didn't have any towels and I thought I was going to have to stand there naked for half an hour and drip-dry after my shower. I used my poncho though. Good thing I had it. Anyway, I'm walking back to my spanging corner.
Hehe, if I see Slim again I'm going to tell him, "Man, you hit like a girl."
That's Okay, Slim. I forgive you. You didn't know better.
This other vendor dude came up on my corner and told me, "I'm going to set up shop right here." I told him, "Really? I was here first. I'm not moving. I'm going to fly my sign right next to you, then." He told me, "All you're doing is asking for spare change. I'm trying to sell something." I told him, "You think that's all I'm doing? I've got a world to save." He asked me, "What are you going to do? Tell me." I tried but as soon as this guy noticed how serious I was he turned off his ears and walked off. Haha, I won.
10:48am Steve just gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, brother.
Oh yeah, I saw Slim again and I walked up to him. He said, "Get the fuck away from me." I told him, "Man, I ain't scared of you. I never was. It's your karma. Justice will be done, sucker." He got all mad and said, "Man, get the fuck away from me! I'm going to kill you with my gun." I told him, "Oh, well thanks for the warning." Idiot.
11:52am Mike told me to check out his website, That dude who was trying to vend on my corner walks up with Mike, like he went and tattled on me. Dude, Mike was on my side though, he even gave me a dollar and wished me luck. Hehe, bet you that vendor dude had that moron feeling coarsing through his veins. Hehe.
Oh yeah, when that guy had come up to my corner wanting to set up shop earlier, I told him, "Hey, I'm a person just like you, but I've got better things to do."
I just saw another kid I recognized from Arcata.
Oh yeah, I'm going to try and press charges on Slim. Right after he crossed the street and got in my face, Sunshine went to the payphone and called the cops. Since the cops were going to come anyway, I said screw it, I might as well file a report and scare Slim a little. Maybe he'll skip town. Slim's wearing a hoodie with red stripes down the sleeves and a grey backpack. I'll tell the cop that.
11:29am I just had an awesome session with this one guy. I told him my whole California Story. He took a picture of me.
12:02pm Paul just gave me a cigarette.
12:20pm Bob just gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, Bob.
12:23pm Candice just gave me two dollars and some change. I appreciate it, Candice.
This guy in a wheelchair just asked me, "Where's home at?" I told him San Antonio, TX. He said, "Oh cool, I'll be right back." He's going to go get me some change. This dude in a wheelchair. Awesome.
1:00pm Pablo was nice enough to give me some change. I appreciate it, brother.
Sunshine just walked up to me and handed me thirty five cents! Just like that. She gave me a dollar the other day.
I just took a picture of the AIDS Monster,
this dude in a scary costume. That's really weird that I see that dude. He told me, "You've been inoculated. Remember this face."
1:13pm This guy just came up to me and offered me a sandwich!
1:13pm Right now this dude just came and gave me a sandwich. Right after that, Sue came by and gave me a salad. Cool, I don't even know these people.
1:25pm Richard just hooked me up with an after-meal smoke. Thanks, dude.
3:26pm John just hooked me up with a Camel Wide. I appreciate it, brother.
3:41pm Okay, I haven't been logging much. I'm back on my corner.
3:43pm Jackson gave me a whole five dollars! Badass!
Man, that was an awesome presentation I just had! This guy was nodding his head up and down the whole time. Let me see if I can find his email address.
That guy gave me five dollars. That's badass.
3:51pm Sherrie just gave me a couple bucks. I appreciate it, Sherrie.
3:53pm Angela just gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, Angela.
3:56pm Justin just gave me some change. I appreciate it, brother.
4:00pm Dennis just gave me a whole dollar.
4:03pm Sunshine just walked up and handed me a cigarette. I didn't even ask. Awesome.
4:10pm Michael just gave me a dollar. Thanks, dude.
4:11pm Jennifer just gave me some change. I appreciate it, Jennifer.
It's so awesome how I landed back on Telegraph in time for this fair.
4:24pm Whoa, some guy just gave me some chili. Awesome. I was hungry, too.
4:45pm Lynnette just gave me some change. I appreciate it, sister.
4:48pm Chris just gave me a quarter. Thanks a lot, brother.
5:20pm Rachel just gave me a good quote. What is it again? Rachel: "It is by Ludwig Wittgenstein. It is, "What can be said, say it clearly and what can't be said, pass over in silence. You will save a lot of trouble."
5:44pm Jim just gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, Jim.
5:48pm Jen was nice enough to give me a dollar.
5:55pm Helen was nice enough to hook me up with a dollar. Thank you, Helen.
Screw that, if I hit Slim back I wouldn't have been practicing what I preach. I refuse to stoop down to his level. I'm bigger than that.
6:02pm Lisa was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I didn't even ask her for one. She offered.
6:21pm Wesley gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, bro. That's very generous of you.
6:37pm I just ran into Sammie! Sammie, the chick who invited me to her apartment to hang out with Kate from Arcata. You know, from the first time I was in Berkeley. I told her my whole story and update.
6:56pm Sheena just gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, Sheena.
7:03pm AJ just gave me a dollar. Awesome.
7:41pm Okay, I've stopped spanging. For a while now. I'm going to go to Traveler's Aid tomorrow and see if I can get a bus ticket. Dude, I can't believe I saw Sammie again! Her email address is
Anyway, I'm going to go dig through the Free Box for some extra shirts. I'm cold.
I've got forty four dollars in bills and I have more than ten dollars in change.
8:02pm I just finished layering up in the bathroom. I'm wearing eleven layers. Oh yeah, I forgot I have two dollars in my pocket. I have thirteen dollars and some change in coins.
I think I'm going to buy some weed.
8:24pm I was over by where all the dumbasses were hanging out. Slim and his gang. They were smoking weed and I walked up, smiled and said, "Hey, can you guys spare a hit?" Then, this stupid ass who I hadn't even done anything to tells me, "Man, we don't want to hear your shit. I don't want you taking pictures of us either. Just fucking leave." I just walked off chuckling. Hehehehe.
I had bought me a really good chocolate chip muffin at the Bay King. I was all, "Man, I wish I had a cigarette." I was just walking up Telegraph close to Channing and what do I find on the ground? A brand new Marlboro Light. Sweet, just what I wanted. Thank you, Love. Thanks a lot. The universe provides.
8:50pm Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Today some guy walked by and saw my sign that said, "On my way to save the world."
Well, this dude asks me, "Can I interview you?" I tell him sure. He pulled out a little videocamera and I got to do my whole platform! That was awesome!
9:04pm I walked over to Channing, over by the red parking garage. I asked this one dude if he knew where I could score a little weed. I asked him how much he would sell and he told me twenty dollars minimum. I showed him ten dollars and he changed his mind. He went and got this little bud in cellophane. I told him, "Forget it, dude, that's way too small for ten dollars." He said, "Will you give me seven?" I told him, "No, I'll give you five," and started walking off. He went, "Okay," and I got my weed. It's really good weed, too.
Oh yeah, Sammie told me that Shalimar, this other girl I had met in her building, she works at Zebra's, the tattoo shop on Telegraph. I'm going to go over there and ask about her.
They close at nine, ten minutes ago.
11:03pm Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Soda showed me this huge parking garage under the UC campus. It looks like a perfect crime scene, hehe. I should take pictures of this place.
11:25pm Man, I feel a sore throat coming on. See, I had cut back on the cigarettes for a long time. Then I started smoking a lot again. Because I was spanging and getting all this money. Everything was cool and I felt happy and healthy, so I smoked more. Now, I kind of feel a sore throat coming on. Oversmoking always starts it.
11:34am We're in some laundry room.
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