


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday December 14, 2004 

     1:32pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Earlier right when I woke up and started typing up my stuff, my tape broke! My 14- tape broke, that was the last tape I had left. I got to the end of side A and it broke at the end. Shit, it like snapped off at the end of the spool. What am I going to do?
                   Well, I scraped me up a good resin hit and I'm all stoned. I operated on it and fixed it! I cracked the cassette open. For like half an hour I sat there at the kitchen table. I found my crazy glue. I took the tape apart and meticulously was able to glue the end of the tape to the spindle. I lined it up and put it all back in the cassette. It worked! I was able to save it! I can't believe it. That was like a week or so that I almost lost. Whew! Now I switched out to a brand new ninety minute tape.

                   I'm going to start cleaning. It's almost two and my mom will be home in a couple hours. She finally made me a list of things to do.

     4:10pm  I just finished cleaning. I cleaned my mom's house hardcore. I mopped, I swept the whole living room and the kitchen, I did the dishes and everything and I cleaned up the table and counters. This place looks nice. My mom is going to be happy. I'm going to ask her for money for weed, hehe.

     5:52pm  Oh, I've got an update to make. I am going to venture out for some marijuana and come back. I'm going to go to Teo's apartment and see if he'll hook me up with any. I cleaned the house good.

                   Oh yeah, and I called VIA to check what time the bus came. I burned a CD of my files to take with me because I'm all paranoid that computer is going to be missing one day when I come home. I hauled ass and ran the half mile to the bus stop. I'm waiting for the bus now.

     6:04pm  When the bus came I told the driver, "I'm short nine cents." He didn't care. He even gave me a transfer.

     6:38pm  I'm on the 92 at the hospital. I'm going to go to Teo's.


a picture I took of this bus stop while I was still on the bus. It says, "Educating the future."

                   I'm at the apartments now. I'm going to go see if Teo's home.

     10:04pm  Teo hooked me up with a nug! Oh yeah, I'm having a good time. Let me tell you about it. I got to Teo's. First, when I got there Ashley opened the door and invited me right in. Teo wasn't home. I sat there and talked to Ashley for like two hours. She was venting about Teo. I am really glad I was there for her to listen. She doesn't know anybody in San Antonio. Then Teo came home and he smoked me out. He was all, "Oh man, you gotta try some of this weed! It's badass." I told him, "I don't believe you. Prove it." Oh yeah, Teo had never heard my story before. I gave both of them my presentation and they were captivated. I am thinking about catching the bus to West and walking the seven miles home to my mom's. I don't know. Maybe I'll go to Sam's. I'm not sure.

     10:20pm  I've just been bouncing back and forth. I called my mom and she's going to pick me up at the hospital. I had really been contemplating walking home tonight. It's supposed to get in the twenties, like freeze tonight but screw it, I'm wearing that black jacket that Seymour who took me up to Big Sur gave me. I thought I'd walk home all the way from the hospital. Then I thought, "Hmm, I should see if my mom will pick me up at the hospital."
                     Oh yeah, and Teo when he first got home he was all, "I got some good weed, but I can't give you any because it's gotta last me until Friday." In the end he hooked me up with a couple chunks anyway. I even told him, "Hey, you know what I'm doing. I need the weed to type my stuff up."

     11:27pm  Man, it's awesome how my mom wanted to come pick me up. It was really cool how, umm, hold on. I gotta gather my thoughts here.

                     Oh yeah, I had gone to Sam's to use the phone to call my mom to pick me up at University Hospital. She told me to call her when I got to the hospital. There ended up not being any more buses going to Medical Center anymore. She just pulled up right now. After I found out the buses weren't running anymore I gave up and went back to Sam's. I called her again and told her that she didn't have to pick me up, that I was just going to crash at Sam's. It kind of seemed like she wanted to.

                    My good 'ol mom came and picked me up. I appreciate it, mom.

     1:02am  She even bought me tacos at the Taco Cabana. She asked me what I wanted and I told her chicken fajita with sour cream. She said, "You mean two, right?" They hit the spot. She's being all nice to me. Thank you, mom. I love you, mom. I'm going to go type on the computer.

Next day..

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