

                                                                                                              Ventura, CA

Tuesday December 16, 2008
                       Cutting new havethisbook.coms.

     11:35am  I got me a new recorder! I had $27.90 total after standing at Sanjon/101 with my SUPPORT THE CAUSE sign. The recorder they had at the Radio Shack was twenty nine dollars with tax. I waited to talk to the manager and told him, “I’m Victor Antonio from San Antonio. I’m a long-distance walker, I’m a journalist. I’m conducting a study on generosity the whole world is going to read on the internet. I only have $27.90 and your recorder is two dollars more. I really need a tape recorder to do my job. It’s mission-critical.” He smiled and said sure and went to the back to get one. Dude, it’s the exact same model as the Olympus one I had which broke. I had stolen it from my nephew anyway. It was my backup recorder. This one is Radio Shack brand, but the exact same model. Which means I’ll still need an adapter for the headphone jack.

                     I’m back in business. I’m logging again. All I had to do was go to my spot on Sanjon. Dude, no bums harassed me. I went out there at seven in the morning and set up. It took me a while to get kicked down cash. I got tons of food though. I put all my donations on the metal box here. I got the idea that I should put a sign on the box that says Blessings. Hehe, I am really getting my word out there. I’m going to get shot in Ventura! Ha! It was weird, the other day I had like over two hundred hits on my site. Just one random day. Most of the visits were for less than thirty seconds, I had over eight hundred of those. I only have six visits for more than an hour.

                     I am really glad I am recording again. I manifested a new tape recorder. Oh wait, I didn’t tell you, these eighteen year old girls that I talked to, the three girls that when I walked by them with Lorenzo asked me if they could interview me. The ones with the laptop. Remember, we went for a drive and I smoked them out. Anyway, one of the girls Sierra messaged me on MySpace telling me she wanted to join. That after Christmas she wanted to take off with me. That’s just crazy and great. I’ll show you the email.

From: Sierra Pasadena
Date: Dec 14, 2008 5:27 PM
Subject: No Subject
Body: i want to go with you after christmas. not kidding.


Oh yeah, there’s two of them. Kristin gave me her phone number on my guestbook.

2008-12-15 09:33:59
339 if you are still in ventura, which i hope you are, you should try to contact me. Preferably today, or wednesday. My number is (805)2041054. Its cold and rainy out so I would love to pick you up and you could hangout inside in the warmth. Take care.

                     Oh yeah, and this morning I left my rain poncho in the big storage compartment at the armory. I am sure somebody has stolen it by now. That blows. I loved that rain poncho. I’ve got a tarp and a military rain poncho if I need it.

     11:43am  I’ve got my tape recorder, I’m all stoned. I’m going to go tell my story on Main Street.

     12:32pm  I just came to the pier. I took a picture.  Looking back.

     12:35pm  I just walked down the pier for the first time since I got back to Ventura. I ran into Darrel. I remember Darrel from last time I was here. Like over a year ago. Darrel asked me if I was still flying my sign. I told him I couldn’t stop. That I was out there this morning.  End of pier.

     12:42pm  Robyn was nice enough to let me borrow her cellphone on the pier and I called Kristin. She didn’t answer, but I left a message. I appreciate it, Robyn. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     1:07pm  I just had an awesome presentation with this guy right now on the pier. I didn’t get his name and he wouldn’t let me take his picture. He told me, “It’s really good to see somebody who is as committed as you are.”

                   I called Kristin and she didn’t answer. I want to talk to Sierra too. I might have a traveling partner soon. A teammate who will be willing to work for the cause. Who won’t have anything better to do. I shouldn’t expect anything. Talk is cheap.

     1:24pm  Right now I am walking towards Main Street from the pier. I crossed Thompson and some guy yelled, “Hey, is your name Victor?” Recognized. Some guy who I had met last time I was here.

Ha, I just offered my website to these two military guys.

                   What was your name again? Matt: “Mattbuildscharacter.” Matt walked by me and he hooked me up with a spliff on the corner of Main Street and California, I think.

                   Matt: “Check it out, yo. Giving gifts freely without expecting anything back is the best gift you can give, dude. Give freely and spread positivity and love and you will be surprised how much love comes back to you. It’s like paying it forward. Where one person helps ten, ten becomes a hundred, a hundred becomes a thousand, and so on and so on. Next thing you know everyone is just helping each other. And they don’t know what the fuck is up. There’s just helping one another because they were told I’ll help you out right now, but you gotta help out ten other motherfuckers. It just spreads like that. I’m trying to do that shit. It’s called It’s Our Turn Collective. We got the sickest artists and the dopest shit. We ain’t making no money. We’re just out there spreading love and doing our art, homey. Peace. Mattbuildscharacter. If you wanna check me out go to or

     3:16pm  Cameron just came up to me and handed me a pack of cigarettes with a joint in it! Hell yeah. I appreciate it, brother. What’s your take on my story so far? Cameron: “Just do what you do. It doesn’t matter if you fail. The fact that you did anything in the laziest society ever, shows a lot. It’s all about doing about you think you ought to do. I hope it all works out. It doesn’t sound like such a bad way at this point. Do what you gotta do. Make it happen.”

 Haha, this ignorant guy right now. 5wmv594, California, Dodge. I tried to give him my website. I told him I have been documenting my life for the past six years. He yells back, “It doesn’t matter.” I told him he would see how much it matters. He asked me if I was giving away marijuana. I told him no, not yet, but eventually.


     4:56pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Steve. Steve’s a girl. I think. Steve is beautiful.

     5:08pm  Making my way to The Landing on Peking Street where they pick up for the armory at six. I’m going to get stoned before I get there though.

     5:18pm  I didn’t tell you I ran into Bear! He remembered me from last time I was here. Crazy. He lived at River Haven with me and Carol. Hopefully I can find my rain poncho.

I just got dropped off at the mall. Pacific View Mall. See, I was almost to The Landing and I borrowed somebody’s cellphone and called Kristin. Kristin ended up giving me a ride out to the mall, where I know is close to the armory. She had a friend with her she wanted me to tell my story to. I was super high and it was a short drive, so I didn’t.

Next day..

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