


to San Antonio, TX

Saturday December 20, 2003

     4:13am  I just woke up in Roy's truck. Man, I just slept like a baby. My leg doesn't hurt. That's what I needed. A good night's sleep in my warm mummy sleeping bag on the top bunk. I came to the truckstop here to take a shit and smoke a cigarette. I took my last hit of weed. That's it, until I get back to San Antonio. Bob might have some, or something.

     4:18am  I just took a shit in the stall here. I'm reading the graffiti on the walls. Right here it says, "Microchip implants = 666 = New World Order." There's another one that says, "Stay white." Here's another one that says, "It ain't the queers fucking 13 year old girls. Homosexuals leave the kids alone." That's funny.

     4:36am  I just had the greatest idea. Oh yeah, I never told you guys I dropped my recorder at the truckstop in Ontario. I was all, "Damnit, I need that recorder." The door came off and the tape fell out. I was all freaked out. I picked it up and examined it. Luckily no parts were broken and I was able to snap the door back on. Like, if I'm holding the recorder upside down, there's no resistance on the door and it opens. But, it still works. I am so lucky. Oh man, it would've sucked if I wasn't able to record the trip back. I would've had to write it down on a piece of paper. Oh yeah, at 4am Roy's alarm went off and it woke me up. We stopped at some place to use the restroom.

                    I'm reading all these plaques they sell at this truckstop. There's one that says, "Love. Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily-angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies they will cease. Where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge it will pass these 3 remain. Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

                    That's a bible quote out of 1 Corinthians 13.

     5:02am  Oh yeah! Roy offered to buy me breakfast. We walked over to McDonalds. First Roy was all, "Man, I don't want to walk that far." I told him the walk would do us good and he agreed with me. We walked over there. I got me a Sausage McMuffin and a burrito. I'm full.

     5:06am  Ron just gave me two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:16am  We stopped in New Mexico already. I'm not sure what the truckstop is. We stopped in and I went and took a shit. It was that burrito from McDonald's fault. It didn't sit too well with me. I'm going to take a shit and smoke a cigarette. Some Mexican cigarette the guy from the other truckstop gave me. He had given me two.

     9:42am  We are in El Paso. Driving through it. Eight or nine hours ETA to San Antonio.

     10:12am  We are still in El Paso. The East part of El Paso. We stopped at some truck stop. Oh yeah, Roy gave me a razor. I'm going to get to shave.

     10:47am  Bob just hooked me up with a cigarette outside of the truckstop in El Paso. I appreciate it, Bob.

     10:54am  I walked in to fill up my water bottle. I saw Roy sitting in the shoe-shiner chair. Man, what a typical Puertorican, getting his shoes shined, hehe. He asked me if I wanted something to eat. I had already bought a little cake with the $1.25 he had given me for laundry. I decided I wasn't going to do laundry until I got back to San Antonio. He gave me a five dollar bill anyway. I'm going to get some Subway.

     1:40pm  Actually, I thought it was 11:40am but we passed the time zone and I didn't adjust. It's 1:40pm. Almost 2pm.

     1:49pm  San Antonio 258 miles or 458 miles. I forgot what the sign said.

     4:56pm  We stopped at Fort Stockton, Texas. I had fallen asleep on the top bunk. Roy stopped to take a leak, or something. I'm going to go find me a cigarette.

     5:10pm  Roy just hooked me up with a sandwich! Awesome.

     5:26pm  306 miles to San Antonio. Almost there.

     6:18pm  249 miles.

     7:14pm  189 miles.

     8:25pm  We are only 112 miles away from San Antonio. We stopped at some truckstop. Roy's gotta go to the bathroom. Man, Roy is cool as shit. I swear, he's like my brother. We're both from Puerto Rico. We have some really good conversations. We agree with each other a lot. He respects me, I respect him. He was meant to pick me up, I swear. He was meant to give me this ride. Everyhing happens for a reason.

     8:26pm  Eric hooked me up with a cigarette at the Segovia truckstop. Junction, TX.

     9:38pm  Only 42 miles left to San Antonio. I'm almost home. I am so happy. It's going to be awesome.

     9:53pm  Now entering Bexar County. Home sweet home.

     10:21pm  I'm home! I'm home! Roy just dropped me off in the Habib-mart parking lot in Babcock North, Carlos and Bob's neighborhood. I'm going to walk over to their house and crash on their back porch. Nobody is home. I already called. But guess what. As I was unloading my bags out of Roy's truck, I threw my stick on the ground . . . and it broke! My stick which I've had the whole six months was gone! Argh!! I am so mad!! What a bittersweet return home. It sucks, it sucks, it sucks! Damnit, I was going to leave it in front of their door so they would know I was crashed out in the back, like I did last time. Oh man, that pisses me off so much. What am I going to do? I need a stick. I need to call Tobin up again.

                      Okay, now I'm going to walk over to Carlos and Bob's and crash out on their back porch.

                      Well, this sucks. Nobody is home at Bob's. I don't know what time they will be home, but I'm not tired. I'm hungry and I have two bucks in my pocket. I'm going to walk back up to the Pakistan(what Bob calls the store) and buy something to eat. Then, I'll come back and hopefully someone will be home.

                      Carlos' Miata is in the driveway, though.

     10:50pm  Kevin is hooking me up with a cigarette at the store. I appreciate it, brother.

                      Sweet, I'm back on track. I just gave Kevin my presentation. Now, I'm going to call my mom.

     11:07pm  I bought some donuts and called my mom from the gas station. I talked to her and my sister is on her way to come pick me up.

Next day..

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