

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Friday December 21, 2007

     12:20pm  This morning I woke up. I got seven hours of sleep. I took a couple resin hits and got on the computer. I got tired again and crashed back out. My mom is all depressed and hating her job. She was all wanting me to clean some more. Dude, the house is already clean from when I cleaned a couple days ago. The house isn't dirty at all. My sister Diana is coming today from Houston and my mom wants to impress her for some reason. She wanted to have the house spotless. Stupid shit that I don't have to do. I mean, I went through and cleaned up the house a lot. I spent like over an hour cleaning up her mess. It's all hers. I've been gone for two days, since I last cleaned. She all called in the middle of the day to remind me to wash and dry the bed linens on the bed I sleep on, which is in Diana's old room. She was all, "The greatest thing is to sleep on clean sheets." They weren't that dirty to begin with. I always went to sleep after I took a shower. I just sleep with a thin sheet over me and the thicker blanket over that. I switched out the sheet and there's a clean one on there now. I don't think I need to waste my time washing sheets that aren't dirty. Not for just my sister. She doesn't deserve so much. Ms. Know-it-all. Man, my mom is all miserable and sad because Babylon sucks. I need to work faster. That's who I am really doing this mission for, my mother. I'm going to go over to Humplick's and see if he'll smoke me out. "I walked all the way around the loop today and you're not going to smoke me out??"  I'm just kidding.

     12:28pm  Once again, the random time I decided to leave the house and walk around the neighborhood and get smoked out, I stop at the Perry's and good 'ol Amy is here by herself. Amy, Katt's sister. Not Joey's girlfriend Amy. She's smoking a brother out. I appreciate it, Amy. She gave me a Marlboro Red too. Everybody gets credit, hehe.

     2:10pm  Vince just hooked me up with some weed for the cause. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Can I take your picture?

                   Vince and Amy rolling around on the ground.

     3:26pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Some more magic happened in the neighborhood today. I went out and manifested some marijuana again. When I first walked to the house Amy was the only one home and she let me in real quick. "Come in, come in." She smoked a couple bowls with me. Then we walked over to the Brigadoon park and we met up with Vince, her boyfriend. He smoked a lot of weed with me too. I told them so many of my stories. I totally put on my show for them and they were enjoying it and listening good. I told them my Brewster County Jail story. I even told them my jokes, The Note From The Rich and I even sung them the lizard song I just memorized. I took a picture of them wrestling. He hooked me up with some weed for the cause, hell yeah. That means I can type up my big walk around the loop! I can't wait.

Next day..

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