


San Antonio, TX

Monday December 22, 2003

     12:30pm  Oh man, my mom's house hasn't changed one bit. She's still whining and moaning and bitching. She's one big walking, talking sympathy-plea. It's because she owns so much things she doesn't need. She's a huge packrat. And then she's always complaining about how big a mess her house always is.

                      She's crazy.

                      Oh yeah, I got my little brother to drop me off at Guilbeau and Tezel. Man, the buses suck now.

     12:32pm  I'm over at the Shell gas station on Guilbeau and Tezel and Louis hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                     I'm here at the 610 bus stop. Man, they have this huge, expensive looking bus stop. It's like a huge, decorated glass wall. They spent all this money on all this useless, expensive stuff, but they couldn't keep the Braun Station buses running after August 4th. Bastards cut the 96 route altogether, too. And VIA said it's because of money, ha.

                     Anyway, I'm going to ride to University Hospital and go say hi to my therapist friends there. I'll see if I can snag me a Boost or two, or three, or four, or five. Hehe. Just like old times.

     12:37pm  There's the bus. I see it.

     12:55pm  Oh shit, they built a Walmart Supercenter over here close to my mom's. That sucks.

     1:00pm  The buses stop on Mainland and Bandera now. Instead of Mystic Park at the HEB. At Mainland the bus driver got off and sparked up a cigarette. I asked him if he could spare one and he hooked me up. Thanks a lot, Mr. Mathis.

     1:26pm  I just got to Medical Center. I'm going to ride the elevator up and see if I can go score a Boost. Some liquid nutrition. I'm going to go say hi to all my friends up there. They haven't seen me in forever.

     1:34pm  I went up there. Gabe wasn't there, but I walked right into that nourishment room and right back out. I scored three Boosts.

                   Ahh, just like the good 'ol days. It's like I never left, hehe. Just went up, straight in, straight out. Now, I'm back taking the elevator back down to the buses. I'm going to go to West Telemarketing.

     1:37pm  The 91 going to West just passed. I just missed it at 1:33pm. I gotta wait for 03 for it to pass again. Okay, I'll wait.

                    I'm going to bum me a cigarette and drink one of my Boost's.

                    Man, it's so hot. I can't believe it. It's almost Christmas. I'm wearing shorts. I don't even need to be wearing this thermal. I think I'm going to take it off.

                    Oh, I don't know if I told you, but I jumped on the 603 which took me to Huebner and Fredericksburg. I'm walking to West.

                    Okay, I'm at West. Let's see if I can get smoked out.

     2:26pm  Chris was nice enough to hook me up with the rest of his cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                    Chris just told me that it's humanly impossible to lick your elbow. I thought, "Nah, I can do that," but he's right. I can't.

     2:38pm  Ian just gave me a cigarette at the smoking cabana. I appreciate it, Ian.

     2:52pm  What's your name, brother? Alonso. I was like hey I'm going to go back to The Rocks 

and see if anyone is back there and willing to smoke a brother out. Sure enough, I called it from the beginning. I was back here for like ten minutes and Alonso showed up and smoked me out. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:02pm  Alonso is cool. He smoked me out. Like I said, everybody gets credit in my game.

                    Alonso AKA Bearcat.

                    That was so awesome. I called that totally. I was going to go to HR and apply and wait, but I said screw it, I'll just go to The Rocks first and get smoked out, first. Sure enough I did. I had gone to the smoking cabana and bummed a cigarette. Then I came back here and within ten minutes, Alonso shows up.

                    It was meant to happen.

     3:10pm  Alonso is showing me his fireplace out here close to The Rocks.  

     3:15pm  Man, that encounter was almost magical. I called that shit from the beginning. I told myself I'd go to The Rocks, get smoked out, then go wait in HR. And, since I'm all stoned I get to tell other applicants waiting my story. Badass.

     3:30pm  Kryon just hooked me up with two cigarettes. Badass. At the inbound smoking cage. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Kickass, I'm getting blessings! They're Marlboro Lights, what I prefer to smoke. Haha, home sweet home.

     3:32pm  I'm over here in front of the HR building. In the middle of the parking lot they have a picnic bench. A long time ago, like last year I had written in black marker, " - Send me an email and I'll blow your mind." I signed it Victor and dated it 4/18/03 at 7:57pm. I took a picture of it, but didn't get the date and time in it.


                    Nobody ever emailed me from that, though.  Wishful thinking.  At least I am trying.

     3:44pm  Man, I had an awesome presentation smoking a cigarette right now. Since that dude had given me two, when another brother came and asked me if I could spare one, I gave him one. I told him, "This guy just gave me two. They're not both mine to keep." I told him all my stuff, too. First of all, he interrupted me and said, "No, No, you have to pay for the Internet, don't you?" I told him, "You don't have to pay for anything." If you don't mind 56k you can get that free anywhere." He actually listened to the rest of my stuff and in the end shook my hand. He told me, "Good luck."

     5:54pm  Beth just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Beth.

     6:55pm  Melinda was cool enough to give me a cigarette. She went and fetched one for me. Thank you, Melinda.

                   Man, while I was waiting to be called I asked one of the girls close to me, "Hey, do you want to hear a really interesting story to kill the wait?" She listened to me. Perfect way to kill time. Eventually, they brought us to the back room. I thought we were going to do paperwork, as usual. They told us, "You can leave and can come back tomorrow, or you can stay and wait." Monday's are real busy. I decided to stay and wait. Dude, like five other people waited too and I told them all about my plan. They all listened and got all into it. This really pretty girl, Belinda was all into my story. Afterwards, I wanted a cigarette so me and her walked out to the inbound smoking cage and bummed a cigarette. Oh yeah, and she offered to give me a ride. Maybe we'll stop at Bob's house. I don't know. Maybe she'll take me all the way to my mom's.

                   Cool, Melinda is handing out Life Savers. Cool.

     7:22pm  I'm all hired up. I got a schedule and everything. It's badass. Easy ass part time.

     8:00pm  Melinda drove me over to Bob's and Bob's hooking me up with a cigarette. Cool.

     8:10pm  Bob said that he was going to go out somewhere, so I couldn't crash there. Melinda is being nice enough to take me to my mom's.

     8:20pm  Melinda just dropped me off. She's cool as shit.

     11:25pm  I'm taking off on my nightly walk to the gas station. Hehe, I talked my mom into giving me five bucks for cigarettes.

     12:22pm  I'm out here smoking a cigarette at the Diamond Shamrock. I ran into Jordan, my little brother's friend. I told him my whole story. He's hooking me up with a cool little organizer.

                     Whoa, Jordan just volunteered me two bucks. Shweet.

                     Sweet, kickass I just told that Jordan dude my story and he reached into his pockets and gave me some money.

Next day..

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