

                                                                                                              Ventura, CA

Monday December 22, 2008

     6:15am  I woke up around six in front of this building.

     7:35am  I came back. This morning in the drizzle I threw my blue tarp over all of my stuff and went for a walk. I did a little exploring and walked a lot. This morning I woke up and I got stoned. I want to walk back to the rooftop so I can get my stuff I left there. My CamelBak and sleeping bag and stuff. It all got wet. I thought I needed a trashbag to grab all my stuff, then I got an idea. I put all my stuff on my military rain poncho and with that length of rope I threaded it through the loopholes and made a pouch out of my rain poncho and I was going to sling it over my shoulder, then haul it all to the laundromat to dry it all.

     8:35am  Lorenzo and I came over behind the library to hang out. He stashed his bag. He doesn’t want to carry it around. We’re going to walk to the laundromat. I should take a picture of all my stuff. I was quite ingenious using that rope. Before I had walked all the way to the Circle K to borrow a trashbag, but the greedy ass lady wouldn’t give me one. I did without.

Did I tell you I left the laundromat. I started walking towards Main Street, towards Foster library. I’ve got half the mind to turn around and walk to Catholic Charities. I don’t know.

                     Fishtank at lawyer's office.

     1:04pm  I went to Catholic Charities and ate lunch. I don’t know what I’m going to do today. I gave Lorenzo one of my old WPTMJ shirts.

     7:55pm  I have to make an update. I met up with Jean again and we came to the Del Taco to get some water. I went inside to fill up my bag with ice. I saw this brother with a camo jacket. His name is Casey and he started talking to me telling me about his track and field experiences. He volunteered me some dinner! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     8:05pm  Be sure to download The Great Smokeoff by Shel Silverstein.

                    Joel Woolf at

     9:00pm  Dude, the coolest shit happened. Way earlier I was tired after I went to the library. I didn’t sleep well last night. My friend Jean showed up and I asked her if she minded if I took a nap in her RV. She let me sleep and get a three hour nap. Then we went to the Del Taco to get some hot water for her and I went inside and this cool guy in a camo jacket started talking to me. He ended up being a movie producer or something. I told him my whole story at the Del Taco. It’s going to be hard to update this. I should’ve had my recorder recording during the whole encounter.

     11:15pm  I just left my meeting with Casey at the Del Taco. I was so meant to meet him. After my nap behind the library for some reason Jean and I drove out by Pacific View Mall. We stopped at the Del Taco and I went in to fill my bag with ice and I met this dude Casey. He offered to get me food and listened to my whole story. It was a very enlightening experience. He gave me all these names to look up. I’ll read them off tomorrow when it’s not that cold. I’m going to walk all the way downtown from here. It’s like an hour walk or so. Hopefully I’ll find Lorenzo and he’s got some weed.

     12:14am  Asea, the nice guy at the Circle K let me have some crackers a quarter short.” Asea: “Take another one.” Badass, I appreciate it.

     12:15am  That was awesome, man. I am almost to that front porch I crashed on last night because it was raining at 700 Main. Casey was nice enough to get me a couple tacos at Del Taco, but we sat there talking for hours. He told me I should find a teacher, a discipleship. He gave me some names of people to contact here in Ventura. I need to go make some contacts. Everything happens for a reason. Anyway, I was walking back a little hungry with no money and I was dreading trying to sleep hungry. I walked by the Circle K. I had a quarter in my pocket. I went in and asked them if they had any crackers. I found some honey roasted peanuts for fifty cents and I took them up to the register and asked, “You wouldn’t be so nice as to let me have these for a quarter?” He said sure and paid the difference himself. I pulled out my tape recorder and logged his generosity and then he quickly told me, “Grab another one.”

I made it to my squat at 700 E. Main. I thought Lorenzo might’ve been here, but he’s not.


Next day..

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