


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday December 25, 2002

                   Okay, it is Christmas day. The time now is 8:30am. I ended up spending the night at my friend Sam's house, because I didn't feel like going all the way home. I made sure to call my mom. I had called her from my friend Methie's apartment last night, but nobody answered so I can blame it on that. The answering machine at home doesn't work(surprise, surprise). Anyway, I ended up making my way to Sam's because I still had time to make it there on the bus. Sam was cool with it. I came over here, relaxed and took a shower. I crashed out early, I was tired. Sam was very hospitable, as usual.
                   I called my mom last night and she was about to go eat Christmas Eve's dinner with all these other Catholic people from Puerto Rico. I felt I had to make it seem like I wanted to be with her on Christmas Eve. So I told her, "Mom, I'm sorry I thought I could make it out there on the bus, but they're on a holiday schedule which threw me off. I really wish I could be with you, but if it's going to inconvenience you at all, don't come pick me up." She immediately asked me if I had eaten or not and I told her I had just walked to the store and bought a loaf of bread. I told her I also had all my energy drinks, so I'd be fine. She told me she wanted me to eat, so I told her I would be home tomorrow morning and she could save me some.
                   My mom was all willing to come pick me up, but I got out of that. Whew. Anyway, today's Christmas morning. I got a good night's sleep and its about 8:30am right now. Sam was supposed to be at work at 7am, but I guess he's going to be late. We'll see what happens. I'll keep you updated.

                   Okay, the time is now 9:05am. It's Christmas Day. It's cool. Everything's all closed. I woke up, got dressed and geared up, grabbed my loaf of bread and left. Last night I grabbed some plastic bags from Methie's apartment so I could carry all my energy drinks I had snagged from the hospital and I ended up putting the bread in a bag. So now I look like a homeless person, walking around Christmas day with a plastic bag full of groceries. I called my mom and she told me she had gone to bed at 4am and I had woken her up. I apologized and told her that by the time I got home she should probably be awake. I walked out to catch the 92. I can't believe the buses are running at all today. They're all on the Sunday schedule. All the roads are pretty much empty. I really wish I could leave today, but I don't think I'll be able to.

                   Well, like I said, it's about 9:06am right now. The morning's crisp and cool and I have all my stuff with me. Oh yeah, I don't know if I told you, but at Methie's apartment last night I had a countertop at my disposal. I poured all of my Muscle Blast 2000 stuff into a gallon-size Ziploc(with Gripper Zipper) that I had gotten yesterday(for free). I got my Ziploc full of stuff, which looks like a kilo of cocaine in my bag. Every single minute I am getting more prepared and ready to leave.
                   Okay, well, later on. I'll update this when I'm on the bus. I don't even know what time it comes. I'll just sit here and smoke some weed until it does. Alright. It's so cool not seeing that many cars on the road and just seeing people walking. Man, I wish I could see everybody walking. Everything would be so much better, and safer for everybody. And they'd be walking and getting healthy. We would become elite, the human race.
                   You know, what if other life has found earth and of course they're going to be light years ahead of us. Now these other beings might have already gone through all of this and eliminated their own money. What if they were so advanced that they could look at us without us knowing? Maybe once we finally get to that point in our evolution where humans don't need money anymore, then they might make contact. I can just imagine them saying things like, "Hey, you guys are finally learning. We've been watching you all for years now, waiting. We always thought you guys were stupid for using money. You're all supposed to care about each other. You're alive."

                   Wow, its so quiet without cars. It's just so nice and serene. It's just so odd, standing at the bus stop where normally cars are whizzing by. Because its Christmas, everyone's at home and all is calm.

                   It's weird, I'm standing here at the bus stop and it's right in front of El Pollo Loco, the Crazy Chicken. Thing is, I can see people inside sitting down at a table. There's a Mitsubishi Montero parked in front. I thought to myself, "Man, this place can't be open, it's Christmas. Why the hell are there people in there?" I walked up to the front door and checked to see if it was open. If it was, I was going to stick my head inside and ask em, "What the hell are ya'll doing open?" I pulled on the door and it was locked. The people inside nodded their head at me. Now, what is the manager and his family doing coming to the Crazy Chicken for Christmas. It's like Christmas morning. Don't you guys have a home? Hehe.

                   Wow, the coolest shit just happened. I was waiting in front of the Crazy Chicken on Fredericksburg and I see a bus coming and I put my cigarette out. Then I see that it's the 91, which doesn't stop at my stop. As he was driving by, I held up my arms pleading for him to stop. The driver glanced over but he wasn't going to stop. Then I noticed it was Mr. Berumen, one of the cool bus drivers who I had made really good friends with back when I lived on Vance Jackson. I had told him about all my ideas before and he liked me a lot. He's this cool Mexican dude. He's all Christian, but he still agrees with me and all my peace stuff.
                   Well, it was him and he's my buddy. There's a stoplight after the Crazy Chicken and it had just turned red. So I decided to run over there and see if he would let me on. He recognized me and had the door open before I got there. So I hopped on the 91, which goes down Fredericksburg a lot faster(hell, it's Christmas, it doesn't matter). Mr. Berumen asked me how I was doing and if I was enjoying my Christmas. I told him I was doing great and how I was just about ready to leave walking to California. He told me I was nuts and I told him I just had nothing better to do. I told him about my plan and he told me about a new route to get to my moms house.
                   You see, since the buses were on a Sunday schedule, I couldn't even get to the grocery store. The closest I could get to my mom's was Bandera and Loop 410, which was like 5 or 6 miles away. At first I had thought I would catch the 92 to Crossroads Park and Ride, which the 91 doesn't stop at. At the Park and Ride, I would catch the looper bus to Bandera/410 and then call my mom. I told Mr. Berumen my dilemma, because I didn't know what buses ran on Sunday that would get me to that intersection. He told me he knew that the 90 runs on Sundays and the 90 is the Babcock bus which passes Babcock/410. I could wait for the looper at Babcock and that's what I was going to do. I'd never taken that route, so I think I'll do that. It should be interesting. Okay, the time is about 9:30am. I'm going to stop recording.

                   Time is 9:52am. Man, that was a big impulse. I was just standing there at the University Hospital bus terminal and I saw the 534 pull up. The 534 goes by Chasity's apartment. Oh yesterday, at Methie's, I thought I had lost all my movies I burned at Sam's. In all my burning, I made two copies of "The Princess Bride." I was going to give a copy to Chasity for Christmas. She knows that movie by heart and I thought it would be a noble gesture. I had already told her I had burned it for her, but since I thought I had lost it, I called her last night and told her I lost all my CD's. Well, before I left Methie's last night, I called Sam to check if I had left them at his apartment, and I had. So cool. I got my movies back.
                   Well, since I am a man of my word and the 534 just pulled up, it dawned on me, "Hmm, my mom went to bed at 4am, she'll sleep for a while and I have some time to kill. Maybe I'll just go to Chasity's apartment(she was at her mom's for Christmas)and crawl up into her balcony and leave that movie for her." I had time to protect my word, so I did.
                   Well, that's exactly what I've done. I'm standing here on Chasity's balcony. I walked up and knocked on the door, thinking she might be home, but knowing she wouldn't be. I took my bag off and got her movie out and climbed up into her second-story balcony with it. Now, I could've just stuck the CD's in there and not climbed up there, but I decided to chill out up there and smoke a cigarette or two. Also for old time's sake. I like this balcony. I've slept in it many a time, hehe. I left the movies up there on top of this big blanket. She's going to walk out there and be surprised. I'm not even going to tell her about it. Hehe, I'm having a great Christmas all by myself. Kickass.

                   Okay, so I'm up here on Chasity's balcony. Time's about 10:05am. Let me see what time the next 534 comes. Let me pull out the schedule. Okay, so the bus comes at 10:34am, so I've got some time. I can smoke another cigarette. Oh yeah, I was listening to my CD player and I popped in this Fat Wreck Chords compilation that I never listened to, that I found with all my shit that was in the U-Haul. The title of the CD is Live Fat, Die Young and it has this cool picture of a fat guy bungee jumping off a bridge and you can see the rope snapped. Hehe, live fat and die young. I should put that in my quotes because that's true. If you live fat, you'll die young. If you walk and you're not fat, you live longer. Oh yeah, and I was listening to one song, I'm not sure what band it is, but once I have my webpage up and have my section of "lyrics to music that reinforces my thinking" I'll have this song on there. It goes, "Why must we riot? Why must we protest? Just to be the world?" That's a good quote right there. Oh wait, I got the thing with the songs and lyrics.
                   The name of the band is Antiflag, I think. Seattle Was a Riot is the name of the song. By Justin Sane? I don't know what band that is, but Justin Sane wrote the song. Uhh, wait, I get it, just insane, hehe. Here, I found some lyrics: Seattle was a riot, they tried to pin on us, but we didn't show up with gas and billy clubs, and unarmed mass of thousands, just trying to be heard, but there are no world leaders that want to hear our words. World banks greed and lies, dig graves in third world lands, and fills them with the remains of exploited workers, or displaced native people and destroyed ecosystems, under the something of progress, relief and check assistance. Since the dawn of history, the few who own control, had bent and rewrote history, had they wanted it to go, they try to control what we learn and take away our rights, because when the masses around the world unite, that's a force they cannot fight! That's my song.

                   Okay, now the time is about 10:37am. I'm out here waiting for the bus. Before I walked out here, still while I was on Chasity's balcony, I got to thinking. Hmm, I wanna surprise Chasity because she thinks she's not getting a present from me, so I'm going to write her a note somewhere. I looked for a piece of paper on her balcony but found none. I got this idea. There was a broom laying out there and I had my Sharpie marker. I wrote her a note on the broomstick. I wrote it at an angle where it'll stand out when she walks out there. I wrote, "I BROUGHT YOUR PRESENT. I AM A MAN OF MY WORD. MERRY CHRISTMAS, CHASITY. I LOVE YOU." And I signed it Victor. So shouldn't she be surprised when she goes out there and finds her Christmas present she thought she wasn't going to get? Her favorite movie in the world. Sweet.

                   Okay, time is about 11am right now. I'm on the 90, heading towards 410 where I'll catch the looper to Bandera. I was hoping the 87, which goes up Bandera to the grocery store, ran on Sunday, but I checked the schedule and it does not. So I might have to call my mom from maybe the Jim's across the highway and see if she'll come pick me up. Oh wait, everything's closed today. I don't know where I'll call her from. Oh yeah, good thing I got some change off the bus driver. Good 'ol Mr. Berumen. Umm, hopefully my mom will come pick me up. If not, I'll just walk.

                   Time is now 11:20am. I'm waiting on the access road over by Babcock and 410 waiting for the 550 looper bus which leaves Crossroads mall at 11:35am and its 11:20am right now, so I got maybe like 20 minutes left. I was just standing here and I looked down on the bench and someone had scraped in "freedom!" a long time ago. Above it, it says, "evolution" or it might say "revolution" but the r is gone. That's crazy. The graffiti on the bus bench is what I'm all about, freedom and evolution. Wow, what a coinkidink.

                   Sweet. The time is about five till noon and I'm over here at the Bandera Park and Ride. I called my mom's house with the money Mr. Berumen volunteered me. I let it ring like 4 times until I could hear the answering machine(which doesn't work) come on, and hung up real quick so I wouldn't lose the money. I did that like 4 times and no one ever answered. I was bummed out thinking I was going to have to walk all the way home. So I got to thinking who else I could call. I called my friend Carlos and Roberts's house. Tim, their new roommate answered the phone and I asked him if Carlos or Bob were there. He told me that Carlos was asleep and that he was on the other line with Bob. I told Tim I was at a payphone and it was kind of important. Tim told me to hold on while he told Bob something. He comes back and Tim tells me that Bob wanted to know if the payphone I was at said anywhere that it didn't accept incoming calls. I told him I didn't see a phone number on it and Tim said he already had the number on the Caller-ID. I told Tim I didn't want to take the chance because I didn't have any more change. Tim told me to hold on and eventually Carlos got on the phone. He was all tired, I had woken him up. I explained to him my situation and how no one was answering when I called my mom's, so I asked him if there was any possible way he could give me a ride. Carlos was a bit hesitant and said, "So your bitch-ass needs a ride?" I told him, "No, I don't need a ride. I could always walk, but one would be really nice. Hell, you could even just take me back to your house and I could walk home from there. I could just chill at your house until I could get a hold of my mom. You don't have to take me home or anything." I told Carlos that he could even take his time, that I would just chill out there and smoke some weed. Carlos told me he'd be here in thirty minutes, maybe sooner. So badass, I'm going to get a ride. Check me out tappin' my resources. I'm almost ready.

                   Okay, I'm at Carlos' now. Just then, I got the idea to call my old boss Chris. I had to talk to him before I left. I called him and we had a big conversation. He told me he was still all busy, even on Christmas. Now, I was thinking about that earlier. I fucking hate the fact that money is so evil that there's people who have to work on Christmas. There's business that stay open on Christmas because no one else will, and they want the money. How corrupt is that? People have to waste their holiday on work. Fuck that world.

                   Okay, the time is almost 2pm now. I came home and my mom wouldn't get off the phone. She had been crying all day trying to put a big guilt trip on me telling me things like, "I can't believe you're leaving." She got me some clothes for Christmas, some good layers which I will need. Oh yeah, she got me this really cool sweatshirt.
                   See, my mom is always looking at stupid cartoons on the Internet. One time she showed me one that was captioned, "The day the elves won the lottery." It had a picture of four or five elves with their pants down mooning Santa. I had told her that would be an awesome picture to put on a T-shirt. Well, she actually went out and did it and gave me a white sweatshirt with the cartoon on both sides. I was touched. I gave her a great big hug and a big kiss.

                   Alright, I'm going to go take a shower and do my laundry. I'm going to crash at Carlos', since he lives right next to I10. Later on.

                   Okay, the time now is 8:15pm and I am outta there. Out of my moms house. I got everything I needed. Now at the last minute, I saw that my mom had this little half bakcpack/half pull along thing with some wheels on it. The handle extended out and you pulled it behind you. I thought, "Hell, I'm going to take that. I don't care if she wants it." I took all the shit out of it. My mom had taken off to Houston to drop my little nephew off at my sister's. I don't care if she comes back and notices it missing. She can come hunt me down, hehe.
                   Anyway, I started walking. I was going to walk all the way to Carlos'. I had this backpack which I had found a while back filled up with tons of clothes and Two-Cal energy drinks. I had a total of 10, I think. I had that on my back, and my Adidas soccer-shoe bag, loaded as well, on my front. Then, I was walking down the street and realized I was too tall to pull the handled bag and it had backpack straps on, so I carried it on my right shoulder. So I was loaded as hell. I walked all the way down Braun Road to OP Schnabel Park. Man, what a great hike with all that stuff on my back. I then got the idea to go hang out at my hideout before I leave, then walk to Carlos'. So here I am at the hideout. I hiked all the way up here and I don't feel that bad.

Next day..

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