

                                                                                               Ventura to Santa Barbara, CA

Friday December 26, 2008

     3:00am  I forgot to tell you. About half an hour ago I woke up. I crashed around five thirty or six I think. So six to three, that’s about nine hours. I might stay up. Lorenzo came over last night around seven or so. I found my one-hitter.

     7:15am  I woke up again. I got plenty of sleep.

Up and at ‘em. I’m all packed up and gone from 700 East Main Street. I like that squat.

                    Me with my poncho.

Kyle was nice enough to let me borrow his cellphone to call my mom in front of the Starbucks.


Oh yeah, I walked over to the Mission Plaza and this guy John came up to me and asked me if I needed to score some weed. He told me Lorenzo had sent him. I said sure, so he called his dude and we walked to Olive Street by the Von’s. I’m going to wait for him here while he goes and get’s the weed.


     10:39am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I called my mom and it turns out that my brand new baby niece had a head injury. Maggie, the dog tripped Laura and she fell holding the baby and the baby hit her head. The skull didn’t crack and there’s no brain damage. That’s crazy. The Gruber head-injury curse.

                     Now that poor kid is going to have to hear that, “Were you dropped on your head as a baby,” line all her life, hehe.

     10:45am  John tried to, but he couldn’t get any weed. I waited for a while. While I was waiting I tried telling this Christian guy my story but he was all, “I need a beer before I can hear a story.” I told him forget it. I’m going to walk in front of Catholic Charities and see if there is anyone there. I don’t know if they feed today. I’m going to eat lunch and try to score some weed somehow. Then I’ll go to a college and start my typing.

     1:27pm  I got a hair up my ass to go to Santa Barbara. I want to see if there’s a college there I can type at. I came to the Vista bus stop at California and Santa Clara. The electronic display says it comes in 48 minutes. This weed I got was great. This pretty girl walked by and I hit her up for my story and she stopped and listened to it.

Joseph, that guy I just took a picture of at the bus stop, he listened to my whole story. In the end he volunteered me three bucks. Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps. Thanks for proving me right.


     2:10pm  I just got on the Vista bus to Santa Barbara. I’m putting on my show for Joseph.

     3:17pm  I just got off in Santa Barbara. I thought I was just going to go straight to the college, but I changed my mind because it’s Friday and State Street will be hopping. I’m going to get out there and spread the word. I just ran into Spooner, the guy who saw me in Berkeley a long time ago, and just recently in Ocean Beach. He was riding on the same bus I was. He got off the bus too and we’re going to walk to State Street.

     3:25pm  I came to the public library, but it’s closed today. This pretty girl outside let me borrow her laptop. Also, Valentine hooked me up with some chocolate milk.

     3:30pm  Zoey was the pretty girl's name who let me borrow her laptop in front of the library. I appreciate it, Zoey. Everybody gets credit.

     4:50pm  I had a good presentation with these two girls. I didn’t get their names.

     5:10pm  Aurora gave me a cigarette on State Street. I appreciate it, Aurora. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     6:28pm  I had a good presentation with this guy who wished me luck. He wouldn’t let me take his picture. Be afraid.

     7:47pm  I’ve just been standing on State Street all night long for hours and hours trying to tell people my story and pass out my website. This city is really ignorant. I’m just out here getting seen so people are going to remember me. I stick out. I don’t know where I’m going to camp. I think I’ve camped at the base of this tree close to the library, I think. I’m just going to walk and see where I end up.

I am already secure at my camp. I was stressing because I didn’t know where I was going to camp. I kind of remembered there being a tree in Santa Barbara where you can camp under. Sure enough, I ended up right there. It’s still there and still squattable. State Street is way ignorant right now. I came to Santa Barbara just to type. I’m not here to tell my story. I’m going to layer up and go to sleep.


Next day..

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